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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { MailServices } from "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs";
* Helpers and base class for calendar providers
// NOTE: This module should not be loaded directly, it is available when
// including calUtils.sys.mjs under the cal.provider namespace.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
export var provider = {
* Prepare HTTP channel with standard request headers and upload data/content-type if needed.
* @param {nsIURI} aUri - The channel URI, only used for a new channel.
* @param {nsIInputStream | string} aUploadData - Data to be uploaded, if any. If a string,
* it will be converted to an nsIInputStream.
* @param {string} aContentType - Value for Content-Type header, if any.
* @param {nsIInterfaceRequestor} aNotificationCallbacks - Typically a CalDavRequestBase which
* implements nsIInterfaceRequestor and nsIChannelEventSink, and provides access to the
* calICalendar associated with the channel.
* @param {nsIChannel} [aExistingChannel] - An existing channel to modify (optional).
* @param {boolean} [aForceNewAuth=false] - If true, use a new user context to avoid cached
* authentication (see code comments). Optional, ignored if aExistingChannel is passed.
* @returns {nsIChannel} - The prepared channel.
aExistingChannel = null,
aForceNewAuth = false
) {
const originAttributes = {};
// The current nsIHttpChannel implementation separates connections only
// by hosts, which causes issues with cookies and password caching for
// two or more simultaneous connections to the same host and different
// authenticated users. This can be solved by providing the additional
// userContextId, which also separates connections (a.k.a. containers).
// Connections for userA @ server1 and userA @ server2 can exist in the
// same container, as nsIHttpChannel will separate them. Connections
// for userA @ server1 and userB @ server1 however must be placed into
// different containers. It is therefore sufficient to add individual
// userContextIds per username.
if (aForceNewAuth) {
// A random "username" that won't be the same as any existing one.
// The value is not used for any other reason, so a UUID will do.
originAttributes.userContextId =
} else if (!aExistingChannel) {
try {
// Use a try/catch because there may not be a calICalendar interface.
// For example, when there is no calendar associated with a request,
// as in calendar detection.
const calendar = aNotificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.calICalendar);
if (calendar && calendar.getProperty("capabilities.username.supported") === true) {
originAttributes.userContextId =
} catch (e) {
if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE) {
throw e;
// We cannot use a system principal here since the connection setup will fail if
// same-site cookie protection is enabled in TB and server-side.
const principal = aExistingChannel
? null
: Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(aUri, originAttributes);
const channel =
aExistingChannel ||
let httpchannel = channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
httpchannel.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/xml", false);
httpchannel.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8,*;q=0.1", false);
httpchannel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
httpchannel.notificationCallbacks = aNotificationCallbacks;
if (aUploadData) {
httpchannel = httpchannel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUploadChannel);
let stream;
if (aUploadData instanceof Ci.nsIInputStream) {
// Make sure the stream is reset
stream = aUploadData.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISeekableStream);, 0);
} else {
// Otherwise its something that should be a string, convert it.
stream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
stream.setUTF8Data(aUploadData, aUploadData.length);
httpchannel.setUploadStream(stream, aContentType, -1);
return httpchannel;
* Send prepared HTTP request asynchronously
* @param {nsIStreamLoader} aStreamLoader - Stream loader for request
* @param {nsIChannel} aChannel - Channel for request
* @param {nsIStreamLoaderObserver} aListener - Listener for method completion
sendHttpRequest(aStreamLoader, aChannel, aListener) {
* Shortcut to create an nsIStreamLoader
* @returns {nsIStreamLoader} A fresh streamloader
createStreamLoader() {
return Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStreamLoader);
* getInterface method for providers. This should be called in the context of
* the respective provider, i.e
* return cal.provider.InterfaceRequestor_getInterface.apply(this, arguments);
* or
* ...
* getInterface: cal.provider.InterfaceRequestor_getInterface,
* ...
* NOTE: If the server only provides one realm for all calendars, be sure that
* the |this| object implements calICalendar. In this case the calendar name
* will be appended to the realm. If you need that feature disabled, see the
* capabilities section of calICalendar.idl
* @param {nsIIDRef} aIID - The interface ID to return
* @returns {nsISupports} The requested interface
InterfaceRequestor_getInterface(aIID) {
try {
return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
} catch (e) {
// Support Auth Prompt Interfaces
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2)) {
if (!this.calAuthPrompt) {
this.calAuthPrompt = new;
return this.calAuthPrompt;
} else if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPromptProvider) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsIPrompt)) {
return Services.ww.getNewPrompter(null);
throw e;
* Bad Certificate Handler for Network Requests. Shows the Network Exception
* Dialog if a certificate Problem occurs.
BadCertHandler: class {
* @param {calICalendar} [calendar] - A calendar associated with the request, may be null.
constructor(calendar) {
this.calendar = calendar;
this.timer = null;
notifyCertProblem(secInfo, targetSite) {
// Unfortunately we can't pass js objects using the window watcher, so
// we'll just take the first available calendar window. We also need to
// do this on a timer so that the modal window doesn't block the
// network request.
const calWindow =;
const timerCallback = {
calendar: this.calendar,
notify() {
const params = {
exceptionAdded: false,
securityInfo: secInfo,
prefetchCert: true,
location: targetSite,
if (this.calendar && this.calendar.canRefresh && params.exceptionAdded) {
// Refresh the calendar if the exception certificate was added
this.timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
this.timer.initWithCallback(timerCallback, 0, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
return true;
* Check for bad server certificates on SSL/TLS connections.
* @param {nsIRequest} request - request from the Stream loader.
* @param {number} status - A Components.results result.
* @param {calICalendar} [calendar] - A calendar associated with the request, may be null.
checkBadCertStatus(request, status, calendar) {
const nssErrorsService = Cc[";1"].getService(
let isCertError = false;
try {
const errorType = nssErrorsService.getErrorClass(status);
if (errorType == Ci.nsINSSErrorsService.ERROR_CLASS_BAD_CERT) {
isCertError = true;
} catch (e) {
// nsINSSErrorsService.getErrorClass throws if given a non-TLS, non-cert error, so ignore this.
if (isCertError && request.securityInfo) {
const secInfo = request.securityInfo.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITransportSecurityInfo);
const badCertHandler = new provider.BadCertHandler(calendar);
badCertHandler.notifyCertProblem(secInfo, request.originalURI.displayHostPort);
* Freebusy interval implementation. All parameters are optional.
* @param aCalId The calendar id to set up with.
* @param aFreeBusyType The type from calIFreeBusyInterval.
* @param aStart The start of the interval.
* @param aEnd The end of the interval.
* @returns The fresh calIFreeBusyInterval.
FreeBusyInterval: class {
QueryInterface() {
return ChromeUtils.generateQI(["calIFreeBusyInterval"]);
constructor(aCalId, aFreeBusyType, aStart, aEnd) {
this.calId = aCalId;
this.interval = new lazy.CalPeriod();
this.interval.start = aStart;
this.interval.end = aEnd;
this.freeBusyType = aFreeBusyType || Ci.calIFreeBusyInterval.UNKNOWN;
* Gets the iTIP/iMIP transport if the passed calendar has configured email.
* @param {calICalendar} aCalendar - The calendar to get the transport for
* @returns {?calIItipTransport} The email transport, or null if no identity configured
getImipTransport(aCalendar) {
// assure an identity is configured for the calendar
if (aCalendar && aCalendar.getProperty("imip.identity")) {
return this.defaultImipTransport;
return null;
* Gets the configured identity and account of a particular calendar instance, or null.
* @param {calICalendar} aCalendar - Calendar instance
* @param {?object} outAccount - Optional out value for account
* @returns {nsIMsgIdentity} The configured identity
getEmailIdentityOfCalendar(aCalendar, outAccount) {, "no calendar!", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
const key = aCalendar.getProperty("imip.identity.key");
if (key === null) {
// take default account/identity:
const findIdentity = function (account) {
if (account && account.identities.length) {
return account.defaultIdentity || account.identities[0];
return null;
let foundAccount = MailServices.accounts.defaultAccount;
let foundIdentity = findIdentity(foundAccount);
if (!foundAccount || !foundIdentity) {
for (const account of MailServices.accounts.accounts) {
const identity = findIdentity(account);
if (account && identity) {
foundAccount = account;
foundIdentity = identity;
if (outAccount) {
outAccount.value = foundIdentity ? foundAccount : null;
return foundIdentity;
if (key.length == 0) {
// i.e. "None"
return null;
let identity = null;, account) => {
if (identity_.key == key) {
identity = identity_;
if (outAccount) {
outAccount.value = account;
return identity_.key != key;
if (!identity) {
// dangling identity:
"Calendar " +
(aCalendar.uri ? aCalendar.uri.spec : +
" has a dangling E-Mail identity configured."
return identity;
* Opens the calendar conflict dialog
* @param {string} aMode - The conflict mode, either "modify" or "delete"
* @param {calIItemBase} aItem - The item to raise a conflict for
* @returns {boolean} True, if the item should be overwritten
promptOverwrite(aMode, aItem) {
const window =;
const args = {
item: aItem,
mode: aMode,
overwrite: false,
return args.overwrite;
* Gets the calendar directory, defaults to <profile-dir>/calendar-data
* @returns {nsIFile} The calendar-data directory as nsIFile
getCalendarDirectory() {
if (provider.getCalendarDirectory.mDir === undefined) {
const dir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
if (!dir.exists()) {
try {
dir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o700);
} catch (exc) {, exc);
throw exc;
provider.getCalendarDirectory.mDir = dir;
return provider.getCalendarDirectory.mDir.clone();
* Base prototype to be used implementing a calICalendar.
BaseClass: class {
* The transient properties that are not pesisted to storage
static get mTransientProperties() {
return {
"cache.uncachedCalendar": true,
currentStatus: true,
"itip.transport": true,
"imip.identity": true,
"imip.account": true,
"imip.identity.disabled": true,
organizerId: true,
organizerCN: true,
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["calICalendar", "calISchedulingSupport"]);
* Initialize the base class, this should be migrated to an ES6 constructor once all
* subclasses are also es6 classes. Call this from the constructor.
initProviderBase() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this.mID = null;
this.mUri = null;
this.mACLEntry = null;
this.mBatchCount = 0;
this.transientProperties = false;
this.mObservers = new;
this.mProperties = {};
this.mProperties.currentStatus = Cr.NS_OK;
* Returns the calIObservers for this calendar
get observers() {
return this.mObservers;
// attribute AUTF8String id;
get id() {
return this.mID;
set id(aValue) {
if (this.mID) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
this.mID = aValue;
// make all properties persistent that have been set so far:
for (const aName in this.mProperties) {
if (!this.constructor.mTransientProperties[aName]) {
const value = this.mProperties[aName];
if (value !== null) {, aName, value);
// attribute AUTF8String name;
get name() {
return this.getProperty("name");
set name(aValue) {
this.setProperty("name", aValue);
// readonly attribute calICalendarACLManager aclManager;
get aclManager() {
const defaultACLProviderClass = ";1?type=default";
let providerClass = this.getProperty("aclManagerClass");
if (!providerClass || !Cc[providerClass]) {
providerClass = defaultACLProviderClass;
return Cc[providerClass].getService(Ci.calICalendarACLManager);
// readonly attribute calICalendarACLEntry aclEntry;
get aclEntry() {
return this.mACLEntry;
// attribute calICalendar superCalendar;
get superCalendar() {
// If we have a superCalendar, check this calendar for a superCalendar.
// This will make sure the topmost calendar is returned
return this.mSuperCalendar ? this.mSuperCalendar.superCalendar : this;
set superCalendar(val) {
this.mSuperCalendar = val;
// attribute nsIURI uri;
get uri() {
return this.mUri;
set uri(aValue) {
this.mUri = aValue;
// attribute boolean readOnly;
get readOnly() {
return this.getProperty("readOnly");
set readOnly(aValue) {
this.setProperty("readOnly", aValue);
// readonly attribute boolean canRefresh;
get canRefresh() {
return false;
// void startBatch();
startBatch() {
if (this.mBatchCount++ == 0) {
this.mObservers.notify("onStartBatch", [this]);
// void endBatch();
endBatch() {
if (this.mBatchCount > 0) {
if (--this.mBatchCount == 0) {
this.mObservers.notify("onEndBatch", [this]);
} else { > 0, "unexpected endBatch!");
* Implementation of calICalendar.getItems(). This should be overridden by
* all child classes.
* @returns {ReadableStream<calIItemBase>}
getItems() {
return lazy.CalReadableStreamFactory.createEmptyReadableStream();
* Implementation of calICalendar.getItemsAsArray().
* @param {number} itemFilter
* @param {number} count
* @param {calIDateTime} rangeStart
* @param {calIDateTime} rangeEnd
* @returns {calIItemBase[]}
async getItemsAsArray(itemFilter, count, rangeStart, rangeEnd) {
return, count, rangeStart, rangeEnd));
* Notifies the given listener for onOperationComplete, ignoring (but logging) any
* exceptions that occur. If no listener is passed the function is a no-op.
* @param {?calIOperationListener} aListener - The listener to notify
* @param {number} aStatus - A Components.results result
* @param {number} aOperationType - The operation type component
* @param {string} aId - The item id
* @param {*} aDetail - The item detail for the listener
notifyPureOperationComplete(aListener, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail) {
if (aListener) {
try {
aListener.onOperationComplete(this.superCalendar, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail);
} catch (exc) {;
* Notifies the given listener for onOperationComplete, also setting various calendar status
* variables and notifying about the error.
* @param {?calIOperationListener} aListener - The listener to notify
* @param {number} aStatus - A Components.results result
* @param {number} aOperationType - The operation type component
* @param {string} aId - The item id
* @param {*} aDetail - The item detail for the listener
* @param {string} aExtraMessage - An extra message to pass to notifyError
notifyOperationComplete(aListener, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail, aExtraMessage) {
this.notifyPureOperationComplete(aListener, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail);
if (aStatus == Ci.calIErrors.OPERATION_CANCELLED) {
return; // cancellation doesn't change current status, no notification
if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
this.setProperty("currentStatus", aStatus);
} else {
if (aDetail instanceof Ci.nsIException) {
this.notifyError(aDetail); // will set currentStatus
} else {
this.notifyError(aStatus, aDetail); // will set currentStatus
aOperationType == Ci.calIOperationListener.GET
? Ci.calIErrors.READ_FAILED
aExtraMessage || ""
* Notify observers using the onError notification with a readable error message
* @param {number | nsIException} aErrNo The error number from Components.results, or
* the exception which contains the error number
* @param {?string} aMessage - The message to show for the error
notifyError(aErrNo, aMessage = null) {
if (aErrNo == Ci.calIErrors.OPERATION_CANCELLED) {
return; // cancellation doesn't change current status, no notification
if (aErrNo instanceof Ci.nsIException) {
if (!aMessage) {
aMessage = aErrNo.message;
aErrNo = aErrNo.result;
this.setProperty("currentStatus", aErrNo);
this.observers.notify("onError", [this.superCalendar, aErrNo, aMessage]);
// nsIVariant getProperty(in AUTF8String aName);
getProperty(aName) {
switch (aName) {
case "itip.transport": // iTIP/iMIP default:
return provider.getImipTransport(this);
case "itip.notify-replies": // iTIP/iMIP default:
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.notify-replies", false);
// temporary hack to get the uncached calendar instance:
case "cache.uncachedCalendar":
return this;
let ret = this.mProperties[aName];
if (ret === undefined) {
ret = null;
switch (aName) {
case "imip.identity": // we want to cache the identity object a little, because
// it is heavily used by the invitation checks
ret = provider.getEmailIdentityOfCalendar(this);
case "imip.account": {
const outAccount = {};
if (provider.getEmailIdentityOfCalendar(this, outAccount)) {
ret = outAccount.value;
case "organizerId": {
// itip/imip default: derived out of imip.identity
const identity = this.getProperty("imip.identity");
ret = identity ? "mailto:" + identity.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMsgIdentity).email : null;
case "organizerCN": {
// itip/imip default: derived out of imip.identity
const identity = this.getProperty("imip.identity");
ret = identity ? identity.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMsgIdentity).fullName : null;
if (
ret === null &&
!this.constructor.mTransientProperties[aName] &&
) {
if ( {
ret =, aName);
switch (aName) {
case "suppressAlarms":
if (this.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.popup.supported") === false) {
// If popup alarms are not supported,
// automatically suppress alarms
ret = true;
this.mProperties[aName] = ret;
return ret;
// void setProperty(in AUTF8String aName, in nsIVariant aValue);
setProperty(aName, aValue) {
const oldValue = this.getProperty(aName);
if (oldValue != aValue) {
this.mProperties[aName] = aValue;
switch (aName) {
case "imip.identity.key": // invalidate identity and account object if key is set:
delete this.mProperties["imip.identity"];
delete this.mProperties["imip.account"];
delete this.mProperties.organizerId;
delete this.mProperties.organizerCN;
if (!this.transientProperties && !this.constructor.mTransientProperties[aName] && {, aName, aValue);
this.mObservers.notify("onPropertyChanged", [this.superCalendar, aName, aValue, oldValue]);
return aValue;
// void deleteProperty(in AUTF8String aName);
deleteProperty(aName) {
this.mObservers.notify("onPropertyDeleting", [this.superCalendar, aName]);
delete this.mProperties[aName];, aName);
// calIOperation refresh
refresh() {
return null;
// void addObserver( in calIObserver observer );
addObserver(aObserver) {
// void removeObserver( in calIObserver observer );
removeObserver(aObserver) {
// calISchedulingSupport: Implementation corresponding to our iTIP/iMIP support
isInvitation(aItem) {
if (!this.mACLEntry || !this.mACLEntry.hasAccessControl) {
// No ACL support - fallback to the old method
const id = aItem.getProperty("X-MOZ-INVITED-ATTENDEE") || this.getProperty("organizerId");
if (id) {
const org = aItem.organizer;
if (!org || ! || == id.toLowerCase()) {
return false;
return aItem.getAttendeeById(id) != null;
return false;
let org = aItem.organizer;
if (!org || ! {
// if we don't have an organizer, this is perhaps because it's an exception
// to a recurring event. We check the parent item.
if (aItem.parentItem) {
org = aItem.parentItem.organizer;
if (!org || ! {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// We check if :
// - the organizer of the event is NOT within the owner's identities of this calendar
// - if the one of the owner's identities of this calendar is in the attendees
const ownerIdentities = this.mACLEntry.getOwnerIdentities();
for (let i = 0; i < ownerIdentities.length; i++) {
const identity = "mailto:" + ownerIdentities[i].email.toLowerCase();
if ( == identity) {
return false;
if (aItem.getAttendeeById(identity) != null) {
return true;
return false;
// calIAttendee getInvitedAttendee(in calIItemBase aItem);
getInvitedAttendee(aItem) {
const id = this.getProperty("organizerId");
let attendee = id ? aItem.getAttendeeById(id) : null;
if (!attendee && this.mACLEntry && this.mACLEntry.hasAccessControl) {
const ownerIdentities = this.mACLEntry.getOwnerIdentities();
if (ownerIdentities.length > 0) {
let identity;
for (let i = 0; !attendee && i < ownerIdentities.length; i++) {
identity = "mailto:" + ownerIdentities[i].email.toLowerCase();
attendee = aItem.getAttendeeById(identity);
return attendee;
// boolean canNotify(in AUTF8String aMethod, in calIItemBase aItem);
canNotify() {
return false; // use outbound iTIP for all
// Provider Registration
* Register a provider.
* @param {calICalendarProvider} newProvider - The provider object.
register(newProvider) {
this.providers.set(newProvider.type, newProvider);
* Unregister a provider.
* @param {string} type - The type of the provider to unregister.
* @returns {boolean} True if the provider was unregistered, false if
* it was not registered in the first place.
unregister(type) {
return this.providers.delete(type);
* Get a provider by its type property, e.g. "ics", "caldav".
* @param {string} type - Type of the provider to get.
* @returns {calICalendarProvider | undefined} Provider or undefined if none
* is registered for the type.
byType(type) {
return this.providers.get(type);
* The built-in "ics" provider.
* @type {calICalendarProvider}
get ics() {
return this.byType("ics");
* The built-in "caldav" provider.
* @type {calICalendarProvider}
get caldav() {
return this.byType("caldav");
// Initialize `cal.provider.providers` with the built-in providers.
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(provider, "providers", () => {
const { CalICSProvider } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { CalDavProvider } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
return new Map([
["ics", CalICSProvider],
["caldav", CalDavProvider],
// This is the transport returned by getImipTransport().
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(provider, "defaultImipTransport", () => {
const { CalItipEmailTransport } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
return CalItipEmailTransport.createInstance();
// Set up the `cal.provider.detection` module.
// pattern seen here of "namespacing" calendar utils onto the `cal` object.
// Until that work is done, we ignore the lint requirement that lazy objects be
// named `lazy`.
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/lazy-getter-object-name
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(provider, {