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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { IMServices } from "resource:///modules/IMServices.sys.mjs";
import { l10nHelper } from "resource:///modules/imXPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "_", () =>
* @typedef {object} Command
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} helpString - Help message displayed when the user types
* /help <name>.
* Format: <command name> <parameters>: <help message>
* Example: "help &lt;name&gt;: show the help message for the &lt;name&gt;
* command, or the list of possible commands when used without
* parameter."
* @property {number} usageContext - Value should be one of
* CommandsService.COMMAND_CONTEXT.
* @property {number} priority - Any integer value is usable as a priority.
* 0 is the default priority. (CommandsService.COMMAND_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)
* < 0 is lower priority.
* > 0 is higher priority.
* Commands registered by protocol plugins will usually use
* @property {(aMessage: string, aConversation?: prplIConversation, aReturnedConv?: prplIConversation) => boolean} run -
* Will return true if the command handled the message (it should not be sent).
* The leading slash, the command name and the following space are not included
* in the aMessage parameter.
* If a conversation is returned as a result of executing the command,
* the caller should consider focusing it.
export class CommandsService {
COMMAND_CONTEXT = Object.freeze({
IM: 1,
CHAT: 2,
ALL: 1 | 2,
COMMAND_PRIORITY = Object.freeze({
LOW: -1000,
PRPL: 1000,
HIGH: 4000,
initCommands() {
this._commands = {};
// The say command is directly implemented in the UI layer, but has a
// dummy command registered here so it shows up as a command (e.g. when
// using the /help command).
name: "say",
get helpString() {
return lazy._("sayHelpString");
usageContext: this.COMMAND_CONTEXT.ALL,
run() {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
name: "raw",
get helpString() {
return lazy._("rawHelpString");
usageContext: this.COMMAND_CONTEXT.ALL,
run(aMsg, aConv) {
const conv = IMServices.conversations.getUIConversation(aConv);
if (!conv) {
return false;
return true;
// Reference the command service so we can use the internal properties
// directly.
cmdSrv: this,
name: "help",
get helpString() {
return lazy._("helpHelpString");
usageContext: this.COMMAND_CONTEXT.ALL,
run(aMsg, aConv) {
aMsg = aMsg.trim();
const conv = IMServices.conversations.getUIConversation(aConv);
if (!conv) {
return false;
// Handle when no command is given, list all possible commands that are
// available for this conversation (alphabetically).
if (!aMsg) {
const commands = this.cmdSrv.listCommandsForConversation(aConv);
if (!commands.length) {
return false;
// Concatenate the command names (separated by a comma and space).
const cmds = commands
.map(aCmd =>
.join(", ");
const message = lazy._("commands", cmds);
// Display the message
return true;
// A command name was given, find the commands that match.
const cmdArray = this.cmdSrv._findCommands(aConv, aMsg);
if (!cmdArray.length) {
// No command that matches.
const message = lazy._("noCommand", aMsg);
return true;
// Only show the help for the one of the highest priority.
const cmd = cmdArray[0];
let text = cmd.helpString;
if (!text) {
text = lazy._("noHelp",;
// Display the message.
return true;
// Status commands
const status = {
back: "AVAILABLE",
away: "AWAY",
offline: "OFFLINE",
for (const cmd in status) {
const statusValue = Ci.imIStatusInfo["STATUS_" + status[cmd]];
name: cmd,
get helpString() {
return lazy._("statusCommand",, lazy._(;
usageContext: this.COMMAND_CONTEXT.ALL,
run(aMsg) {
IMServices.core.globalUserStatus.setStatus(statusValue, aMsg);
return true;
unInitCommands() {
delete this._commands;
* Commands registered without a protocol id will work for all protocols.
* Registering several commands of the same name with the same
* protocol id or no protocol id will replace the former command
* with the latter.
* @param {Command} aCommand
* @param {string} [aPrplId]
registerCommand(aCommand, aPrplId) {
const name =;
if (!name) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
if (!this._commands.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
this._commands[name] = {};
this._commands[name][aPrplId || ""] = aCommand;
* aPrplId should be the same as what was used for the command registration.
* @param {string} aCommandName
* @param {string} [aPrplId]
unregisterCommand(aCommandName, aPrplId) {
if (this._commands.hasOwnProperty(aCommandName)) {
const prplId = aPrplId || "";
const commands = this._commands[aCommandName];
if (commands.hasOwnProperty(prplId)) {
delete commands[prplId];
if (!Object.keys(commands).length) {
delete this._commands[aCommandName];
* @param {prplIConversation} [aConversation]
* @returns {Command[]}
listCommandsForConversation(aConversation) {
let result = [];
const prplId = aConversation &&;
for (const name in this._commands) {
const commands = this._commands[name];
if (commands.hasOwnProperty("")) {
if (prplId && commands.hasOwnProperty(prplId)) {
if (aConversation) {
result = result.filter(this._usageContextFilter(aConversation));
return result;
* List only the commands for a protocol (excluding the global commands).
* @param {string} aPrplId
* @returns {Command[]}
listCommandsForProtocol(aPrplId) {
if (!aPrplId) {
throw new Error("You must provide a prpl ID.");
const result = [];
for (const name in this._commands) {
const commands = this._commands[name];
if (commands.hasOwnProperty(aPrplId)) {
return result;
_usageContextFilter(aConversation) {
const usageContext =
this.COMMAND_CONTEXT[aConversation.isChat ? "CHAT" : "IM"];
return c => c.usageContext & usageContext;
_findCommands(aConversation, aName) {
let prplId = null;
if (aConversation) {
const account = aConversation.account;
if (account.connected) {
prplId =;
let commandNames;
// If there is an exact match for the given command name,
// don't look at any other commands.
if (this._commands.hasOwnProperty(aName)) {
commandNames = [aName];
} else {
// Otherwise, check if there is a partial match.
commandNames = Object.keys(this._commands).filter(command =>
// If a single full command name matches the given (partial)
// command name, return the results for that command name. Otherwise,
// return an empty array (don't assume a certain command).
let cmdArray = [];
for (const commandName of commandNames) {
let matches = [];
// Get the 2 possible commands (the global and the proto specific).
const commands = this._commands[commandName];
if (commands.hasOwnProperty("")) {
if (prplId && commands.hasOwnProperty(prplId)) {
// Remove the commands that can't apply in this context.
if (aConversation) {
matches = matches.filter(this._usageContextFilter(aConversation));
if (!matches.length) {
// If we have found a second matching command name, return the empty array.
if (cmdArray.length) {
return [];
cmdArray = matches;
// Sort the matching commands by priority before returning the array.
return cmdArray.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);
* Will return true if a command handled the message (it should not be sent).
* The aConversation parameters is required to execute protocol specific
* commands. Application global commands will work without it.
* If a conversation is returned as a result of executing the command,
* the caller should consider focusing it.
* @param {string} aMessage
* @param {prplIConversation} [aConversation]
* @param {prplIConversation} [aReturnedConv]
* @returns {boolean}
executeCommand(aMessage, aConversation, aReturnedConv) {
if (!aMessage) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
let matchResult;
if (
aMessage[0] != "/" ||
!(matchResult = /^\/([a-z0-9]+)(?: |$)([\s\S]*)/.exec(aMessage))
) {
return false;
const [, name, args] = matchResult;
const cmdArray = this._findCommands(aConversation, name);
if (!cmdArray.length) {
return false;
// cmdArray contains commands sorted by priority, attempt to apply
// them in order until one succeeds.
if (!cmdArray.some(aCmd =>, aConversation, aReturnedConv))) {
// If they all failed, print help message.
this.executeCommand("/help " + name, aConversation);
return true;
export const cmd = new CommandsService();