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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// This file contains the generic CFPlug-in code necessary for TB Spotlight
// The actual importer is implemented in GetMetadataForFile.c
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFPlugInCOM.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define PLUGIN_ID "37401ADE-1058-42DB-BBE5-F2AAB9D7C13E"
// Below is the generic glue code for all plug-ins.
// You should not have to modify this code aside from changing
// names if you decide to change the names defined in the Info.plist
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// typedefs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The import function to be implemented in GetMetadataForFile.c
Boolean GetMetadataForFile(void* thisInterface,
CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes,
CFStringRef contentTypeUTI, CFStringRef pathToFile);
// The layout for an instance of MetaDataImporterPlugIn
typedef struct __MetadataImporterPluginType {
MDImporterInterfaceStruct* conduitInterface;
CFUUIDRef factoryID;
UInt32 refCount;
} MetadataImporterPluginType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// prototypes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declaration for the IUnknown implementation.
MetadataImporterPluginType* AllocMetadataImporterPluginType(
CFUUIDRef inFactoryID);
void DeallocMetadataImporterPluginType(
MetadataImporterPluginType* thisInstance);
HRESULT MetadataImporterQueryInterface(void* thisInstance, REFIID iid,
LPVOID* ppv);
void* MetadataImporterPluginFactory(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFUUIDRef typeID);
ULONG MetadataImporterPluginAddRef(void* thisInstance);
ULONG MetadataImporterPluginRelease(void* thisInstance);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// testInterfaceFtbl definition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The TestInterface function table.
static MDImporterInterfaceStruct testInterfaceFtbl = {
NULL, MetadataImporterQueryInterface, MetadataImporterPluginAddRef,
MetadataImporterPluginRelease, GetMetadataForFile};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AllocMetadataImporterPluginType
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility function that allocates a new instance.
// You can do some initial setup for the importer here if you wish
// like allocating globals etc...
MetadataImporterPluginType* AllocMetadataImporterPluginType(
CFUUIDRef inFactoryID) {
MetadataImporterPluginType* theNewInstance;
theNewInstance =
memset(theNewInstance, 0, sizeof(MetadataImporterPluginType));
/* Point to the function table */
theNewInstance->conduitInterface = &testInterfaceFtbl;
/* Retain and keep an open instance refcount for each factory. */
theNewInstance->factoryID = CFRetain(inFactoryID);
/* This function returns the IUnknown interface so set the refCount to one. */
theNewInstance->refCount = 1;
return theNewInstance;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeallocTBSpotlightMDImporterPluginType
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility function that deallocates the instance when
// the refCount goes to zero.
// In the current implementation importer interfaces are never deallocated
// but implement this as this might change in the future
void DeallocMetadataImporterPluginType(
MetadataImporterPluginType* thisInstance) {
CFUUIDRef theFactoryID;
theFactoryID = thisInstance->factoryID;
if (theFactoryID) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MetadataImporterQueryInterface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of the IUnknown QueryInterface function.
HRESULT MetadataImporterQueryInterface(void* thisInstance, REFIID iid,
LPVOID* ppv) {
CFUUIDRef interfaceID;
interfaceID = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, iid);
if (CFEqual(interfaceID, kMDImporterInterfaceID)) {
/* If the Right interface was requested, bump the ref count,
* set the ppv parameter equal to the instance, and
* return good status.
*ppv = thisInstance;
return S_OK;
} else {
if (CFEqual(interfaceID, IUnknownUUID)) {
/* If the IUnknown interface was requested, same as above. */
*ppv = thisInstance;
return S_OK;
} else {
/* Requested interface unknown, bail with error. */
*ppv = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MetadataImporterPluginAddRef
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of reference counting for this type. Whenever an interface
// is requested, bump the refCount for the instance. NOTE: returning the
// refcount is a convention but is not required so don't rely on it.
ULONG MetadataImporterPluginAddRef(void* thisInstance) {
((MetadataImporterPluginType*)thisInstance)->refCount += 1;
return ((MetadataImporterPluginType*)thisInstance)->refCount;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SampleCMPluginRelease
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When an interface is released, decrement the refCount.
// If the refCount goes to zero, deallocate the instance.
ULONG MetadataImporterPluginRelease(void* thisInstance) {
((MetadataImporterPluginType*)thisInstance)->refCount -= 1;
if (((MetadataImporterPluginType*)thisInstance)->refCount == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((MetadataImporterPluginType*)thisInstance)->refCount;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TBSpotlightMDImporterPluginFactory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of the factory function for this type.
void* MetadataImporterPluginFactory(CFAllocatorRef allocator,
CFUUIDRef typeID) {
MetadataImporterPluginType* result;
CFUUIDRef uuid;
/* If correct type is being requested, allocate an
* instance of TestType and return the IUnknown interface.
if (CFEqual(typeID, kMDImporterTypeID)) {
uuid = CFUUIDCreateFromString(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR(PLUGIN_ID));
result = AllocMetadataImporterPluginType(uuid);
return result;
/* If the requested type is incorrect, return NULL. */
return NULL;