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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use ffi_support::{define_handle_map_deleter, ConcurrentHandleMap, ExternError, FfiStr};
use webext_storage::{error, store::WebExtStorageStore as Store};
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref STORES: ConcurrentHandleMap<Store> = ConcurrentHandleMap::new();
pub extern "C" fn webext_store_new(db_path: FfiStr<'_>, error: &mut ExternError) -> u64 {
STORES.insert_with_result(error, || -> error::Result<Store> {
let path = db_path.as_str();
pub extern "C" fn webext_store_set(
handle: u64,
ext_id: FfiStr<'_>,
json: FfiStr<'_>,
error: &mut ExternError,
) -> *mut c_char {
STORES.call_with_result(error, handle, |store| -> error::Result<_> {
let val = serde_json::from_str(json.as_str())?;
let changes = store.set(ext_id.as_str(), val)?;
pub extern "C" fn webext_store_get(
handle: u64,
ext_id: FfiStr<'_>,
keys: FfiStr<'_>,
error: &mut ExternError,
) -> *mut c_char {
STORES.call_with_result(error, handle, |store| -> error::Result<_> {
let keys = serde_json::from_str(keys.as_str())?;
let val = store.get(ext_id.as_str(), keys)?;
pub extern "C" fn webext_store_remove(
handle: u64,
ext_id: FfiStr<'_>,
keys: FfiStr<'_>,
error: &mut ExternError,
) -> *mut c_char {
STORES.call_with_result(error, handle, |store| -> error::Result<_> {
let keys = serde_json::from_str(keys.as_str())?;
let changes = store.remove(ext_id.as_str(), keys)?;
pub extern "C" fn webext_store_clear(
handle: u64,
ext_id: FfiStr<'_>,
error: &mut ExternError,
) -> *mut c_char {
STORES.call_with_result(error, handle, |store| -> error::Result<_> {
let changes = store.clear(ext_id.as_str())?;
// For the FFI, we rely on `ffi-support` to generate a deleter for us, which
// automatically closes the underlying database connection when the store is
// dropped. Since the deleter catches panics, we don't need to use
// `Store::teardown` (unlike on Desktop, where panicking aborts). Note that,
// if `webext_store_destroy` fails, the connection will still be leaked.
define_handle_map_deleter!(STORES, webext_store_destroy);