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Test Info: Warnings

"use strict";
const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["", ""] });
server.registerPathHandler("/dummy", () => {});
const { ExtensionPermissions } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
async function grantUserScriptsPermission(extensionId) {
// userScripts is optional-only, and we must grant it. See comment at
// grantUserScriptsPermission in test_ext_userScripts_mv3_availability.js.
await ExtensionPermissions.add(extensionId, {
permissions: ["userScripts"],
origins: [],
async function spawnPage(spawnFunc) {
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(
const results = await contentPage.spawn([], spawnFunc);
await contentPage.close();
return results;
add_setup(async () => {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.userScripts.mv3.enabled", true);
await ExtensionTestUtils.startAddonManager();
add_task(async function default_USER_SCRIPT_world_behavior() {
const extensionId = "@default_USER_SCRIPT_world_behavior";
await grantUserScriptsPermission(extensionId);
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
useAddonManager: "permanent",
manifest: {
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: extensionId } },
manifest_version: 3,
optional_permissions: ["userScripts"],
host_permissions: ["*://*"],
files: {
"world_checker.js": () => {
window.wrappedJSObject.results = [];
// window.eval is not blocked and runs in MAIN world.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
let resultsInMainWorld = window.eval("results");
// Unlike ISOLATED, USER_SCRIPT world cannot access extension APIs.
resultsInMainWorld.push(typeof browser === "undefined");
// Unlike MAIN, USER_SCRIPT world's default CSP blocks eval.
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
eval("throw new Error('eval executed unexpectedly???')");
} catch (e) {
async background() {
await browser.userScripts.register([
id: "world global checker",
matches: ["*://"],
js: [{ file: "world_checker.js" }],
runAt: "document_end",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitMessage("registered");
const results = await spawnPage(() => this.content.wrappedJSObject.results);
equal(results[0], true, "browser (extension APIs) should be undefined");
"call to eval() blocked by CSP",
"eval() should be blocked by default in the USER_SCRIPT world"
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function multiple_scripts_share_same_default_world() {
const extensionId = "@multiple_scripts_share_same_default_world";
await grantUserScriptsPermission(extensionId);
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
useAddonManager: "permanent",
manifest: {
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: extensionId } },
manifest_version: 3,
optional_permissions: ["userScripts"],
host_permissions: ["*://*"],
async background() {
await browser.userScripts.register([
id: "first scripts",
matches: ["*://"],
js: [
// All js within one script are guaranteed to run in order, and
// they should run in the same default sandbox.
{ code: `var a = "";` },
{ code: `a += "1";` },
{ code: `a += "2";` },
{ code: `a += "3";` },
{ code: `a += "4";` },
{ code: `a += "5";` },
// Prepends a to x, and expose in web page as variable "r".
{ code: `var x = x || ""; x = a + x; window.wrappedJSObject.r=x` },
runAt: "document_end",
id: "separate scripts",
matches: ["*://"],
js: [
{ code: `var b = "";` },
{ code: `b += "6";` },
{ code: `b += "7";` },
{ code: `b += "8";` },
{ code: `b += "9";` },
// Appends a to x, and expose in web page as variable "r".
{ code: `var x = x || ""; x = x + b; window.wrappedJSObject.r=x` },
runAt: "document_end",
id: "document_start, runs before other document_end scripts",
matches: ["*://"],
// The other scripts prepend and append, and this becomes the middle.
js: [{ code: `var x = x || "_"; window.wrappedJSObject.r=x` }],
runAt: "document_start",
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitMessage("registered");
const result = await spawnPage(() => {
let { x, r } = this.content.wrappedJSObject;
return { x, r };
equal(result.x, undefined, "Web page cannot see vars from USER_SCRIPT world");
equal(result.r, "12345_6789", "All user scripts should share the same scope");
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_worldId_validation() {
const extensionId = "@test_worldId_validation";
await grantUserScriptsPermission(extensionId);
async function background() {
const id = "single user script id";
function testRegister(props) {
// ^ Not async, so that callers can test the difference between sync vs
// async errors from userScripts.register().
return browser.userScripts.register([
{ id, includeGlobs: ["*"], js: [{ code: "// ..." }], ...props },
async function doUnregister() {
await browser.userScripts.unregister({ ids: [id] });
try {
await browser.test.assertRejects(
testRegister({ worldId: "_" }),
"Invalid worldId: _",
"worldId starting with underscore are reserved"
browser.test.log("worldId containing underscore after start is OK");
await testRegister({ worldId: "x_" });
await doUnregister();
await browser.test.assertRejects(
testRegister({ worldId: "x".repeat(257) }),
/^Invalid worldId: x{257}$/,
"Too long worldId is rejected"
browser.test.log("worldId length of 256 characters is OK");
await testRegister({ worldId: "x".repeat(256) });
await doUnregister();
browser.test.log("worldId length of 256 double-byte characters is OK");
await testRegister({ worldId: "\u{1234}".repeat(256) });
await doUnregister();
// The above shows that we do not count by the number of bytes, but by
// the JS string length. The following assertion shows that we do not
// somehow count by the number of Unicode characters.
await browser.test.assertRejects(
testRegister({ worldId: "\u{1f00d}".repeat(256) }),
/^Invalid worldId: \u{1f00d}{256}$/u,
"worldId length of 256 multi-code unit characters is rejected."
() => testRegister({ worldId: 123 }),
/worldId: Expected string instead of 123/,
"Non-string worldId is rejected."
// Now test that worldId cannot be used with world "MAIN".
await browser.test.assertRejects(
testRegister({ world: "MAIN", worldId: "i" }),
"worldId cannot be used with MAIN world.",
"Should not support worldId with MAIN world"
await browser.test.assertRejects(
testRegister({ world: "MAIN", worldId: "i" }),
"worldId cannot be used with MAIN world.",
"Should not support worldId with MAIN world"
// And not even with update().
await testRegister({ world: "MAIN" });
await browser.test.assertRejects(
browser.userScripts.update([{ id, worldId: "y" }]),
"worldId cannot be used with MAIN world.",
"Should not update worldId to non-default world for world MAIN"
browser.test.log("Updating worldId + world=USER_SCRIPT at once is OK");
await browser.userScripts.update([
{ id, world: "USER_SCRIPT", worldId: "y" },
await browser.test.assertRejects(
browser.userScripts.update([{ id, world: "MAIN" }]),
"worldId cannot be used with MAIN world.",
"Should not change world to MAIN when worldId is non-default worldId"
browser.test.log("Update can set world=MAIN and clear worldId at once");
await browser.userScripts.update([{ id, world: "MAIN", worldId: "" }]);
await doUnregister();
} catch (e) {`Unexpected error: ${e}`);
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: extensionId } },
manifest_version: 3,
optional_permissions: ["userScripts"],
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitMessage("done");
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_default_and_many_non_default_worldIds() {
const extensionId = "@test_default_and_many_non_default_worldIds";
await grantUserScriptsPermission(extensionId);
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
useAddonManager: "permanent",
manifest: {
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: extensionId } },
manifest_version: 3,
optional_permissions: ["userScripts"],
host_permissions: ["*://*"],
async background() {
const matches = ["*://"];
let scripts = [
id: "define res, so other scripts can push results",
js: [{ code: `window.res = [];` }],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "MAIN",
// worldId not specified - not meaningful for world "MAIN".
id: "default world (worldId not specified)",
js: [{ code: `var x = x ?? []; x.push(-3)` }],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
// worldId not specified = default world.
id: "default world (worldId is empty string)",
js: [{ code: `var x = x ?? []; x.push(-2)` }],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
worldId: "", // worldId "" is the default world.
id: "default world (worldId is null)",
js: [{ code: `var x = x ?? []; x.push(-1)` }],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
worldId: null, // worldId null defaults to default world.
id: "default world (export result from previous scripts)",
js: [{ code: `window.wrappedJSObject.res.push(...x)` }],
runAt: "document_end", // Runs after document_start in default world.
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
// worldId not specified = default world.
// expected result is [-3, -2, -1] is from default world above.
const expectedResults = [-3, -2, -1]; // plus 1...50 from loop below.
for (let i = 1; i <= 50; ++i) {
// The first script initializes "x" if not done so before, the second
// script exports it to the main world.
id: `user script ${i} at document_start`,
js: [{ code: `var x = x ?? ${i};` }],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
worldId: `worldId ${i}`,
id: `user script ${i} at document_end`,
// If worlds were unexpectedly shared, x would be from another script
// and false would be added to res instead of the number i.
js: [{ code: `window.wrappedJSObject.res.push(x === ${i} && ${i})` }],
runAt: "document_end",
world: "USER_SCRIPT",
worldId: `worldId ${i}`,
await browser.userScripts.register(scripts);
browser.test.sendMessage("registered_and_expected", expectedResults);
await extension.startup();
let expectedRes = await extension.awaitMessage("registered_and_expected");
const actualRes = await spawnPage(() => this.content.wrappedJSObject.res);
// Script execution order is not guaranteed yet between different scripts,
// so print informative message:
info(`Actual result (unsorted): ${actualRes}`);
actualRes.toSorted((a, b) => a - b),
"Every script should execute in the world specified by worldId"
await extension.unload();