Revision control

Copy as Markdown

import MatrixMath from './fill/MatrixMath.js'
import Quaternion from './fill/Quaternion.js'
import XRCoordinateSystem from './XRCoordinateSystem.js'
XRCoordinates represent a pose (position and orientation) in relation to a XRCoordinateSystem.
export default class XRCoordinates {
constructor(display, coordinateSystem, position=[0, 0, 0], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]){
this._display = display
this._coordinateSystem = coordinateSystem
this._poseMatrix = new Float32Array(16)
MatrixMath.mat4_fromRotationTranslation(this._poseMatrix, orientation, position)
get coordinateSystem(){ return this._coordinateSystem }
get poseMatrix(){ return this._poseMatrix }
set poseMatrix(array16){
for(let i=0; i < 16; i++){
this._poseMatrix[i] = array16[i]
get position(){
return new Float32Array([this._poseMatrix[12], this._poseMatrix[13], this._poseMatrix[14]])
get orientation(){
let quat = new Quaternion()
return quat.toArray()
Returns a new XRCoordinates that represents this XRCoordinates's pose in the otherCoordinateSystem
May return null if there is no transform between this.coordinateSystem and otherCoordinateSystem
// XRCoordinates? getTransformedCoordinates(XRCoordinateSystem otherCoordinateSystem)
if(this._coordinateSystem.type === XRCoordinateSystem.GEOSPATIAL || otherCoordinateSystem.type === XRCoordinateSystem.GEOSPATIAL){
console.error('This polyfill does not yet support geospatial coordinate systems')
return null
const transform = this._coordinateSystem.getTransformTo(otherCoordinateSystem)
if(transform === null){
console.error('Could not get a transform between', this._coordinateSystem, otherCoordinateSystem)
return null
const out = new XRCoordinates(this._display, otherCoordinateSystem)
MatrixMath.mat4_multiply(out._poseMatrix, transform, this._poseMatrix)
return out