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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var rule = require("../lib/rules/reject-global-this");
var RuleTester = require("eslint").RuleTester;
// class static block is available from ES2022 = 13.
const ruleTester = new RuleTester({ parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: "latest" } });
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function invalidCode(code) {
return {
errors: [{ messageId: "avoidGlobalThis", type: "ThisExpression" }],
}"reject-top-level-await", rule, {
valid: [
"function f() { this; }",
"(function f() { this; });",
"({ foo() { this; } });",
"({ get foo() { this; } })",
"({ set foo(x) { this; } })",
"class X { foo() { this; } }",
"class X { get foo() { this; } }",
"class X { set foo(x) { this; } }",
"class X { static foo() { this; } }",
"class X { static get foo() { this; } }",
"class X { static set foo(x) { this; } }",
"class X { P = this; }",
"class X { #P = this; }",
"class X { static { this; } }",
invalid: [
invalidCode("() => this;"),
invalidCode(" = 10;"),
invalidCode("ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, {});"),