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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const server = createHttpServer({
hosts: ["", "", "", ""],
const BASE_COM = "";
const BASE_COM_SUB = "";
const BASE_COM_XHR = `${BASE_COM}/xhr`;
const BASE_ORG = "";
// Small red image.
const IMG_BYTES = atob(
const testServerHandlers = [
path: "/",
contentType: "text/html",
responseBody: "<!DOCTYPE html><html></html>",
path: "/xhr",
contentType: "text/json",
responseBody: JSON.stringify({ success: true }),
allowCORS: true,
path: "/image.png",
contentType: "image/png",
responseBody: IMG_BYTES,
path: "/script.js",
contentType: "text/javascript",
responseBody: "",
for (const handler of testServerHandlers) {
const { path, contentType, responseBody, allowCORS } = handler;
server.registerPathHandler(path, (req, res) => {
res.setStatusLine(req.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
res.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType, false);
if (allowCORS) {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "0");
function getDNRTestExtension() {
function background() {
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, ...args) => {
let result;
let createRejectionHandler = apiName => err => {`Got unexpected error from ${apiName}: ${err}`);
switch (msg) {
case "updateSessionRules": {
await browser.declarativeNetRequest
default:`Got unexpected test message: ${msg}`);
browser.test.sendMessage(`${msg}:done`, result);
return {
manifest: {
permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest"],
async function updateSessionRules(extension, opts) {
await extension.sendMessage("updateSessionRules", opts);
await extension.awaitMessage("updateSessionRules:done");
function promiseHttpOnStopRequest(url, msg = `request ${url}`) {
return TestUtils.topicObserved("http-on-stop-request", s => {
const chan = s.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
return chan.URI.spec === url;
}).then(([chan]) => {
if (!chan.canceled) {
const { responseStatus } = chan;
`Got http-on-stop-request for ${msg}, responseStatus ${responseStatus}`
return { responseStatus };
let blockingReason = chan.loadInfo.requestBlockingReason;
`Got http-on-stop-request for ${msg}, blockingReason ${blockingReason}`
let addonId;
try {
const props = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag);
addonId = props.getProperty("cancelledByExtension");
} catch (err) {
// Channel may not have a property bag and chan.QueryInterface.
return { addonId, blockingReason };
add_task(async function test_request_domain_type_xhr() {
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(getDNRTestExtension());
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitMessage("bg:ready");
const testXHR = (origin, url, { expectBlocked = false } = {}) => {
const msg = `XHR request ${url} from ${origin}`;
info(`Test ${msg}`);
const promiseRequestStop = promiseHttpOnStopRequest(url, msg).then(
result => {
const blockingReason =
const expectedResult = expectBlocked
? { addonId:, blockingReason }
: { responseStatus: 200 };
`Got the expected result for ${msg} http-on-stop-request`
const promiseFetch = ExtensionTestUtils.fetch(origin, url).catch(err => {
if (expectBlocked) {
`${msg} got rejected as expected: ${err}`
} else {
`${msg} expected to succeeded but for rejected: ${err}`
return Promise.all([promiseFetch, promiseRequestStop]);
// Sanity checks.
info("Trigger sanity check requests with no active DNR rules");
await testXHR(BASE_COM, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
await testXHR(BASE_ORG, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
await testXHR(BASE_COM_SUB, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
info("Update DNR session rules to block firstParty XHR requests");
const blockFirstPartyRule = getDNRRule({
id: 1,
action: { type: "block" },
condition: {
domainType: "firstParty",
resourceTypes: ["xmlhttprequest"],
urlFilter: `|${BASE_COM_XHR}`,
await updateSessionRules(extension, { addRules: [blockFirstPartyRule] });
await testXHR(BASE_COM, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: true });
await testXHR(BASE_COM_SUB, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: true });
await testXHR(BASE_ORG, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
info("Update DNR session rules to block thirdParty XHR requests");
const blockThirdPartyRule = getDNRRule({
id: 2,
action: { type: "block" },
condition: {
domainType: "thirdParty",
resourceTypes: ["xmlhttprequest"],
urlFilter: `|${BASE_COM_XHR}`,
await updateSessionRules(extension, {
addRules: [blockThirdPartyRule],
removeRuleIds: [],
await testXHR(BASE_COM, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
await testXHR(BASE_COM_SUB, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: false });
await testXHR(BASE_ORG, BASE_COM_XHR, { expectBlocked: true });
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_request_domain_type_subresources() {
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(getDNRTestExtension());
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitMessage("bg:ready");
// Test helper used to test subresource requests triggered by
// img and script tags.
const testTag = (tagName, targetPage, targetUrl, expectBlocked) => {
info(`==== Test ${tagName} request to ${targetUrl}`);
const promiseRequestStop = promiseHttpOnStopRequest(targetUrl).then(
result => {
const blockingReason =
const expectedResult = expectBlocked
? { addonId:, blockingReason }
: { responseStatus: 200 };
`Got the expected result for ${targetUrl} http-on-stop-request`
const promiseSpawn = targetPage.spawn([tagName, targetUrl], (tag, url) => {
const doc = this.content.document;
const el = doc.createElement(tag);
el.src = url;
return Promise.all([promiseRequestStop, promiseSpawn]);
const testSubResourcesRequests = async (pageUrl, testCases) => {
let page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(pageUrl);
for (const testCase of testCases) {
const { tag, url, expectBlocked } = testCase;
await testTag(tag, page, url, expectBlocked);
await page.close();
// Sanity check
await testSubResourcesRequests(BASE_COM, [
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_COM}/image.png`, expectBlocked: false },
tag: "img",
url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/image.png`,
expectBlocked: false,
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_ORG}/image.png`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_COM}/script.js`, expectBlocked: false },
tag: "script",
url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/script.js`,
expectBlocked: false,
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_ORG}/script.js`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM}/`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_ORG}/`, expectBlocked: false },
info("Update DNR session rules to block first party image requests");
const blockFirstPartyRule = getDNRRule({
id: 1,
action: { type: "block" },
condition: {
domainType: "firstParty",
resourceTypes: ["image", "script", "sub_frame"],
await updateSessionRules(extension, { addRules: [blockFirstPartyRule] });
await testSubResourcesRequests(BASE_COM, [
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_COM}/image.png`, expectBlocked: true },
tag: "img",
url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/image.png`,
expectBlocked: true,
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_ORG}/image.png`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_COM}/script.js`, expectBlocked: true },
tag: "script",
url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/script.js`,
expectBlocked: true,
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_ORG}/script.js`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM}/`, expectBlocked: true },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/`, expectBlocked: true },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_ORG}/`, expectBlocked: false },
info("Update DNR session rules to block third party image requests");
const blockThirdPartyRule = getDNRRule({
id: 2,
action: { type: "block" },
condition: {
domainType: "thirdParty",
resourceTypes: ["image", "script", "sub_frame"],
await updateSessionRules(extension, {
addRules: [blockThirdPartyRule],
removeRuleIds: [],
await testSubResourcesRequests(BASE_COM, [
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_COM}/image.png`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/image.png`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "img", url: `${BASE_ORG}/image.png`, expectBlocked: true },
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_COM}/script.js`, expectBlocked: false },
tag: "script",
url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/script.js`,
expectBlocked: false,
{ tag: "script", url: `${BASE_ORG}/script.js`, expectBlocked: true },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM}/`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_COM_SUB}/`, expectBlocked: false },
{ tag: "iframe", url: `${BASE_ORG}/`, expectBlocked: true },
await extension.unload();