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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'win' && socketprocess_networking && fission OR os == 'mac' && socketprocess_networking && fission OR os == 'mac' && debug OR os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking
- Manifest: toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell-remote.toml includes toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell-common.toml
- Manifest: toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell.toml includes toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell-common.toml
"use strict";
const { ExtensionUserScripts } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["", ""] });
server.registerPathHandler("/evalChecker", (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.write(`<script>var res = { evalOk: [], evalBlocked: [] };</script>`);
add_setup(async () => {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.userScripts.mv3.enabled", true);
// Grant "userScripts" permission via permissions.request() without UI.
await ExtensionTestUtils.startAddonManager();
async function testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts() {
// Open page. User script(s) should run there.
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(
const res = await contentPage.spawn([], () => content.wrappedJSObject.res);
await contentPage.close();
return {
// We do not want to rely on a particular execution order, so sort results.
evalOk: res.evalOk.toSorted(),
evalBlocked: res.evalBlocked.toSorted(),
async function startEvalTesterExtension() {
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
useAddonManager: "permanent",
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
optional_permissions: ["userScripts"],
host_permissions: ["*://*"],
background() {
// This function will be serialized and executed as a user script.
function testEvalInWorld(worldId) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
eval("// If blocked by CSP, then this will throw");
} catch {
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, args) => {
if (msg === "grantUserScriptsPermission") {
await browser.permissions.request({ permissions: ["userScripts"] });
} else if (msg === "registerUserScriptForWorldId") {
const worldId = args;
await browser.userScripts.register([
id: `script for world ${worldId}.`,
matches: ["*://"],
js: [{ code: `(${testEvalInWorld})("${worldId}")` }],
runAt: "document_end",
worldId: worldId,
} else if (msg === "configureWorld") {
await browser.userScripts.configureWorld(args);
} else if (msg === "resetWorldConfiguration") {
await browser.userScripts.resetWorldConfiguration(args);
} else if (msg === "getWorldConfigurations") {
let res = await browser.userScripts.getWorldConfigurations();
for (let properties of res) {
// We are only interested in the worldId / csp properties, so drop
// all other properties so we can keep the assertions simple.
delete properties.messaging;
browser.test.sendMessage("getWorldConfigurations:done", res);
} else {`Unexpected message: ${msg}`);
await extension.startup();
await withHandlingUserInput(extension, async () => {
await extension.awaitMessage("grantUserScriptsPermission:done");
async function queryExtension(msg, args) {
info(`queryExtension(${msg}, ${args && JSON.stringify(args)})`);
extension.sendMessage(msg, args);
return extension.awaitMessage(`${msg}:done`);
return { extension, queryExtension };
// The default behavior is to enforce a strict CSP that blocks eval(), as shown
// by default_USER_SCRIPT_world_behavior in test_ext_userScripts_mv3_worlds.js.
// This test shows the most common scenario for user script extensions: that
// they can relax the CSP.
add_task(async function test_clear_csp_in_default_USER_SCRIPT_world() {
let { extension, queryExtension } = await startEvalTesterExtension();
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { csp: "" });
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "otherWorld");
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["", "otherWorld"], evalBlocked: [] },
"With empty csp in configureWorld(), user scripts can call eval()."
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
[{ worldId: "", csp: "" }],
"getWorldConfigurations() returns current CSP configuration"
await extension.unload();
// Tests configureWorld, resetWorldConfiguration and getWorldConfigurations for
// multiple worldId (including default world):
// - verify that world-specific CSP can be set.
// - verify that if csp is null, that we fall back to the default world's CSP,
// or the extension's (strict) default CSP if there is no default configured.
add_task(async function test_world_specific_csp_override() {
let { extension, queryExtension } = await startEvalTesterExtension();
// Override default: instead of blocking eval(), permit eval():
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_1", csp: "" });
await queryExtension("configureWorld", {
csp: "script-src 'none'", // Stricter than the default, and blocks eval().
worldId: "world_3",
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_1");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_2");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_3");
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_1"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_2", "world_3"] },
"Can override CSP for specific world without affecting default world"
info("Setting empty CSP by default, to allow eval().");
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "", csp: "" });
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["", "world_1", "world_2"], evalBlocked: ["world_3"] },
"CSP empty by default, except world_3 that blocked it explicitly"
info("Resetting CSP of default world");
await queryExtension("resetWorldConfiguration", null);
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_1"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_2", "world_3"] },
"Default (strict) CSP is applied by default, except where allowed (world_1)"
// Sanity check: Which worlds do we have configured?
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
{ worldId: "world_1", csp: "" },
{ worldId: "world_3", csp: "script-src 'none'" },
"getWorldConfigurations() returns current CSP configurations"
// Test that we can reset a non-default world.
await queryExtension("resetWorldConfiguration", "world_3");
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_1"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_2", "world_3"] },
"world_3 now defaults to the default, which still blocks eval()"
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
[{ worldId: "world_1", csp: "" }],
"getWorldConfigurations() returns only remaining configuration"
// Test that when a world is configured and the CSP is omitted, that it
// falls back to the default world.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_2" });
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_3", csp: null });
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_1"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_2", "world_3"] },
"world_2 and world_3 fall back to the default world's CSP"
// Now relax the default world again.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "", csp: "" });
// Verify that it just updated the default world's csp, and not all others
// that would fall back to the default.
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
{ worldId: "world_1", csp: "" },
{ worldId: "world_2", csp: null },
{ worldId: "world_3", csp: null },
{ worldId: "", csp: "" },
"getWorldConfigurations() returns null where csp was not explicitly set"
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["", "world_1", "world_2", "world_3"], evalBlocked: [] },
"world_2 and world_3 use the new (relaxed) default world CSP"
// Now set the default world without explicit CSP. Should default to strict.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "" });
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_1"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_2", "world_3"] },
"When default world does not have explicit csp, default CSP is strict"
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
{ worldId: "world_1", csp: "" },
{ worldId: "world_2", csp: null },
{ worldId: "world_3", csp: null },
{ worldId: "", csp: null },
"getWorldConfigurations() returns null where csp was not explicitly set"
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_configuration_persists_across_restarts() {
let { extension, queryExtension } = await startEvalTesterExtension();
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_1");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_2");
await queryExtension("registerUserScriptForWorldId", "world_3");
// Default world: use defaults (fall back to default strict CSP).
await queryExtension("configureWorld", {});
// Set and reset world_1, just to show that there is no lingering state.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_1", csp: "" });
await queryExtension("resetWorldConfiguration", "world_1");
// world_2: relax CSP.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_2", csp: "" });
// world_3: fall back to default, which ultimately falls back to strict CSP.
await queryExtension("configureWorld", { worldId: "world_3", csp: null });
// The test_world_specific_csp_override test already verified that the CSP is
// correctly enforced immediately, so we restart immediately to verify that
// the configurations persist.
await AddonTestUtils.promiseShutdownManager();
await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager();
await extension.wakeupBackground();
await queryExtension("getWorldConfigurations"),
{ worldId: "", csp: null },
{ worldId: "world_2", csp: "" },
{ worldId: "world_3", csp: null },
"getWorldConfigurations() returns null where csp was not explicitly set"
await testEvalCheckerWithUserScripts(),
{ evalOk: ["world_2"], evalBlocked: ["", "world_1", "world_3"] },
"World-specific CSP configurations persist across restarts"
await extension.unload();