Name Description Size The `BlockRngCore` trait and implementation helpers The [`BlockRngCore`] trait exists to assist in the implementation of RNGs which generate a block of data in a cache instead of returning generated values directly. Usage of this trait is optional, but provides two advantages: implementations only need to concern themselves with generation of the block, not the various [`RngCore`] methods (especially [`fill_bytes`], where the optimal implementations are not trivial), and this allows `ReseedingRng` (see [`rand`]( crate) perform periodic reseeding with very low overhead. # Example ```no_run use rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng}; use rand_core::block::{BlockRngCore, BlockRng}; struct MyRngCore; impl BlockRngCore for MyRngCore { type Item = u32; type Results = [u32; 16]; fn generate(&mut self, results: &mut Self::Results) { unimplemented!() } } impl SeedableRng for MyRngCore { type Seed = [u8; 32]; fn from_seed(seed: Self::Seed) -> Self { unimplemented!() } } // optionally, also implement CryptoRng for MyRngCore // Final RNG. let mut rng = BlockRng::<MyRngCore>::seed_from_u64(0); println!("First value: {}", rng.next_u32()); ``` [`BlockRngCore`]: crate::block::BlockRngCore [`fill_bytes`]: RngCore::fill_bytes 17933 Error types 7072 Helper functions for implementing `RngCore` functions. For cross-platform reproducibility, these functions all use Little Endian: least-significant part first. For example, `next_u64_via_u32` takes `u32` values `x, y`, then outputs `(y << 32) | x`. To implement `next_u32` from `next_u64` in little-endian order, one should use `next_u64() as u32`. Byte-swapping (like the std `to_le` functions) is only needed to convert to/from byte sequences, and since its purpose is reproducibility, non-reproducible sources (e.g. `OsRng`) need not bother with it. 7188 Little-Endian utilities Little-Endian order has been chosen for internal usage; this makes some useful functions available. 1806 Random number generation traits This crate is mainly of interest to crates publishing implementations of [`RngCore`]. Other users are encouraged to use the [`rand`] crate instead which re-exports the main traits and error types. [`RngCore`] is the core trait implemented by algorithmic pseudo-random number generators and external random-number sources. [`SeedableRng`] is an extension trait for construction from fixed seeds and other random number generators. [`Error`] is provided for error-handling. It is safe to use in `no_std` environments. The [`impls`] and [`le`] sub-modules include a few small functions to assist implementation of [`RngCore`]. [`rand`]: 20621 Interface to the random number generator of the operating system. 2548