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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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* Date, time and timezone related functions
// NOTE: This module should not be loaded directly, it is available when
// including calUtils.sys.mjs under the cal.dtz namespace.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
export var dtz = {
* Shortcut to the timezone service's defaultTimezone
get defaultTimezone() {
* Shorcut to the UTC timezone
get UTC() {
* Shortcut to the floating (local) timezone
get floating() {
* Makes sure the given timezone id is part of the list of recent timezones.
* @param aTzid The timezone id to add
saveRecentTimezone(aTzid) {
const recentTimezones = dtz.getRecentTimezones();
const MAX_RECENT_TIMEZONES = 5; // We don't need a pref for *everything*.
if (aTzid != dtz.defaultTimezone.tzid && !recentTimezones.includes(aTzid)) {
// Add the timezone if its not already the default timezone
Services.prefs.setStringPref("calendar.timezone.recent", JSON.stringify(recentTimezones));
* Returns a calIDateTime that corresponds to the current time in the user's
* default timezone.
now() {
const date = dtz.jsDateToDateTime(new Date());
return date.getInTimezone(dtz.defaultTimezone);
* Get the default event start date. This is the next full hour, or 23:00 if it
* is past 23:00.
* @param aReferenceDate If passed, the time of this date will be modified,
* keeping the date and timezone intact.
getDefaultStartDate(aReferenceDate) {
let startDate =;
if (aReferenceDate) {
const savedHour = startDate.hour;
startDate = aReferenceDate;
if (!startDate.isMutable) {
startDate = startDate.clone();
startDate.isDate = false;
startDate.hour = savedHour;
startDate.second = 0;
startDate.minute = 0;
if (startDate.hour < 23) {
return startDate;
* Setup the default start and end hours of the given item. This can be a task
* or an event.
* @param aItem The item to set up the start and end date for.
* @param aReferenceDate If passed, the time of this date will be modified,
* keeping the date and timezone intact.
setDefaultStartEndHour(aItem, aReferenceDate) {
aItem[dtz.startDateProp(aItem)] = dtz.getDefaultStartDate(aReferenceDate);
if (aItem.isEvent()) {
aItem.endDate = aItem.startDate.clone();
aItem.endDate.minute += Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.event.defaultlength", 60);
* Returns the property name used for the start date of an item, ie either an
* event's start date or a task's entry date.
startDateProp(aItem) {
if (aItem) {
if (aItem.isEvent()) {
return "startDate";
} else if (aItem.isTodo()) {
return "entryDate";
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
* Returns the property name used for the end date of an item, ie either an
* event's end date or a task's due date.
endDateProp(aItem) {
if (aItem) {
if (aItem.isEvent()) {
return "endDate";
} else if (aItem.isTodo()) {
return "dueDate";
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
* Check if the two dates are on the same day (ignoring time)
* @param date1 The left date to compare
* @param date2 The right date to compare
* @returns True, if dates are on the same day
sameDay(date1, date2) {
if (date1 && date2) {
if ( == && date1.month == date2.month && date1.year == date2.year) {
return true;
return false;
* Many computations want to work only with date-times, not with dates. This
* method will return a proper datetime (set to midnight) for a date object. If
* the object is already a datetime, it will simply be returned.
* @param aDate the date or datetime to check
ensureDateTime(aDate) {
if (!aDate || !aDate.isDate) {
return aDate;
const newDate = aDate.clone();
newDate.isDate = false;
return newDate;
* Returns a calIDateTime corresponding to a javascript Date.
* @param aDate a javascript date
* @param aTimezone (optional) a timezone that should be enforced
* @returns a calIDateTime
* @warning Use of this function is strongly discouraged. calIDateTime should
* be used directly whenever possible.
* If you pass a timezone, then the passed jsDate's timezone will be ignored,
* but only its local time portions are be taken.
jsDateToDateTime(aDate, aTimezone) {
const newDate =;
if (aTimezone) {
} else {
// Use the existing timezone instead of caldtz.UTC, or starting the
// timezone service becomes a requirement in tests.
return newDate;
* Convert a calIDateTime to a Javascript date object. This is the
* replacement for the former .jsDate property.
* @param cdt The calIDateTime instance
* @returns The Javascript date equivalent.
dateTimeToJsDate(cdt) {
if (cdt.isDate) {
return new Date(cdt.year, cdt.month,;
if (cdt.timezone.isFloating) {
return new Date(cdt.year, cdt.month,, cdt.hour, cdt.minute, cdt.second);
return new Date(cdt.nativeTime / 1000);
* fromRFC3339
* Convert a RFC3339 compliant Date string to a calIDateTime.
* @param aStr The RFC3339 compliant Date String
* @param aTimezone The timezone this date string is most likely in
* @returns A calIDateTime object
fromRFC3339(aStr, aTimezone) {
// XXX I have not covered leapseconds (matches[8]), this might need to
// be done. The only reference to leap seconds I found is bug 227329.
const dateTime =;
// Killer regex to parse RFC3339 dates
const re = new RegExp(
"^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})" +
"([Tt]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(\\.[0-9]+)?)?" +
const matches = re.exec(aStr);
if (!matches) {
return null;
// Set usual date components
dateTime.isDate = matches[4] == null;
dateTime.year = matches[1];
dateTime.month = matches[2] - 1; // Jan is 0 = matches[3];
if (!dateTime.isDate) {
dateTime.hour = matches[5];
dateTime.minute = matches[6];
dateTime.second = matches[7];
// Timezone handling
if (matches[9] == "Z" || matches[9] == "z") {
// If the dates timezone is "Z" or "z", then this is UTC, no matter
// what timezone was passed
dateTime.timezone =;
} else if (matches[9] == null) {
// We have no timezone info, only a date. We have no way to
// know what timezone we are in, so lets assume we are in the
// timezone of our local calendar, or whatever was passed.
dateTime.timezone = aTimezone;
} else {
const offset_in_s = (matches[11] == "-" ? -1 : 1) * (matches[12] * 3600 + matches[13] * 60);
// try local timezone first
dateTime.timezone = aTimezone;
// If offset does not match, go through timezones. This will
// give you the first tz in the alphabet and kill daylight
// savings time, but we have no other choice
if (dateTime.timezoneOffset != offset_in_s) {
// TODO A patch to Bug 363191 should make this more efficient.
// Enumerate timezones, set them, check their offset
for (const id of {
dateTime.timezone =;
if (dateTime.timezoneOffset == offset_in_s) {
// This is our last step, so go ahead and return
return dateTime;
// We are still here: no timezone was found
dateTime.timezone =;
if (!dateTime.isDate) {
dateTime.hour += (matches[11] == "-" ? -1 : 1) * matches[12];
dateTime.minute += (matches[11] == "-" ? -1 : 1) * matches[13];
return dateTime;
* toRFC3339
* Convert a calIDateTime to a RFC3339 compliant Date string
* @param aDateTime The calIDateTime object
* @returns The RFC3339 compliant date string
toRFC3339(aDateTime) {
if (!aDateTime) {
return "";
const full_tzoffset = aDateTime.timezoneOffset;
const tzoffset_hr = Math.floor(Math.abs(full_tzoffset) / 3600);
const tzoffset_mn = ((Math.abs(full_tzoffset) / 3600).toFixed(2) - tzoffset_hr) * 60;
let str =
aDateTime.year +
"-" +
("00" + (aDateTime.month + 1)).substr(-2) +
"-" +
("00" +;
// Time and Timezone extension
if (!aDateTime.isDate) {
str +=
"T" +
("00" + aDateTime.hour).substr(-2) +
":" +
("00" + aDateTime.minute).substr(-2) +
":" +
("00" + aDateTime.second).substr(-2);
if (aDateTime.timezoneOffset != 0) {
str +=
(full_tzoffset < 0 ? "-" : "+") +
("00" + tzoffset_hr).substr(-2) +
":" +
("00" + tzoffset_mn).substr(-2);
} else if (aDateTime.timezone.isFloating) {
// RFC3339 Section 4.3 Unknown Local Offset Convention
str += "-00:00";
} else {
// ZULU Time, according to ISO8601's timezone-offset
str += "Z";
return str;
* Gets the list of recent timezones. Optionally returns the list as
* calITimezones.
* @param aConvertZones (optional) If true, return calITimezones instead
* @returns An array of timezone ids or calITimezones.
getRecentTimezones(aConvertZones) {
let recentTimezones = JSON.parse(
Services.prefs.getStringPref("calendar.timezone.recent", "[]") || "[]"
if (!Array.isArray(recentTimezones)) {
recentTimezones = [];
if (aConvertZones) {
const oldZonesLength = recentTimezones.length;
for (let i = 0; i < recentTimezones.length; i++) {
const timezone =[i]);
if (timezone) {
// Replace id with found timezone
recentTimezones[i] = timezone;
} else {
// Looks like the timezone doesn't longer exist, remove it
recentTimezones.splice(i, 1);
if (oldZonesLength != recentTimezones.length) {
// Looks like the one or other timezone dropped out. Go ahead and
// modify the pref.
JSON.stringify( => zone.tzid))
return recentTimezones;
* Returns a string representation of a given datetime. For example, to show
* in the calendar item summary dialog.
* @param {calIDateTime} dateTime - Datetime to convert.
* @returns {string} A string representation of the datetime.
getStringForDateTime(dateTime) {
const kDefaultTimezone =;
const localTime = dateTime.getInTimezone(kDefaultTimezone);
const formatter =;
const formattedLocalTime = formatter.formatDateTime(localTime);
if (!dateTime.timezone.isFloating && dateTime.timezone.tzid != kDefaultTimezone.tzid) {
// Additionally display the original datetime with timezone.
const originalTime ="datetimeWithTimezone", [
return `${formattedLocalTime} (${originalTime})`;
return formattedLocalTime;
// pattern seen here of "namespacing" calendar utils onto the `cal` object.
// Until that work is done, we ignore the lint requirement that lazy objects be
// named `lazy`.
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/lazy-getter-object-name
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(dtz, {