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import EventHandlerBase from './fill/EventHandlerBase.js'
A Reality represents a view of the world, be it the real world via sensors or a virtual world that is rendered with WebGL or WebGPU.
export default class Reality extends EventHandlerBase {
constructor(xr, name, isShared, isPassthrough){
this._xr = xr
this._name = name
this._isShared = isShared
this._isPassthrough = isPassthrough
this._anchors = new Map()
get name(){ return this._name }
get isShared(){ return this._isShared }
get isPassthrough(){ return this._isPassthrough }
//XRCoordinateSystem? getCoordinateSystem(XRFrameOfReferenceType type, ...); // Tries the types in order, returning the first match or null if none is found
throw new Error('Not implemented')
Called when at least one active XRSession is using this Reality
throw new Error('Exending classes should implement _start')
Called when no more active XRSessions are using this Reality
throw new Error('Exending classes should implement _stop')
Called by a session before it hands a new XRPresentationFrame to the app
Create an anchor hung in space
_addAnchor(anchor, display){
// returns DOMString anchor UID
throw new Error('Exending classes should implement _addAnchor')
Create an anchor attached to a surface, as found by a ray
returns a Promise that resolves either to an AnchorOffset or null if the hit test failed
normalized screen x and y are in range 0..1, with 0,0 at top left and 1,1 at bottom right
_findAnchor(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY, display){
throw new Error('Exending classes should implement _findAnchor')
Find an XRAnchorOffset that is at floor level below the current head pose
returns a Promise that resolves either to an AnchorOffset or null if the floor level is unknown
_findFloorAnchor(display, uid=null){
// Copy the head model matrix for the current pose so we have it in the promise below
const headModelMatrix = new Float32Array(display._headPose.poseModelMatrix)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// For now, just create an anchor at origin level. Maybe in the future search for a surface?
const coordinates = new XRCoordinates(display, display._trackerCoordinateSystem)
headModelMatrix[13] = 0 // Set height to 0
coordinates.poseMatrix = headModelMatrix
const anchor = new XRAnchor(coordinates, uid)
this._addAnchor(anchor, display)
resolve(new XRAnchorOffset(anchor.uid))
return this._anchors.get(uid) || null
// returns void
throw new Error('Exending classes should implement _removeAnchor')
// attribute EventHandler onchange;