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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Authentication tools and prompts, mostly for providers
// NOTE: This module should not be loaded directly, it is available when including
// calUtils.sys.mjs under the cal.auth namespace.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
* The userContextId of nsIHttpChannel is currently implemented as a uint32, so
* the ContainerMap defined below must not return Ids greater then the allowed
* range of a uint32.
const MAX_CONTAINER_ID = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
* A map that handles userContextIds and usernames and provides unique Ids for
* different usernames.
class ContainerMap extends Map {
* Create a container map with a given range of userContextIds.
* @param {number} min - The lower range limit of userContextIds to be
* used.
* @param {number} max - The upper range limit of userContextIds to be
* used.
* @param {?object} iterable - Optional parameter which is passed to the
* constructor of Map. See definition of Map
* for more details.
constructor(min = 0, max = MAX_CONTAINER_ID, iterable) {
this.order = [];
this.inverted = {};
this.min = min;
// The userConextId is a uint32, limit accordingly.
this.max = Math.max(max, MAX_CONTAINER_ID);
if (this.min > this.max) {
throw new RangeError(
"[ContainerMap] The provided min value " +
"(" +
this.min +
") must not be greater than the provided " +
"max value (" +
this.max +
* Check if the allowed userContextId range is fully used.
get full() {
return this.size > this.max - this.min;
* Add a new username to the map.
* @param {string} username - The username to be added.
* @returns {number} The userContextId assigned to the given username.
_add(username) {
let nextUserContextId;
if (this.full) {
const oldestUsernameEntry = this.order.shift();
nextUserContextId = this.get(oldestUsernameEntry);
} else {
nextUserContextId = this.min + this.size;
Services.clearData.deleteDataFromOriginAttributesPattern({ userContextId: nextUserContextId });
this.set(username, nextUserContextId);
this.inverted[nextUserContextId] = username;
return nextUserContextId;
* Look up the userContextId for the given username. Create a new one,
* if the username is not yet known.
* @param {string} username - The username for which the userContextId
* is to be looked up.
* @returns {number} The userContextId which is assigned to
* the provided username.
getUserContextIdForUsername(username) {
if (this.has(username)) {
return this.get(username);
return this._add(username);
* Look up the username for the given userContextId. Return empty string
* if not found.
* @param {number} userContextId - The userContextId for which the
* username is to be to looked up.
* @returns {string} The username mapped to the given
* userContextId.
getUsernameForUserContextId(userContextId) {
if (this.inverted.hasOwnProperty(userContextId)) {
return this.inverted[userContextId];
return "";
export var auth = {
* Calendar Auth prompt implementation. This instance of the auth prompt should
* be used by providers and other components that handle authentication using
* nsIAuthPrompt2 and friends.
* This implementation guarantees there are no request loops when an invalid
* password is stored in the login-manager.
* There is one instance of that object per calendar provider.
Prompt: class {
constructor() {
this.mWindow =;
this.mReturnedLogins = {};
this.mProvider = null;
* @typedef {object} PasswordInfo
* @property {boolean} found True, if the password was found
* @property {?string} username The found username
* @property {?string} password The found password
* Retrieve password information from the login manager
* @param {string} aPasswordRealm - The realm to retrieve password info for
* @param {string} aRequestedUser - The username to look up.
* @returns {PasswordInfo} The retrieved password information
getPasswordInfo(aPasswordRealm, aRequestedUser) {
// Prefill aRequestedUser, so it will be used in the prompter.
let username = aRequestedUser;
let password;
let found = false;
const logins = Services.logins.findLogins(aPasswordRealm.prePath, null, aPasswordRealm.realm);
for (const login of logins) {
if (!aRequestedUser || aRequestedUser == login.username) {
username = login.username;
password = login.password;
found = true;
if (found) {
const keyStr = aPasswordRealm.prePath + ":" + aPasswordRealm.realm + ":" + aRequestedUser;
const now = new Date();
// Remove the saved password if it was already returned less
// than 60 seconds ago. The reason for the timestamp check is that
// nsIHttpChannel can call the nsIAuthPrompt2 interface
// again in some situation. ie: When using Digest auth token
// expires.
if (
this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr] &&
now.getTime() - this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr].getTime() < 60000
) {
"Credentials removed for: user=" +
username +
", host=" +
aPasswordRealm.prePath +
", realm=" +
delete this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr];
auth.passwordManagerRemove(username, aPasswordRealm.prePath, aPasswordRealm.realm);
return { found: false, username };
this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr] = now;
return { found, username, password };
// boolean promptAuth(in nsIChannel aChannel,
// in uint32_t level,
// in nsIAuthInformation authInfo)
promptAuth(aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo) {
const hostRealm = {};
hostRealm.prePath = aChannel.URI.prePath;
hostRealm.realm = aAuthInfo.realm;
let port = aChannel.URI.port;
if (port == -1) {
const handler =
port = handler.defaultPort;
hostRealm.passwordRealm = + ":" + port + " (" + aAuthInfo.realm + ")";
const requestedUser =
const pwInfo = this.getPasswordInfo(hostRealm, requestedUser);
aAuthInfo.username = pwInfo.username;
if (pwInfo && pwInfo.found) {
aAuthInfo.password = pwInfo.password;
return true;
let savePasswordLabel = null;
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons", true)) {
savePasswordLabel = lazy.MsgAuthPrompt.l10n.formatValueSync(
const savePassword = {};
const returnValue = new lazy.MsgAuthPrompt().promptAuth(
if (savePassword.value) {
return returnValue;
// nsICancelable asyncPromptAuth(in nsIChannel aChannel,
// in nsIAuthPromptCallback aCallback,
// in nsISupports aContext,
// in uint32_t level,
// in nsIAuthInformation authInfo);
asyncPromptAuth(aChannel, aCallback, aContext, aLevel, aAuthInfo) {
const self = this;
const promptlistener = {
onPromptStartAsync(callback) {
onPromptStart() {
const res = self.promptAuth(aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo);
if (res) {
gAuthCache.setAuthInfo(hostKey, aAuthInfo);
return true;
return false;
onPromptAuthAvailable() {
const authInfo = gAuthCache.retrieveAuthInfo(hostKey);
if (authInfo) {
aAuthInfo.username = authInfo.username;
aAuthInfo.password = authInfo.password;
aCallback.onAuthAvailable(aContext, aAuthInfo);
onPromptCanceled() {
aCallback.onAuthCancelled(aContext, true);
const requestedUser =
const hostKey = aChannel.URI.prePath + ":" + aAuthInfo.realm + ":" + requestedUser;
const queuePrompt = function () {
const asyncprompter = Cc[";1"].getService(
asyncprompter.queueAsyncAuthPrompt(hostKey, false, promptlistener);
const finalSteps = function () {
// the prompt will fail if we are too early
if (self.mWindow.document.readyState == "complete") {
} else {
self.mWindow.addEventListener("load", queuePrompt, true);
const tryUntilReady = function () {
self.mWindow =;
if (!self.mWindow) {
lazy.setTimeout(tryUntilReady, 1000);
// We might reach this code when cal.window.getCalendarWindow()
// returns null, which means the window obviously isn't yet
// in readyState complete, and we also cannot yet queue a prompt.
// It may happen if startup shows a blocking primary password
// prompt, which delays starting up the application windows.
// Use a timer to retry until we can access the calendar window.
* Tries to get the username/password combination of a specific calendar name from the password
* manager or asks the user.
* @param {string} aTitle - The dialog title.
* @param {string} aCalendarName - The calendar name or url to look up. Can be null.
* @param {{value: string}} aUsername The username that belongs to the calendar.
* @param {{value: string}} aPassword The password that belongs to the calendar.
* @param {{value: string}} aSavePassword Should the password be saved?
* @param {boolean} aFixedUsername - Whether the user name is fixed or editable
* @returns {boolean} Could a password be retrieved?
getCredentials(aTitle, aCalendarName, aUsername, aPassword, aSavePassword, aFixedUsername) {
if (
typeof aUsername != "object" ||
typeof aPassword != "object" ||
typeof aSavePassword != "object"
) {
throw new Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT);
// Only show the save password box if we are supposed to.
let savepassword = null;
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons", true)) {
savepassword = lazy.MsgAuthPrompt.l10n.formatValueSync("remember-password-checkbox-label");
let aText;
if (aFixedUsername) {
aText ="global", "commonDialogs", "EnterPasswordFor", [
return new lazy.MsgAuthPrompt().promptPassword(
aText ="global", "commonDialogs", "EnterUserPasswordFor2", [
return new lazy.MsgAuthPrompt().promptUsernameAndPassword(
* Make sure the passed origin is actually an uri string, because password manager functions
* require it. This is a fallback for compatibility only and should be removed a few versions
* after Lightning 6.2
* @param {string} aOrigin - The hostname or origin to check
* @returns {string} The origin uri
_ensureOrigin(aOrigin) {
try {
const { prePath, spec } =;
if (prePath == "oauth:") {
return spec;
return prePath;
} catch (e) {
return "https://" + aOrigin;
* Helper to insert/update an entry to the password manager.
* @param {string} aUsername - The username to insert
* @param {string} aPassword - The corresponding password
* @param {string} aOrigin - The corresponding origin
* @param {string} aRealm - The password realm (unused on branch)
async passwordManagerSave(aUsername, aPassword, aOrigin, aRealm) {;;
const origin = this._ensureOrigin(aOrigin);
if (!Services.logins.getLoginSavingEnabled(origin)) {
throw new Components.Exception(
"Password saving is disabled for " + origin,
try {
const logins = Services.logins.findLogins(origin, null, aRealm);
const newLoginInfo = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
newLoginInfo.init(origin, null, aRealm, aUsername, aPassword, "", "");
for (const login of logins) {
if (aUsername == login.username) {
Services.logins.modifyLogin(login, newLoginInfo);
await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(newLoginInfo);
} catch (exc) {
// Only show the message if its not an abort, which can happen if
// the user canceled the primary password dialog == Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT, exc);
* Helper to retrieve an entry from the password manager.
* @param {string} aUsername - The username to search
* @param {string} aPassword - The corresponding password
* @param {string} aOrigin - The corresponding origin
* @param {string} aRealm - The password realm (unused on branch)
* @returns {boolean} True, if an entry exists in the password manager
passwordManagerGet(aUsername, aPassword, aOrigin, aRealm) {;
if (typeof aPassword != "object") {
throw new Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT);
const origin = this._ensureOrigin(aOrigin);
try {
const logins = Services.logins.findLogins(origin, null, "");
for (const loginInfo of logins) {
if (
loginInfo.username == aUsername &&
(loginInfo.httpRealm == aRealm || loginInfo.httpRealm.split(" ").includes(aRealm))
) {
aPassword.value = loginInfo.password;
return true;
} catch (exc) {, exc);
return false;
* Helper to remove an entry from the password manager
* @param {string} aUsername - The username to remove
* @param {string} aOrigin - The corresponding origin
* @param {string} aRealm - The password realm (unused on branch)
* @returns {boolean} Could the user be removed?
passwordManagerRemove(aUsername, aOrigin, aRealm) {;
const origin = this._ensureOrigin(aOrigin);
try {
const logins = Services.logins.findLogins(origin, null, aRealm);
for (const loginInfo of logins) {
if (loginInfo.username == aUsername) {
return true;
} catch (exc) {
// If no logins are found, fall through to the return statement below.
return false;
* A map which maps usernames to userContextIds, reserving a range
* of 20000 - 29999 for userContextIds to be used within calendar.
* @param {number} min - The lower range limit of userContextIds to be
* used.
* @param {number} max - The upper range limit of userContextIds to be
* used.
containerMap: new ContainerMap(20000, 29999),
// Cache for authentication information since onAuthInformation in the prompt
// listener is called without further information. If the password is not
// saved, there is no way to retrieve it. We use ref counting to avoid keeping
// the password in memory longer than needed.
var gAuthCache = {
_authInfoCache: new Map(),
planForAuthInfo(hostKey) {
const authInfo = this._authInfoCache.get(hostKey);
if (authInfo) {
} else {
this._authInfoCache.set(hostKey, { refCnt: 1 });
setAuthInfo(hostKey, aAuthInfo) {
const authInfo = this._authInfoCache.get(hostKey);
if (authInfo) {
authInfo.username = aAuthInfo.username;
authInfo.password = aAuthInfo.password;
retrieveAuthInfo(hostKey) {
const authInfo = this._authInfoCache.get(hostKey);
if (authInfo) {
if (authInfo.refCnt == 0) {
return authInfo;