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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
<window title="XUL Custom Elements"
<title>XUL Custom Elements</title>
<script type="application/javascript">
var gXULDOMParser = new DOMParser();
function parseXULToFragment(str) {
let doc = gXULDOMParser.parseFromSafeString(`
// We use a range here so that we don't access the inner DOM elements from
// JavaScript before they are imported and inserted into a document.
let range = doc.createRange();
return range.extractContents();
class TestCustomElement extends XULElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "foo";
customElements.define("test-custom-element", TestCustomElement);
class TestWithoutDash extends XULElement { }
customElements.define("testwithoutdash", TestWithoutDash);
class TestWithoutDashExtended extends TestWithoutDash {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "quux";
customElements.define("testwithoutdash-extended", TestWithoutDashExtended, { extends: "testwithoutdash" });
class TestCustomBuiltInElement extends XULElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "baz";
TestCustomBuiltInElement, { extends: "axulelement" });
class TestPopupExtendElement extends XULPopupElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "quuz";
TestPopupExtendElement, { extends: "menupopup" });
class TestCustomElement3 extends XULElement { }
"test-custom-element-3", () => customElements.define("test-custom-element-3", TestCustomElement3));
function basicCustomElementCreate() {
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-custom-element");
ok(element.shadowRoot, "Shadow DOM works even with pref off");
is(element.textContent, "foo", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement");
let element2 = element.cloneNode(false);
is(element2.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have cloned the textContent");
is(element2.textContent, "foo", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element2 instanceof TestCustomElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement");
let element3 = new TestCustomElement();
is(element3.localName, "test-custom-element", "Should see the right tag");
is(element3.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have been inserted yet");
is(element3.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element3.textContent, "foo", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element3 instanceof TestCustomElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement");
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<test-custom-element />`));
let element4 = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
is(element4.localName, "test-custom-element", "Should see the right tag");
is(element4.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element4.textContent, "foo", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element4 instanceof TestCustomElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement");
function parserBasicElementUpgrade() {
let element = document.getElementById("element4");
is(element.textContent, "foo",
"Parser should have instantiated the custom element.");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement");
function tagNameWithoutDash() {
let element = document.getElementById("element5");
ok(element instanceof TestWithoutDash, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDash");
function upgradeAfterDefine() {
class TestCustomElement1 extends XULElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "bar";
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-custom-element-1");
ok(!(element instanceof TestCustomElement1), "Should not be an instance of TestCustomElement1");
customElements.define("test-custom-element-1", TestCustomElement1);
ok(!(element instanceof TestCustomElement1), "Should not be an instance of TestCustomElement1");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement1, "Should be upgraded to an instance of TestCustomElement1");
is(element.textContent, "bar", "Should have set the textContent");
function basicElementCreateBuiltIn() {
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "axulelement", { is: "test-built-in-element" });
ok(element instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement");
is(element.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element.textContent, "baz", "Should have set the textContent");
let element2 = element.cloneNode(false);
is(element2.localName, "axulelement", "Should see the right tag");
is(element2.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element2.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have cloned the textContent");
is(element2.textContent, "baz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element2 instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement");
let element3 = new TestCustomBuiltInElement();
is(element3.localName, "axulelement", "Should see the right tag");
is(element3.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have been inserted yet");
is(element3.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element3.textContent, "baz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element3 instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement");
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<axulelement is="test-built-in-element" />`))
let element4 = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
is(element4.localName, "axulelement", "Should see the right tag");
is(element4.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element4.textContent, "baz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element4 instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement");
function parserBasicElementUpgradeBuiltIn() {
let element = document.getElementById("element6");
is(element.textContent, "baz",
"Parser should have instantiated the custom element.");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement, "Should be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement");
function subclassElementCreateBuiltIn() {
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menupopup", { is: "test-popup-extend" });
ok(element instanceof TestPopupExtendElement, "Should be an instance of TestPopupExtendElement");
is(element.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element.textContent, "quuz", "Should have set the textContent");
let element2 = element.cloneNode(false);
is(element2.localName, "menupopup", "Should see the right tag");
is(element2.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element2.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have cloned the textContent");
is(element2.textContent, "quuz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element2 instanceof TestPopupExtendElement, "Should be an instance of TestPopupExtendElement");
let element3 = new TestPopupExtendElement();
is(element3.localName, "menupopup", "Should see the right tag");
is(element3.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have been inserted yet");
is(element3.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element3.textContent, "quuz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element3 instanceof TestPopupExtendElement, "Should be an instance of TestPopupExtendElement");
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<menupopup is="test-popup-extend" />`))
let element4 = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
is(element4.localName, "menupopup", "Should see the right tag");
is(element4.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element4.textContent, "quuz", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element4 instanceof TestPopupExtendElement, "Should be an instance of TestPopupExtendElement");
function parserSubclassElementUpgradeBuiltIn() {
let element = document.getElementById("element7");
is(element.textContent, "quuz",
"Parser should have instantiated the custom element.");
ok(element instanceof TestPopupExtendElement, "Should be an instance of TestPopupExtendElement");
function upgradeAfterDefineBuiltIn() {
class TestCustomBuiltInElement1 extends XULElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.textContent = "qux";
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "axulelement", { is: "test-built-in-element-1" });
ok(!(element instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement1), "Should not be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement1");
TestCustomBuiltInElement1, { extends: "axulelement" });
ok(!(element instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement1), "Should not be an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement1");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomBuiltInElement1, "Should be upgraded to an instance of TestCustomBuiltInElement1");
is(element.textContent, "qux", "Should have set the textContent");
function throwForInvalidBuiltInName() {
try {
// <axulelement is="testwithoutdashbuiltin" /> is not allowed;
// built-in type names need dashes.
"testwithoutdashbuiltin", class extends XULElement {}, { extends: "axulelement" });
ok(false, "Built-in type name without dash should be rejected.");
} catch (e) {
ok(true, "Built-in type name without dash is rejected.");
try {
// <test-built-in-element-2 is="test-custom-element-2" /> is not allowed;
// built-in type tag names forbid dashes
"test-built-in-element-2", class extends XULElement {}, { extends: "test-custom-element-2" });
ok(false, "Extending from a name with dash should be rejected.");
} catch (e) {
ok(true, "Extending from a name with dash is rejected.");
function extendingWithoutDashCustomElement() {
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "testwithoutdash", { is: "testwithoutdash-extended" });
ok(element instanceof TestWithoutDashExtended, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDashExtended");
ok(element instanceof TestWithoutDash, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDash");
is(element.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element.textContent, "quux", "Should have set the textContent");
let element2 = element.cloneNode(false);
is(element2.localName, "testwithoutdash", "Should see the right tag");
is(element2.getAttribute("is"), null, "The |is| attribute of the created element should not be the extended type.");
is(element2.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have cloned the textContent");
is(element2.textContent, "quux", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element2 instanceof TestWithoutDashExtended, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDashExtended");
ok(element2 instanceof TestWithoutDash, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDash");
let element3 = new TestWithoutDashExtended();
is(element3.localName, "testwithoutdash", "Should see the right tag");
is(element3.textContent, "", "Shouldn't have been inserted yet");
is(element3.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element3.textContent, "quux", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element3 instanceof TestWithoutDashExtended, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDashExtended");
ok(element3 instanceof TestWithoutDash, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDash");
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<testwithoutdash is="testwithoutdash-extended" />`))
let element4 = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
is(element4.localName, "testwithoutdash", "Should see the right tag");
is(element4.namespaceURI, XUL_NS, "Should have set the right namespace");
is(element4.textContent, "quux", "Should have set the textContent");
ok(element4 instanceof TestWithoutDashExtended, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDashExtended");
ok(element4 instanceof TestWithoutDash, "Should be an instance of TestWithoutDash");
function nonCustomElementCreate() {
// All of these should be created as plain XUL elements without hitting
// any assertions.
let elements = [
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "axulelement", { is: "test-custom-element" }),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "axulelement", { is: "testwithoutdash" }),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "axulelement", { is: "test-custom-element-1" }),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "name-with-dash", { is: "name-with-dash" }),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "name-with-dash", { is: "another-name-with-dash" }),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "testwithoutdash-extended"),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-built-in-element"),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-popup-extend"),
document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-built-in-element-1")];
for (let element of elements) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(element), XULElement.prototype,
`<${element.localName} is="${element.getAttribute("is")}" /> should not be a custom element.`);
function testSetElementCreationballbackInDocument() {
let element = document.getElementById("element8");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement3, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement3");
function setElementCreationCallbackCreate() {
class TestCustomElement4 extends XULElement {}
"test-custom-element-4", () => customElements.define("test-custom-element-4", TestCustomElement4));
let element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "test-custom-element-4");
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement4, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement4");
class TestCustomElement5 extends XULElement {}
"test-custom-element-5", () => {
ok(true, "test-custom-element-5 callback called");
customElements.define("test-custom-element-5", TestCustomElement5);
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<test-custom-element-5 />`));
let element1 = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
ok(element1 instanceof TestCustomElement5, "Should be an instance of TestCustomElement5");
function testSetElementCreationCallbackExistsBeforeCall() {
class TestCustomElement6 extends XULElement {}
document.querySelector("#content").appendChild(parseXULToFragment(`<test-custom-element-6 />`));
let element = document.querySelector("#content").lastChild;
ok(!(element instanceof TestCustomElement6), "Is not a TestCustomElement6 when DOM parsed");
() => customElements.define("test-custom-element-6", TestCustomElement6)
ok(element instanceof TestCustomElement6, "setElementCreationCallback called automatically to upgrade candidate component");
function runTest() {
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<test-custom-element id="element4" xmlns=""/>
<testwithoutdash id="element5" xmlns=""/>
<axulelement id="element6" is="test-built-in-element" xmlns=""/>
<menupopup id="element7" is="test-popup-extend" xmlns=""/>
<test-custom-element-3 id="element8" xmlns=""></test-custom-element-3>
<pre id="test"></pre>