Name Description Size
SkAndroidCodec.h Abstract interface defining image codec functionality that is necessary for Android. 12210
SkAvifDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a AVIF image. 1175
SkBmpDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a BMP image. 1164
SkCodec.h Abstraction layer directly on top of an image codec. 42510
SkCodecAnimation.h This specifies how the next frame is based on this frame. Names are based on the GIF 89a spec. The numbers correspond to values in a GIF. 1631
SkEncodedImageFormat.h Enum describing format of encoded data. 520
SkEncodedOrigin.h Given an encoded origin and the width and height of the source data, returns a matrix that transforms the source rectangle with upper left corner at [0, 0] and origin to a correctly oriented destination rectangle of [0, 0, w, h]. 2483
SkGifDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a GIF image. 1164
SkIcoDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a ICO image. 1164
SkJpegDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a JPEG image. 1175
SkJpegxlDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a JPEGXL image. 1197
SkPixmapUtils.h Copy the pixels in src into dst, applying the orientation transformations specified by origin. If the inputs are invalid, this returns false and no copy is made. 847
SkPngChunkReader.h SkPngChunkReader Base class for optional callbacks to retrieve meta/chunk data out of a PNG encoded image as it is being decoded. Used by SkCodec. 1533
SkPngDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a PNG image. 1205
SkRawDecoder.h Attempts to decode the given bytes as a raw image. If the bytes are not a raw, returns nullptr. DecodeContext is ignored 1600
SkWbmpDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a WBMP image. 1175
SkWebpDecoder.h Returns true if this data claims to be a WEBP image. 1175