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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { Assert } from "resource://testing-common/Assert.sys.mjs";
import { TestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs";
import { BrowserTestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs";
import {
import { CalDateTime } from "resource:///modules/CalDateTime.sys.mjs";
import { setTimeout } from "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs";
function sleep(window, time = 0) {
return new Promise(resolve => window.setTimeout(resolve, time));
var dateFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { dateStyle: "short" });
var dateTimeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short",
timeZone: "UTC",
var timeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
timeStyle: "short",
timeZone: "UTC",
* Formats a date for input in a datepicker. Don't use cal.dtz.formatter methods
* for this as they use the application locale but datepicker uses the OS locale.
* @param {calIDateTime} date
* @returns {string}
export function formatDate(date) {
if (date.isDate) {
return dateFormatter.format(cal.dtz.dateTimeToJsDate(date));
return dateTimeFormatter.format(cal.dtz.dateTimeToJsDate(date));
* Formats a time for input in a timepicker. Don't use cal.dtz.formatter methods
* for this as they use the application locale but timepicker uses the OS locale.
* @param {calIDateTime} time
* @returns {string}
export function formatTime(time) {
return timeFormatter.format(cal.dtz.dateTimeToJsDate(time));
* @callback dialogCallback
* @param {Window} - The calendar-event-dialog-recurrence.xhtml dialog.
* Helper function to enter event/task dialog data.
* @param {Window} dialogWindow - Item dialog outer window.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - Item dialog inner iframe.
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.title - Item title.
* @param {string} data.location - Item location.
* @param {string} data.description - Item description.
* @param {string[]} data.categories - Category names to set - leave empty to clear.
* @param {string} data.calendar - ID of the calendar the item should be in.
* @param {boolean} data.allday
* @param {calIDateTime} data.startdate
* @param {calIDateTime} data.starttime
* @param {calIDateTime} data.enddate
* @param {calIDateTime} data.endtime
* @param {boolean} data.timezonedisplay - false for hidden, true for shown.
* @param {string} data.timezone - String identifying the timezone.
* @param {string|dialogCallback} data.repeat - Recurrence value, one of
* none/daily/weekly/every.weekday/bi.weekly/monthly/yearly or a callback function to set a
* custom value.
* @param {calIDateTime} data.repeatuntil
* @param {string} data.reminder -
* none/0minutes/5minutes/15minutes/30minutes/1hour/2hours/12hours/1day/2days/1week
* (Custom is not supported.)
* @param {string} data.priority - none/low/normal/high
* @param {string} data.privacy - public/confidential/private
* @param {string} data.status - none/tentative/confirmed/canceled for events
* none/needs-action/in-process/completed/cancelled for tasks
* @param {calIDateTime} data.completed - Completion date (tasks only)
* @param {string} data.percent - Percentage complete (tasks only)
* @param {string} data.freebusy - free/busy
* @param {string} data.attachment.add - URL to add
* @param {string} data.attachment.remove - Label of url to remove. (without http://)
* @param {string} data.attendees.add - Email of attendees to add, comma separated.
* @param {string} data.attendees.remove - Email of attendees to remove, comma separated.
export async function setData(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, data) {
function replaceText(input, text) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, {}, iframeWindow);
synthesizeKey("a", { accelKey: true }, iframeWindow);
sendString(text, iframeWindow);
const dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
const isEvent = iframeWindow.calendarItem.isEvent();
const startPicker = iframeDocument.getElementById(isEvent ? "event-starttime" : "todo-entrydate");
const endPicker = iframeDocument.getElementById(isEvent ? "event-endtime" : "todo-duedate");
const startdateInput = startPicker._datepicker._inputField;
const enddateInput = endPicker._datepicker._inputField;
const starttimeInput = startPicker._timepicker._inputField;
const endtimeInput = endPicker._timepicker._inputField;
const completeddateInput = iframeDocument.getElementById("completed-date-picker")._inputField;
const untilDateInput = iframeDocument.getElementById("repeat-until-datepicker")._inputField;
// Wait for input elements' values to be populated.
await sleep(iframeWindow, 500);
// title
if (data.title !== undefined) {
const titleInput = iframeDocument.getElementById("item-title");
replaceText(titleInput, data.title);
// location
if (data.location !== undefined) {
const locationInput = iframeDocument.getElementById("item-location");
replaceText(locationInput, data.location);
// categories
if (data.categories !== undefined) {
await setCategories(iframeWindow, data.categories);
await sleep(iframeWindow);
// calendar
if (data.calendar !== undefined) {
await menulistSelect(iframeDocument.getElementById("item-calendar"), data.calendar);
await sleep(iframeWindow);
// all-day
if (data.allday !== undefined && isEvent) {
const checkbox = iframeDocument.getElementById("event-all-day");
if (checkbox.checked != data.allday) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(checkbox, {}, iframeWindow);
// timezonedisplay
if (data.timezonedisplay !== undefined) {
const menuitem = dialogDocument.getElementById("options-timezones-menuitem");
if (menuitem.getAttribute("checked") != data.timezonedisplay) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menuitem, {}, iframeWindow);
// timezone
if (data.timezone !== undefined) {
await setTimezone(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, data.timezone);
// startdate
if (
data.startdate !== undefined &&
(data.startdate instanceof CalDateTime || data.startdate instanceof Ci.calIDateTime)
) {
const startdate = formatDate(data.startdate);
if (!isEvent) {
const checkbox = iframeDocument.getElementById("todo-has-entrydate");
if (!checkbox.checked) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(checkbox, {}, iframeWindow);
replaceText(startdateInput, startdate);
// starttime
if (
data.starttime !== undefined &&
(data.starttime instanceof CalDateTime || data.starttime instanceof Ci.calIDateTime)
) {
const starttime = formatTime(data.starttime);
replaceText(starttimeInput, starttime);
await sleep(iframeWindow);
// enddate
if (
data.enddate !== undefined &&
(data.enddate instanceof CalDateTime || data.enddate instanceof Ci.calIDateTime)
) {
const enddate = formatDate(data.enddate);
if (!isEvent) {
const checkbox = iframeDocument.getElementById("todo-has-duedate");
if (!checkbox.checked) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(checkbox, {}, iframeWindow);
replaceText(enddateInput, enddate);
// endtime
if (
data.endtime !== undefined &&
(data.endtime instanceof CalDateTime || data.endtime instanceof Ci.calIDateTime)
) {
const endtime = formatTime(data.endtime);
replaceText(endtimeInput, endtime);
// recurrence
if (data.repeat !== undefined) {
if (typeof data.repeat == "function") {
const repeatWindowPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog(
async callback(recurrenceWindow) {, undefined, undefined, "Recurrence dialog opened");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => Services.focus.activeWindow == recurrenceWindow,
"recurrence dialog active"
await new Promise(resolve => recurrenceWindow.setTimeout(resolve, 500));
await data.repeat(recurrenceWindow);
await Promise.all([
menulistSelect(iframeDocument.getElementById("item-repeat"), "custom"),
]);, undefined, undefined, "Recurrence dialog closed");
} else {
await menulistSelect(iframeDocument.getElementById("item-repeat"), data.repeat);
if (
data.repeatuntil !== undefined &&
(data.repeatuntil instanceof CalDateTime || data.repeatuntil instanceof Ci.calIDateTime)
) {
// Only fill in date, when the Datepicker is visible.
if (!iframeDocument.getElementById("repeat-untilDate").hidden) {
const untildate = formatDate(data.repeatuntil);
replaceText(untilDateInput, untildate);
// reminder
if (data.reminder !== undefined) {
await setReminderMenulist(iframeWindow, data.reminder);
// priority
if (data.priority !== undefined) {
// privacy
if (data.privacy !== undefined) {
const button = dialogDocument.getElementById("button-privacy");
const shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(button, "popupshown");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, dialogWindow);
await shownPromise;
const hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(button, "popuphidden");
await hiddenPromise;
await sleep(iframeWindow);
// status
if (data.status !== undefined) {
if (isEvent) {
} else {
await menulistSelect(iframeDocument.getElementById("todo-status"), data.status.toUpperCase());
const currentStatus = iframeDocument.getElementById("todo-status").value;
// completed on
if (
data.completed !== undefined &&
(data.completed instanceof CalDateTime || data.completed instanceof Ci.calIDateTime) &&
) {
const completeddate = formatDate(data.completed);
if (currentStatus == "COMPLETED") {
replaceText(completeddateInput, completeddate);
// percent complete
if (
data.percent !== undefined &&
(currentStatus == "NEEDS-ACTION" ||
currentStatus == "IN-PROCESS" ||
currentStatus == "COMPLETED")
) {
const percentCompleteInput = iframeDocument.getElementById("percent-complete-textbox");
replaceText(percentCompleteInput, data.percent);
// free/busy
if (data.freebusy !== undefined) {
// description
if (data.description !== undefined) {
const descField = iframeDocument.getElementById("item-description");
replaceText(descField, data.description);
// attachment
if (data.attachment !== undefined) {
if (data.attachment.add !== undefined) {
await handleAddingAttachment(dialogWindow, data.attachment.add);
if (data.attachment.remove !== undefined) {
const attachmentBox = iframeDocument.getElementById("attachment-link");
const attachments = attachmentBox.children;
for (const attachment of attachments) {
if (attachment.tooltipText.includes(data.attachment.remove)) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(attachment, {}, iframeWindow);
synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, dialogWindow);
// attendees
if (data.attendees !== undefined) {
// Display attendees Tab.
// Make sure no notifications are sent, since handling this dialog is
// not working when deleting a parent of a recurring event.
const attendeeCheckbox = iframeDocument.getElementById("notify-attendees-checkbox");
if (!attendeeCheckbox.disabled && attendeeCheckbox.checked) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(attendeeCheckbox, {}, iframeWindow);
// add
if (data.attendees.add !== undefined) {
await addAttendees(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, data.attendees.add);
// delete
if (data.attendees.remove !== undefined) {
await deleteAttendees(iframeWindow, data.attendees.remove);
await sleep(iframeWindow);
* Closes an event dialog window, saving the event.
* @param {Window} dialogWindow
export async function saveAndCloseItemDialog(dialogWindow) {
const dialogClosing = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowClosed(dialogWindow);
await dialogClosing;, undefined, undefined, "Item dialog closed");
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
* Closes an event dialog window, discarding any changes.
* @param {Window} dialogWindow
export function cancelItemDialog(dialogWindow) {
synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}, dialogWindow);
* Select an item in the reminder menulist.
* Custom reminders are not supported.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - The event dialog iframe.
* @param {string} id - Identifying string of menuitem id.
async function setReminderMenulist(iframeWindow, id) {
const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
const menulist = iframeDocument.querySelector(".item-alarm");
const menuitem = iframeDocument.getElementById(`reminder-${id}-menuitem`);
Assert.ok(menulist, `<menulist id=${}> exists`);
Assert.ok(menuitem, `<menuitem id=${id}> exists`);
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menulist, {}, iframeWindow);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menulist, "popupshown");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menuitem, {}, iframeWindow);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menulist, "popuphidden");
await sleep(iframeWindow);
* Set the categories in the event-dialog menulist-panel.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - The event dialog iframe.
* @param {string[]} categories - Category names to set - leave empty to clear.
async function setCategories(iframeWindow, categories) {
const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
const menulist = iframeDocument.getElementById("item-categories");
const menupopup = iframeDocument.getElementById("item-categories-popup");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menulist, {}, iframeWindow);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menupopup, "popupshown");
// Iterate over categories and check if needed.
for (const item of menupopup.children) {
if (categories.includes(item.label)) {
item.setAttribute("checked", "true");
} else {
const hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menupopup, "popuphidden");
await hiddenPromise;
* Add an URL attachment.
* @param {Window} dialogWindow - The event dialog.
* @param {string} url - URL to be added.
async function handleAddingAttachment(dialogWindow, url) {
const dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
const attachButton = dialogDocument.querySelector("#button-url");
const menu = dialogDocument.querySelector("#button-attach-menupopup");
const menuShowing = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menu, "popupshown");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(attachButton, {}, dialogWindow);
await menuShowing;
const dialogPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog(undefined, undefined, {
async callback(attachmentWindow) {, undefined, undefined, "Attachment dialog opened");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => Services.focus.activeWindow == attachmentWindow,
"attachment dialog active"
const attachmentDocument = attachmentWindow.document;
attachmentDocument.getElementById("loginTextbox").value = url;
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(dialogDocument.querySelector("#button-attach-url"), {}, dialogWindow);
await dialogPromise;, undefined, undefined, "Attachment dialog closed");
await sleep(dialogWindow);
* Add attendees to the event.
* @param {Window} dialogWindow - The event dialog.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - The event dialog iframe.
* @param {string} attendeesString - Comma separated list of email-addresses to add.
async function addAttendees(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, attendeesString) {
const dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
const attendees = attendeesString.split(",");
for (const attendee of attendees) {
const calAttendee = iframeWindow.attendees.find(aAtt => == `mailto:${attendee}`);
// Only add if not already present.
if (!calAttendee) {
const dialogPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog(
async callback(attendeesWindow) {, undefined, undefined, "Attendees dialog opened");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => Services.focus.activeWindow == attendeesWindow,
"attendees dialog active"
const attendeesDocument = attendeesWindow.document;
Assert.equal(attendeesDocument.activeElement.localName, "input");
"active input value should be empty"
sendString(attendee, attendeesWindow);, undefined, undefined, `Sent attendee ${attendee}`);
// Windows needs the focus() call here.
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(dialogDocument.getElementById("button-attendees"), {}, dialogWindow);
await dialogPromise;, undefined, undefined, "Attendees dialog closed");
await sleep(iframeWindow);
* Delete attendees from the event.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - The event dialog iframe.
* @param {string} attendeesString - Comma separated list of email-addresses to delete.
async function deleteAttendees(iframeWindow, attendeesString) {
const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
const menupopup = iframeDocument.getElementById("attendee-popup");
// Now delete the attendees.
const attendees = attendeesString.split(",");
for (const attendee of attendees) {
const attendeeToDelete = iframeDocument.querySelector(
`.attendee-list [attendeeid="mailto:${attendee}"]`
if (attendeeToDelete) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(attendeeToDelete, { type: "contextmenu" }, iframeWindow);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menupopup, "popupshown");
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menupopup, "popuphidden");
await sleep(iframeWindow);
* Set the timezone for the item
* @param {Window} dialogWindow - The event dialog.
* @param {Window} iframeWindow - The event dialog iframe.
* @param {string} timezone - String identifying the timezone.
async function setTimezone(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, timezone) {
const dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
const menuitem = dialogDocument.getElementById("options-timezones-menuitem");
const label = iframeDocument.getElementById("timezone-starttime");
const menupopup = iframeDocument.getElementById("timezone-popup");
const customMenuitem = iframeDocument.getElementById("timezone-custom-menuitem");
if (!BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(label)) {;
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(label),
"Timezone label should become visible"
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => !label.disabled, "Tiemzone label should become enabled");
const shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menupopup, "popupshown");
const dialogPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog(
async callback(timezoneWindow) {, undefined, undefined, "Timezone dialog opened");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => Services.focus.activeWindow == timezoneWindow,
"timezone dialog active"
const timezoneDocument = timezoneWindow.document;
const timezoneMenulist = timezoneDocument.getElementById("timezone-menulist");
const timezoneMenuitem = timezoneMenulist.querySelector(`[value="${timezone}"]`);
const popupshown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(timezoneMenulist, "popupshown");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(timezoneMenulist, {}, timezoneWindow);
await popupshown;
const popuphidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(timezoneMenulist, "popuphidden");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(timezoneMenuitem, {}, timezoneWindow);
await popuphidden;
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(label, {}, iframeWindow);
await shownPromise;
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(customMenuitem, {}, iframeWindow);
await dialogPromise;, undefined, undefined, "Timezone dialog closed");
await new Promise(resolve => iframeWindow.setTimeout(resolve, 500));
* Selects an item from a menulist.
* @param {Element} menulist
* @param {string} value
export async function menulistSelect(menulist, value) {
const win = menulist.ownerGlobal;
Assert.ok(menulist, `<menulist id=${}> exists`);
const menuitem = menulist.querySelector(`menupopup > menuitem[value='${value}']`);
Assert.ok(menuitem, `<menuitem value=${value}> exists`);
const shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menulist, "popupshown");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menulist, {}, win);
await shownPromise;
const hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menulist, "popuphidden");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menuitem, {}, win);
await hiddenPromise;
await new Promise(resolve => win.setTimeout(resolve));
Assert.equal(menulist.value, value);