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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
//! Server Communications.
//! Handles however communication to and from the remote Push Server should be done. For Desktop
//! this will be over Websocket. For mobile, it calls into the local operating
//! system and HTTPS to the web push server.
//! Mainly exposes a trait [`Connection`] and a concrete type that implements it [`ConnectHttp`]
//! The trait is a lightweight interface that talks to autopush servers and provides the following functionality
//! - Subscription: Through [`Connection::subscribe_new`] on first subscription, and [`Connection::subscribe_with_uaid`] on subsequent subscriptiosn
//! - Unsubscription: Through [`Connection::unsubscribe`] for a single channel, and [`Connection::unsubscribe_all`] for all channels
//! - Updating tokens: Through [`Connection::update`] to update a native token
//! - Getting all subscription channels: Through [`Connection::channel_list`]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use url::Url;
use viaduct::{header_names, status_codes, Headers, Request};
use crate::error::{
AlreadyRegisteredError, CommunicationError, CommunicationServerError,
use crate::internal::config::PushConfiguration;
use crate::internal::storage::Store;
mod rate_limiter;
pub use rate_limiter::PersistedRateLimiter;
const UAID_NOT_FOUND_ERRNO: u32 = 103;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
/// The response from the `/registration` endpoint
pub struct RegisterResponse {
/// The UAID assigned by autopush
pub uaid: String,
/// The Channel ID associated with the request
/// The server might assign a new one if "" is sent
/// with the request. Consumers should treat this channel_id
/// as the tru channel id.
#[serde(rename = "channelID")]
pub channel_id: String,
/// Auth token for subsequent calls (note, only generated on new UAIDs)
pub secret: String,
/// Push endpoint for 3rd parties
pub endpoint: String,
/// The sender id
#[serde(rename = "senderid")]
pub sender_id: Option<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
/// The response from the `/subscribe` endpoint
pub struct SubscribeResponse {
/// The Channel ID associated with the request
/// The server sends it back with the response.
/// The server might assign a new one if "" is sent
/// with the request. Consumers should treat this channel_id
/// as the tru channel id
#[serde(rename = "channelID")]
pub channel_id: String,
/// Push endpoint for 3rd parties
pub endpoint: String,
/// The sender id
#[serde(rename = "senderid")]
pub sender_id: Option<String>,
/// The request body for the `/registration` endpoint
struct RegisterRequest<'a> {
/// The native registration id, a token provided by the app
token: &'a str,
/// An optional app server key
key: Option<&'a str>,
struct UpdateRequest<'a> {
token: &'a str,
/// A new communication link to the Autopush server
#[cfg_attr(test, mockall::automock)]
pub trait Connection: Sized {
/// Create a new instance of a [`Connection`]
fn connect(options: PushConfiguration) -> Self;
/// Sends this client's very first subscription request. Note that the `uaid` is not available at this stage
/// the server will assign and return a uaid. Subsequent subscriptions will call [`Connection::subscribe_with_uaid`]
/// # Arguments
/// - `registration_id`: A string representing a native token. In practice, this is a Firebase token for Android and a APNS token for iOS
/// - `app_server_key`: Optional VAPID public key to "lock" subscriptions
/// # Returns
/// - Returns a [`RegisterResponse`] which is the autopush server's registration response deserialized
fn register(
registration_id: &str,
app_server_key: &Option<String>,
) -> error::Result<RegisterResponse>;
/// Sends subsequent subscriptions for this client. This will be called when the client has already been assigned a `uaid`
/// by the server when it first called [`Connection::subscribe_new`]
/// # Arguments
/// - `uaid`: A string representing the users `uaid` that was assigned when the user first registered for a subscription
/// - `auth`: A string representing an authorization token that will be sent as a header to autopush. The auth was returned on the user's first subscription.
/// - `registration_id`: A string representing a native token. In practice, this is a Firebase token for Android and a APNS token for iOS
/// - `app_server_key`: Optional VAPID public key to "lock" subscriptions
/// # Returns
/// - Returns a [`RegisterResponse`] which is the autopush server's registration response deserialized
fn subscribe(
uaid: &str,
auth: &str,
registration_id: &str,
app_server_key: &Option<String>,
) -> error::Result<SubscribeResponse>;
/// Drop a subscription previously registered with autopush
/// # Arguments
/// - `channel_id`: A string defined by client. The client is expected to provide this id when requesting the subscription record
/// - `uaid`: A string representing the users `uaid` that was assigned when the user first registered for a subscription
/// - `auth`: A string representing an authorization token that will be sent as a header to autopush. The auth was returned on the user's first subscription.
fn unsubscribe(&self, channel_id: &str, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()>;
/// Drop all subscriptions previously registered with autopush
/// # Arguments
/// - `channel_id`: A string defined by client. The client is expected to provide this id when requesting the subscription record
/// - `uaid`: A string representing the users `uaid` that was assigned when the user first registered for a subscription
/// - `auth`: A string representing an authorization token that will be sent as a header to autopush. The auth was returned on the user's first subscription.
fn unsubscribe_all(&self, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()>;
/// Update the autopush server with the new native OS Messaging authorization token
/// # Arguments
/// - `new_token`: A string representing a new natvie token for the user. This would be an FCM token for Android, and an APNS token for iOS
/// - `uaid`: A string representing the users `uaid` that was assigned when the user first registered for a subscription
/// - `auth`: A string representing an authorization token that will be sent as a header to autopush. The auth was returned on the user's first subscription.
fn update(&self, new_token: &str, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()>;
/// Get a list of server known channels.
/// # Arguments
/// - `uaid`: A string representing the users `uaid` that was assigned when the user first registered for a subscription
/// - `auth`: A string representing an authorization token that will be sent as a header to autopush. The auth was returned on the user's first subscription.
/// # Returns
/// A list of channel ids representing all the channels the user is subscribed to
fn channel_list(&self, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<Vec<String>>;
/// Connect to the Autopush server via the HTTP interface
pub struct ConnectHttp {
options: PushConfiguration,
impl ConnectHttp {
fn auth_headers(&self, auth: &str) -> error::Result<Headers> {
let mut headers = Headers::new();
.insert(header_names::AUTHORIZATION, &*format!("webpush {}", auth))
.map_err(|e| error::PushError::CommunicationError(format!("Header error: {:?}", e)))?;
fn check_response_error(&self, response: &viaduct::Response) -> error::Result<()> {
// An error response, the extended object structure is retrieved from
struct ResponseError {
pub errno: Option<u32>,
pub message: String,
if response.is_server_error() {
let response_error = response.json::<ResponseError>()?;
return Err(CommunicationServerError(format!(
"General Server Error: {}",
if response.is_client_error() {
let response_error = response.json::<ResponseError>()?;
if response.status == status_codes::CONFLICT {
return Err(AlreadyRegisteredError);
if response.status == status_codes::GONE
&& matches!(response_error.errno, Some(UAID_NOT_FOUND_ERRNO))
return Err(UAIDNotRecognizedError(response_error.message));
return Err(CommunicationError(format!(
"Unhandled client error {:?}",
fn format_unsubscribe_url(&self, uaid: &str) -> error::Result<String> {
fn send_subscription_request<T>(
url: Url,
headers: Headers,
registration_id: &str,
app_server_key: &Option<String>,
) -> error::Result<T>
T: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
let body = RegisterRequest {
token: registration_id,
key: app_server_key.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()),
let response = Request::post(url).headers(headers).json(&body).send()?;
impl Connection for ConnectHttp {
fn connect(options: PushConfiguration) -> ConnectHttp {
ConnectHttp { options }
fn register(
registration_id: &str,
app_server_key: &Option<String>,
) -> error::Result<RegisterResponse> {
let url = format!(
let headers = Headers::new();
self.send_subscription_request(Url::parse(&url)?, headers, registration_id, app_server_key)
fn subscribe(
uaid: &str,
auth: &str,
registration_id: &str,
app_server_key: &Option<String>,
) -> error::Result<SubscribeResponse> {
let url = format!(
let headers = self.auth_headers(auth)?;
self.send_subscription_request(Url::parse(&url)?, headers, registration_id, app_server_key)
fn unsubscribe(&self, channel_id: &str, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()> {
let url = format!(
let response = Request::delete(Url::parse(&url)?)
log::info!("unsubscribed from {}: {}", url, response.status);
fn unsubscribe_all(&self, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()> {
let url = self.format_unsubscribe_url(uaid)?;
let response = Request::delete(Url::parse(&url)?)
log::info!("unsubscribed from all via {}: {}", url, response.status);
fn update(&self, new_token: &str, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<()> {
let options = self.options.clone();
let url = format!(
let body = UpdateRequest { token: new_token };
let response = Request::put(Url::parse(&url)?)
log::info!("update via {}: {}", url, response.status);
fn channel_list(&self, uaid: &str, auth: &str) -> error::Result<Vec<String>> {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Payload {
uaid: String,
#[serde(rename = "channelIDs")]
channel_ids: Vec<String>,
let options = self.options.clone();
let url = format!(
let response = match Request::get(Url::parse(&url)?)
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return Err(CommunicationServerError(format!(
"Could not fetch channel list: {}",
let payload: Payload = response.json()?;
if payload.uaid != uaid {
return Err(CommunicationServerError(
"Invalid Response from server".to_string(),
.map(|s| Store::normalize_uuid(s))
mod test {
use crate::internal::config::Protocol;
use super::*;
use super::Connection;
use mockito::{mock, server_address};
use serde_json::json;
const DUMMY_CHID: &str = "deadbeef00000000decafbad00000000";
const DUMMY_CHID2: &str = "decafbad00000000deadbeef00000000";
const DUMMY_UAID: &str = "abad1dea00000000aabbccdd00000000";
// Local test SENDER_ID ("test*" reserved for Kotlin testing.)
const SENDER_ID: &str = "FakeSenderID";
const SECRET: &str = "SuP3rS1kRet";
fn test_communications() {
// mockito forces task serialization, so for now, we test everything in one go.
let config = PushConfiguration {
http_protocol: Protocol::Http,
server_host: server_address().to_string(),
sender_id: SENDER_ID.to_owned(),
// SUBSCRIPTION with secret
let body = json!({
"uaid": DUMMY_UAID,
"channelID": DUMMY_CHID,
"senderid": SENDER_ID,
"secret": SECRET,
let ap_mock = mock("POST", &*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration", SENDER_ID))
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config.clone());
let response = conn.register(SENDER_ID, &None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.uaid, DUMMY_UAID);
// Second subscription, after first is send with uaid
let body = json!({
"uaid": DUMMY_UAID,
"channelID": DUMMY_CHID,
"senderid": SENDER_ID,
"secret": SECRET,
let ap_mock = mock("POST", &*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration", SENDER_ID))
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config.clone());
let response = conn.register(SENDER_ID, &None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.uaid, DUMMY_UAID);
assert_eq!(response.channel_id, DUMMY_CHID);
let body_2 = json!({
"uaid": DUMMY_UAID,
"channelID": DUMMY_CHID2,
"senderid": SENDER_ID,
"secret": SECRET,
let ap_mock_2 = mock(
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let response = conn
.subscribe(DUMMY_UAID, SECRET, SENDER_ID, &None)
// UNSUBSCRIBE - Single channel
let ap_mock = mock(
.match_header("authorization", format!("webpush {}", SECRET).as_str())
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config.clone());
conn.unsubscribe(DUMMY_CHID, DUMMY_UAID, SECRET).unwrap();
let ap_mock = mock(
&*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration/{}", SENDER_ID, DUMMY_UAID),
.match_header("authorization", format!("webpush {}", SECRET).as_str())
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config.clone());
conn.unsubscribe_all(DUMMY_UAID, SECRET).unwrap();
let ap_mock = mock(
&*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration/{}", SENDER_ID, DUMMY_UAID),
.match_header("authorization", format!("webpush {}", SECRET).as_str())
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config.clone());
conn.update("NewTokenValue", DUMMY_UAID, SECRET).unwrap();
let body_cl_success = json!({
"uaid": DUMMY_UAID,
"channelIDs": [DUMMY_CHID],
let ap_mock = mock(
&*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration/{}", SENDER_ID, DUMMY_UAID),
.match_header("authorization", format!("webpush {}", SECRET).as_str())
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config);
let response = conn.channel_list(DUMMY_UAID, SECRET).unwrap();
assert!(response == [DUMMY_CHID.to_owned()]);
// we test that we properly return a `AlreadyRegisteredError` when a client
// gets a `CONFLICT` status code
let config = PushConfiguration {
http_protocol: Protocol::Http,
server_host: server_address().to_string(),
sender_id: SENDER_ID.to_owned(),
// We mock that the server thinks
// we already registered!
let body = json!({
"code": status_codes::CONFLICT,
"errno": 999u32,
"error": "",
"message": "Already registered"
let ap_mock = mock("POST", &*format!("/v1/fcm/{}/registration", SENDER_ID))
.with_status(status_codes::CONFLICT as usize)
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")
let conn = ConnectHttp::connect(config);
let err = conn.register(SENDER_ID, &None).unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(err, error::PushError::AlreadyRegisteredError));