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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Data structures and algorithms used within the codebase
// NOTE: This module should not be loaded directly, it is available when
// including calUtils.sys.mjs under the namespace.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
class ListenerSet extends Set {
constructor(iid, iterable) {
this.mIID = iid;
add(item) {
has(item) {
return super.has(item.QueryInterface(this.mIID));
delete(item) {
notify(func, args = []) {
const currentObservers = [...this.values()];
for (const observer of currentObservers) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
class ObserverSet extends ListenerSet {
constructor(iid, iterable) {
super(iid, iterable);
this.mCalendarsInBatch = new Set();
get batchCount() {
return this.mCalendarsInBatch.size;
notify(func, args = []) {
switch (func) {
case "onStartBatch":
case "onEndBatch":
return super.notify(func, args);
add(item) {
if (!this.has(item)) {
// Replay batch notifications, because the onEndBatch notifications are yet to come.
// We may think about doing the reverse on remove, though I currently see no need:
for (const calendar of this.mCalendarsInBatch) {
* This object implements calIOperation and could group multiple sub
* operations into one. You can pass a cancel function which is called once
* the operation group is cancelled.
* Users must call notifyCompleted() once all sub operations have been
* successful, else the operation group will stay pending.
* The reason for the latter is that providers currently should (but need
* not) implement (and return) calIOperation handles, thus there may be pending
* calendar operations (without handle).
class OperationGroup {
static nextGroupId() {
if (typeof OperationGroup.mOpGroupId == "undefined") {
OperationGroup.mOpGroupId = 0;
return OperationGroup.mOpGroupId++;
constructor(aCancelFunc) {
this.mId = + "-" + OperationGroup.nextGroupId();
this.mIsPending = true;
this.mCancelFunc = aCancelFunc;
this.mSubOperations = [];
this.mStatus = Cr.NS_OK;
get id() {
return this.mId;
get isPending() {
return this.mIsPending;
get status() {
return this.mStatus;
get isEmpty() {
return this.mSubOperations.length == 0;
add(aOperation) {
if (aOperation && aOperation.isPending) {
remove(aOperation) {
if (aOperation) {
this.mSubOperations = this.mSubOperations.filter(operation => !=;
notifyCompleted(aStatus) {, "[OperationGroup_notifyCompleted] this.isPending");
if (this.isPending) {
this.mIsPending = false;
if (aStatus) {
this.mStatus = aStatus;
cancel(aStatus = Ci.calIErrors.OPERATION_CANCELLED) {
if (this.isPending) {
const cancelFunc = this.mCancelFunc;
if (cancelFunc) {
this.mCancelFunc = null;
const subOperations = this.mSubOperations;
this.mSubOperations = [];
for (const operation of subOperations) {
toString() {
return `[OperationGroup id=${}]`;
export var data = {
* Use the binary search algorithm to search for an item in an array.
* function.
* The comptor function may look as follows for calIDateTime objects.
* function comptor(a, b) {
* return;
* }
* If no comptor is specified, the default greater-than comptor will be used.
* @param itemArray The array to search.
* @param newItem The item to search in the array.
* @param comptor A comparison function that can compare two items.
* @returns The index of the new item.
binarySearch(itemArray, newItem, comptor) {
function binarySearchInternal(low, high) {
// Are we done yet?
if (low == high) {
return low + (comptor(newItem, itemArray[low]) < 0 ? 0 : 1);
const mid = Math.floor(low + (high - low) / 2);
const cmp = comptor(newItem, itemArray[mid]);
if (cmp > 0) {
return binarySearchInternal(mid + 1, high);
} else if (cmp < 0) {
return binarySearchInternal(low, mid);
return mid;
if (itemArray.length < 1) {
return -1;
if (!comptor) {
comptor = function (a, b) {
return (a > b) - (a < b);
return binarySearchInternal(0, itemArray.length - 1);
* Insert a new node underneath the given parentNode, using binary search. See binarySearch
* for a note on how the comptor works.
* @param parentNode The parent node underneath the new node should be inserted.
* @param inserNode The node to insert
* @param aItem The calendar item to add a widget for.
* @param comptor A comparison function that can compare two items (not DOM Nodes!)
* @param discardDuplicates Use the comptor function to check if the item in
* question is already in the array. If so, the
* new item is not inserted.
* @param itemAccessor [optional] A function that receives a DOM node and returns the associated item
* If null, this function will be used: function(n) n.item
binaryInsertNode(parentNode, insertNode, aItem, comptor, discardDuplicates, itemAccessor) {
const accessor = itemAccessor || data.binaryInsertNodeDefaultAccessor;
// Get the index of the node before which the inserNode will be inserted
let newIndex = data.binarySearch(Array.from(parentNode.children, accessor), aItem, comptor);
if (newIndex < 0) {
newIndex = 0;
} else if (
!discardDuplicates ||
accessor(parentNode.children[Math.min(newIndex, parentNode.children.length - 1)]),
) >= 0
) {
// Only add the node if duplicates should not be discarded, or if
// they should and the childNode[newIndex] == node.
const node = parentNode.children[newIndex];
parentNode.insertBefore(insertNode, node);
return newIndex;
binaryInsertNodeDefaultAccessor: n => n.item,
* Insert an item into the given array, using binary search. See binarySearch
* for a note on how the comptor works.
* @param itemArray The array to insert into.
* @param item The item to insert into the array.
* @param comptor A comparison function that can compare two items.
* @param discardDuplicates Use the comptor function to check if the item in
* question is already in the array. If so, the
* new item is not inserted.
* @returns The index of the new item.
binaryInsert(itemArray, item, comptor, discardDuplicates) {
let newIndex = data.binarySearch(itemArray, item, comptor);
if (newIndex < 0) {
newIndex = 0;
} else if (
!discardDuplicates ||
comptor(itemArray[Math.min(newIndex, itemArray.length - 1)], item) != 0
) {
// Only add the item if duplicates should not be discarded, or if
// they should and itemArray[newIndex] != item.
itemArray.splice(newIndex, 0, item);
return newIndex;
* Generic object comparer
* Use to compare two objects which are not of type calIItemBase, in order
* to avoid the js-wrapping issues mentioned above.
* @param aObject first object to be compared
* @param aOtherObject second object to be compared
* @param aIID IID to use in comparison, undefined/null defaults to nsISupports
compareObjects(aObject, aOtherObject, aIID) {
// xxx todo: seems to work fine, but I still mistrust this trickery...
// Anybody knows an official API that could be used for this purpose?
// For what reason do clients need to pass aIID since
// every XPCOM object has to implement nsISupports?
// XPCOM (like COM, like UNO, ...) defines that QueryInterface *only* needs to return
// the very same pointer for nsISupports during its lifetime.
if (!aIID) {
aIID = Ci.nsISupports;
const sip1 = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
); = aObject;
sip1.dataIID = aIID;
const sip2 = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
); = aOtherObject;
sip2.dataIID = aIID;
return ==;