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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* exported recurrenceStringFromItem, recurrenceRule2String, splitRecurrenceRules,
* checkRecurrenceRule, countOccurrences
import { PluralForm } from "resource:///modules/PluralForm.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
* Given a calendar event or task, return a string that describes the item's
* recurrence pattern. When the recurrence pattern is too complex, return a
* "too complex" string by getting that string using the arguments provided.
* @param {calIEvent | calITodo} item A calendar item.
* @param {string} bundleName - Name of the properties file, e.g. "calendar-event-dialog".
* @param {string} stringName - Name of the string within the properties file.
* @param {string[]} [params] - (optional) Parameters to format the string.
* @returns {string | null} A string describing the recurrence
* pattern or null if the item has no
* recurrence info.
export function recurrenceStringFromItem(item, bundleName, stringName, params) {
// See the `parentItem` property of `calIItemBase`.
const parent = item.parentItem;
const recurrenceInfo = parent.recurrenceInfo;
if (!recurrenceInfo) {
return null;
const kDefaultTimezone = cal.dtz.defaultTimezone;
const rawStartDate = parent.startDate || parent.entryDate;
const rawEndDate = parent.endDate || parent.dueDate;
const startDate = rawStartDate ? rawStartDate.getInTimezone(kDefaultTimezone) : null;
const endDate = rawEndDate ? rawEndDate.getInTimezone(kDefaultTimezone) : null;
return (
recurrenceRule2String(recurrenceInfo, startDate, endDate, startDate.isDate) ||
cal.l10n.getString(bundleName, stringName, params)
* This function takes the recurrence info passed as argument and creates a
* literal string representing the repeat pattern in natural language.
* @param recurrenceInfo An item's recurrence info to parse.
* @param startDate The start date to base rules on.
* @param endDate The end date to base rules on.
* @param allDay If true, the pattern should assume an allday item.
* @returns A human readable string describing the recurrence.
export function recurrenceRule2String(recurrenceInfo, startDate, endDate, allDay) {
function getRString(name, args) {
return cal.l10n.getString("calendar-event-dialog", name, args);
function day_of_week(day) {
return Math.abs(day) % 8;
function day_position(day) {
return ((Math.abs(day) - day_of_week(day)) / 8) * (day < 0 ? -1 : 1);
function nounClass(aDayString, aRuleString) {
// Select noun class (grammatical gender) for rule string
const nounClassStr = getRString(aDayString + "Nounclass");
return aRuleString + nounClassStr.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + nounClassStr.substr(1);
function pluralWeekday(aDayString) {
const plural = getRString("pluralForWeekdays") == "true";
return plural ? aDayString + "Plural" : aDayString;
function everyWeekDay(aByDay) {
// Checks if aByDay contains only values from 1 to 7 with any order.
const mask = aByDay.reduce((value, item) => value | (1 << item), 1);
return aByDay.length == 7 && mask == Math.pow(2, 8) - 1;
// Retrieve a valid recurrence rule from the currently
// set recurrence info. Bail out if there's more
// than a single rule or something other than a rule.
recurrenceInfo = recurrenceInfo.clone();
if (hasUnsupported(recurrenceInfo)) {
return null;
const rrules = splitRecurrenceRules(recurrenceInfo);
if (rrules[0].length == 1) {
const rule = cal.wrapInstance(rrules[0][0], Ci.calIRecurrenceRule);
// Currently we allow only for BYDAY, BYMONTHDAY, BYMONTH rules.
const byparts = [
/* "BYDAY", */
/* "BYMONTH", */
if (rule && !checkRecurrenceRule(rule, byparts)) {
const dateFormatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
let ruleString;
if (rule.type == "DAILY") {
if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYDAY"])) {
const days = rule.getComponent("BYDAY");
const weekdays = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
if (weekdays.length == days.length) {
let i;
for (i = 0; i < weekdays.length; i++) {
if (weekdays[i] != days[i]) {
if (i == weekdays.length) {
ruleString = getRString("repeatDetailsRuleDaily4");
} else {
return null;
} else {
const dailyString = getRString("dailyEveryNth");
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, dailyString).replace("#1", rule.interval);
} else if (rule.type == "WEEKLY") {
// weekly recurrence, currently we
// support a single 'BYDAY'-rule only.
if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYDAY"])) {
// create a string like 'Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday'
const days = rule.getComponent("BYDAY");
let weekdays = "";
// select noun class (grammatical gender) according to the
// first day of the list
let weeklyString = nounClass("repeatDetailsDay" + days[0], "weeklyNthOn");
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
if (rule.interval == 1) {
weekdays += getRString(pluralWeekday("repeatDetailsDay" + days[i]));
} else {
weekdays += getRString("repeatDetailsDay" + days[i]);
if (days.length > 1 && i == days.length - 2) {
weekdays += " " + getRString("repeatDetailsAnd") + " ";
} else if (i < days.length - 1) {
weekdays += ", ";
weeklyString = getRString(weeklyString, [weekdays]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, weeklyString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else {
const weeklyString = getRString("weeklyEveryNth");
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, weeklyString).replace("#1", rule.interval);
} else if (rule.type == "MONTHLY") {
if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYDAY"])) {
const byday = rule.getComponent("BYDAY");
if (everyWeekDay(byday)) {
// Rule every day of the month.
ruleString = getRString("monthlyEveryDayOfNth");
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, ruleString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else {
// For rules with generic number of weekdays with and
// without "position" prefix we build two separate
// strings depending on the position and then join them.
// Notice: we build the description string but currently
// the UI can manage only rules with only one weekday.
let weekdaysString_every = "";
let weekdaysString_position = "";
let firstDay = byday[0];
for (let i = 0; i < byday.length; i++) {
if (day_position(byday[i]) == 0) {
if (!weekdaysString_every) {
firstDay = byday[i];
weekdaysString_every +=
getRString(pluralWeekday("repeatDetailsDay" + byday[i])) + ", ";
} else {
if (day_position(byday[i]) < -1 || day_position(byday[i]) > 5) {
// We support only weekdays with -1 as negative
// position ('THE LAST ...').
return null;
const duplicateWeekday = byday.some(element => {
return (
day_position(element) == 0 && day_of_week(byday[i]) == day_of_week(element)
if (duplicateWeekday) {
// Prevent to build strings such as for example:
// "every Monday and the second Monday...".
let ordinalString = "repeatOrdinal" + day_position(byday[i]);
let dayString = "repeatDetailsDay" + day_of_week(byday[i]);
ordinalString = nounClass(dayString, ordinalString);
ordinalString = getRString(ordinalString);
dayString = getRString(dayString);
const stringOrdinalWeekday = getRString("ordinalWeekdayOrder", [
weekdaysString_position += stringOrdinalWeekday + ", ";
let weekdaysString = weekdaysString_every + weekdaysString_position;
weekdaysString = weekdaysString
.slice(0, -2)
.replace(/,(?= [^,]*$)/, " " + getRString("repeatDetailsAnd"));
let monthlyString = weekdaysString_every
? "monthlyEveryOfEvery"
: "monthlyRuleNthOfEvery";
monthlyString = nounClass("repeatDetailsDay" + day_of_week(firstDay), monthlyString);
monthlyString = getRString(monthlyString, [weekdaysString]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, monthlyString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTHDAY"])) {
const component = rule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY");
// First, find out if the 'BYMONTHDAY' component contains
// any elements with a negative value lesser than -1 ("the
// last day"). If so we currently don't support any rule
if (component.some(element => element < -1)) {
// we don't support any other combination for now...
return getRString("ruleTooComplex");
} else if (component.length == 1 && component[0] == -1) {
// i.e. one day, the last day of the month
const monthlyString = getRString("monthlyLastDayOfNth");
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, monthlyString).replace("#1", rule.interval);
} else {
// i.e. one or more monthdays every N months.
// Build a string with a list of days separated with commas.
let day_string = "";
let lastDay = false;
for (let i = 0; i < component.length; i++) {
if (component[i] == -1) {
lastDay = true;
day_string += dateFormatter.formatDayWithOrdinal(component[i]) + ", ";
if (lastDay) {
day_string += getRString("monthlyLastDay") + ", ";
day_string = day_string
.slice(0, -2)
.replace(/,(?= [^,]*$)/, " " + getRString("repeatDetailsAnd"));
// Add the word "day" in plural form to the list of days then
// compose the final string with the interval of months
let monthlyDayString = getRString("monthlyDaysOfNth_day", [day_string]);
monthlyDayString = PluralForm.get(component.length, monthlyDayString);
const monthlyString = getRString("monthlyDaysOfNth", [monthlyDayString]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, monthlyString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else {
const monthlyString = getRString("monthlyDaysOfNth", []);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, monthlyString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else if (rule.type == "YEARLY") {
let bymonthday = null;
let bymonth = null;
if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTHDAY"])) {
bymonthday = rule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY");
if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTH"])) {
bymonth = rule.getComponent("BYMONTH");
if (
(bymonth && bymonth.length > 1) ||
(bymonthday && (bymonthday.length > 1 || bymonthday[0] < -1))
) {
// Don't build a string for a recurrence rule that the UI
// currently can't show completely (with more than one month
// or than one monthday, or bymonthdays lesser than -1).
return getRString("ruleTooComplex");
if (
checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTHDAY"]) &&
(checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTH"]) || !checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYDAY"]))
) {
// RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTHDAY=x (takes the month from the start date).
const monthNumber = bymonth ? bymonth[0] : startDate.month + 1;
const month = getRString("repeatDetailsMonth" + monthNumber);
const monthDay =
bymonthday[0] == -1
? getRString("monthlyLastDay")
: dateFormatter.formatDayWithOrdinal(bymonthday[0]);
const yearlyString = getRString("yearlyNthOn", [month, monthDay]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#3", rule.interval);
} else if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTH"]) && checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYDAY"])) {
const byday = rule.getComponent("BYDAY");
const month = getRString("repeatDetailsMonth" + bymonth[0]);
if (everyWeekDay(byday)) {
// Every day of the month.
let yearlyString = "yearlyEveryDayOf";
yearlyString = getRString(yearlyString, [month]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#2", rule.interval);
} else if (byday.length == 1) {
const dayString = "repeatDetailsDay" + day_of_week(byday[0]);
if (day_position(byday[0]) == 0) {
// Every any weekday.
let yearlyString = "yearlyOnEveryNthOfNth";
yearlyString = nounClass(dayString, yearlyString);
const day = getRString(pluralWeekday(dayString));
yearlyString = getRString(yearlyString, [day, month]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#3", rule.interval);
} else if (day_position(byday[0]) >= -1 || day_position(byday[0]) <= 5) {
// The first|the second|...|the last Monday, Tuesday, ..., day.
let yearlyString = "yearlyNthOnNthOf";
yearlyString = nounClass(dayString, yearlyString);
let ordinalString = "repeatOrdinal" + day_position(byday[0]);
ordinalString = nounClass(dayString, ordinalString);
const ordinal = getRString(ordinalString);
const day = getRString(dayString);
yearlyString = getRString(yearlyString, [ordinal, day, month]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#4", rule.interval);
} else {
return getRString("ruleTooComplex");
} else {
// Currently we don't support yearly rules with
// more than one BYDAY element or exactly 7 elements
// with all the weekdays (the "every day" case).
return getRString("ruleTooComplex");
} else if (checkRecurrenceRule(rule, ["BYMONTH"])) {
// RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=x (takes the day from the start date).
const month = getRString("repeatDetailsMonth" + bymonth[0]);
const yearlyString = getRString("yearlyNthOn", [month,]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#3", rule.interval);
} else {
const month = getRString("repeatDetailsMonth" + (startDate.month + 1));
const yearlyString = getRString("yearlyNthOn", [month,]);
ruleString = PluralForm.get(rule.interval, yearlyString).replace("#3", rule.interval);
const kDefaultTimezone = cal.dtz.defaultTimezone;
let detailsString;
if (!endDate || allDay) {
if (rule.isFinite) {
if (rule.isByCount) {
const countString = getRString("repeatCountAllDay", [
detailsString = PluralForm.get(rule.count, countString).replace("#3", rule.count);
} else {
const untilDate = rule.untilDate.getInTimezone(kDefaultTimezone);
detailsString = getRString("repeatDetailsUntilAllDay", [
} else {
detailsString = getRString("repeatDetailsInfiniteAllDay", [
} else if (rule.isFinite) {
if (rule.isByCount) {
const countString = getRString("repeatCount", [
detailsString = PluralForm.get(rule.count, countString).replace("#5", rule.count);
} else {
const untilDate = rule.untilDate.getInTimezone(kDefaultTimezone);
detailsString = getRString("repeatDetailsUntil", [
} else {
detailsString = getRString("repeatDetailsInfinite", [
return detailsString;
return null;
* Used to test if the recurrence items of a calIRecurrenceInfo instance are
* supported. We do not currently allow the "SECONDLY" or "MINUTELY" frequency
* values.
* @param {calIRecurrenceInfo} recurrenceInfo
* @returns {boolean}
export function hasUnsupported(recurrenceInfo) {
return recurrenceInfo
.some(item => item.type == "SECONDLY" || item.type == "MINUTELY");
* Split rules into negative and positive rules.
* @param recurrenceInfo An item's recurrence info to parse.
* @returns An array with two elements: an array of positive
* rules and an array of negative rules.
export function splitRecurrenceRules(recurrenceInfo) {
const ritems = recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItems();
const rules = [];
const exceptions = [];
for (const ritem of ritems) {
if (ritem.isNegative) {
} else {
return [rules, exceptions];
* Check if a recurrence rule's component is valid.
* @see calIRecurrenceRule
* @param aRule The recurrence rule to check.
* @param aArray An array of component names to check.
* @returns Returns true if the rule is valid.
export function checkRecurrenceRule(aRule, aArray) {
for (const comp of aArray) {
const ruleComp = aRule.getComponent(comp);
if (ruleComp && ruleComp.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Counts the occurrences of the parent item if any of a provided item
* @param {(calIEvent|calIToDo)} aItem item to count for
* @returns {(number|null)} number of occurrences or null if the
* passed item's parent item isn't a
* recurring item or its recurrence is
* infinite
export function countOccurrences(aItem) {
let occCounter = null;
const recInfo = aItem.parentItem.recurrenceInfo;
if (recInfo && recInfo.isFinite) {
occCounter = 0;
let excCounter = 0;
let byCount = false;
const ritems = recInfo.getRecurrenceItems();
for (const ritem of ritems) {
if (ritem instanceof lazy.CalRecurrenceRule || ritem instanceof Ci.calIRecurrenceRule) {
if (ritem.isByCount) {
occCounter = occCounter + ritem.count;
byCount = true;
} else {
// The rule is limited by an until date.
const parentItem = aItem.parentItem;
const startDate = parentItem.startDate ?? parentItem.entryDate;
const endDate = parentItem.endDate ?? parentItem.dueDate ?? startDate;
let from = startDate.clone();
let until = endDate.clone();
if ( == -1) {
until = ritem.untilDate.clone();
const exceptionIds = recInfo.getExceptionIds();
for (const exceptionId of exceptionIds) {
const recur = recInfo.getExceptionFor(exceptionId);
const recurStartDate = recur.startDate ?? recur.entryDate;
const recurEndDate = recur.endDate ?? recur.dueDate ?? recurStartDate;
if ( == 1) {
from = recurStartDate.clone();
if ( == -1) {
until = recurEndDate.clone();
// we add an extra day at beginning and end, so we don't
// need to take care of any timezone conversion
const occurrences = recInfo.getOccurrences(from, until, 0);
occCounter = occCounter + occurrences.length;
} else if (
ritem instanceof lazy.CalRecurrenceDate ||
ritem instanceof Ci.calIRecurrenceDate
) {
if (ritem.isNegative) {
// this is an exdate
} else {
// this is an (additional) rdate
if (byCount) {
// for a rrule by count, we still need to subtract exceptions if any
occCounter = occCounter - excCounter;
return occCounter;