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import XRAnchor from './XRAnchor.js'
XRPresentationFrame provides all of the values needed to render a single frame of an XR scene to the XRDisplay.
export default class XRPresentationFrame {
this._session = session
get session(){ return this._session }
get views(){
//readonly attribute FrozenArray<XRView> views;
return this._session._display._views
get hasPointCloud(){
//readonly attribute boolean hasPointCloud;
return false
get pointCloud(){
//readonly attribute XRPointCloud? pointCloud;
return null
get hasLightEstimate(){
//readonly attribute boolean hasLightEstimate;
return false
get lightEstimate(){
//readonly attribute XRLightEstimate? lightEstimate;
return null
Returns an array of known XRAnchor instances. May be empty.
get anchors(){
//readonly attribute sequence<XRAnchor> anchors;
let results = []
for(let value of this._session.reality._anchors.values()){
return results
Create an anchor at a specific position defined by XRAnchor.coordinates
//DOMString? addAnchor(XRAnchor anchor);
return this._session.reality._addAnchor(anchor, this._session.display)
// normalized screen x and y are in range 0..1, with 0,0 at top left and 1,1 at bottom right
findAnchor(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY){
// Promise<XRAnchorOffset?> findAnchor(float32, float32); // cast a ray to find or create an anchor at the first intersection in the Reality
return this._session.reality._findAnchor(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY, this._session.display)
Find an XRAnchorOffset that is at floor level below the current head pose
uid will be the resulting anchor uid (if any), or if null one will be assigned
// Promise<XRAnchorOffset?> findFloorAnchor();
return this._session.reality._findFloorAnchor(this._session.display, uid)
// void removeAnchor(DOMString uid);
return this._session.reality._removeAnchor(uid)
Returns an existing XRAnchor or null if uid is unknown
// XRAnchor? getAnchor(DOMString uid);
return this._session.reality._getAnchor(uid)
// XRCoordinateSystem? getCoordinateSystem(...XRFrameOfReferenceType types); // Tries the types in order, returning the first match or null if none is found
return this._session._getCoordinateSystem(...types)
// XRViewPose? getViewPose(XRCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem);
case XRCoordinateSystem.HEAD_MODEL:
return this._session._display._headPose
case XRCoordinateSystem.EYE_LEVEL:
return this._session._display._eyeLevelPose
return null