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//! Read DWARF debugging information.
//! * [Example Usage](#example-usage)
//! * [API Structure](#api-structure)
//! * [Using with `FallibleIterator`](#using-with-fallibleiterator)
//! ## Example Usage
//! Print out all of the functions in the debuggee program:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn example() -> Result<(), gimli::Error> {
//! # type R = gimli::EndianSlice<'static, gimli::LittleEndian>;
//! # let get_file_section_reader = |name| -> Result<R, gimli::Error> { unimplemented!() };
//! # let get_sup_file_section_reader = |name| -> Result<R, gimli::Error> { unimplemented!() };
//! // Read the DWARF sections with whatever object loader you're using.
//! // These closures should return a `Reader` instance (e.g. `EndianSlice`).
//! let loader = |section: gimli::SectionId| { get_file_section_reader( };
//! let sup_loader = |section: gimli::SectionId| { get_sup_file_section_reader( };
//! let mut dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(loader)?;
//! dwarf.load_sup(sup_loader)?;
//! // Iterate over all compilation units.
//! let mut iter = dwarf.units();
//! while let Some(header) = {
//! // Parse the abbreviations and other information for this compilation unit.
//! let unit = dwarf.unit(header)?;
//! // Iterate over all of this compilation unit's entries.
//! let mut entries = unit.entries();
//! while let Some((_, entry)) = entries.next_dfs()? {
//! // If we find an entry for a function, print it.
//! if entry.tag() == gimli::DW_TAG_subprogram {
//! println!("Found a function: {:?}", entry);
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! # unreachable!()
//! # }
//! ```
//! Full example programs:
//! * [A `dwarfdump`
//! * [An `addr2line` clone](
//! * [`ddbug`](, a utility giving insight into
//! code generation by making debugging information readable
//! * [`dwprod`](, a tiny utility to list the
//! compilers used to create each compilation unit within a shared library or
//! executable (via `DW_AT_producer`)
//! a program to validate the integrity of some DWARF and its references
//! between sections and compilation units.
//! ## API Structure
//! * Basic familiarity with DWARF is assumed.
//! * The [`Dwarf`](./struct.Dwarf.html) type contains the commonly used DWARF
//! sections. It has methods that simplify access to debugging data that spans
//! multiple sections. Use of this type is optional, but recommended.
//! * The [`DwarfPackage`](./struct.Dwarf.html) type contains the DWARF
//! package (DWP) sections. It has methods to find a DWARF object (DWO)
//! within the package.
//! * Each section gets its own type. Consider these types the entry points to
//! the library:
//! * [`DebugAbbrev`](./struct.DebugAbbrev.html): The `.debug_abbrev` section.
//! * [`DebugAddr`](./struct.DebugAddr.html): The `.debug_addr` section.
//! * [`DebugAranges`](./struct.DebugAranges.html): The `.debug_aranges`
//! section.
//! * [`DebugFrame`](./struct.DebugFrame.html): The `.debug_frame` section.
//! * [`DebugInfo`](./struct.DebugInfo.html): The `.debug_info` section.
//! * [`DebugLine`](./struct.DebugLine.html): The `.debug_line` section.
//! * [`DebugLineStr`](./struct.DebugLineStr.html): The `.debug_line_str` section.
//! * [`DebugLoc`](./struct.DebugLoc.html): The `.debug_loc` section.
//! * [`DebugLocLists`](./struct.DebugLocLists.html): The `.debug_loclists` section.
//! * [`DebugPubNames`](./struct.DebugPubNames.html): The `.debug_pubnames`
//! section.
//! * [`DebugPubTypes`](./struct.DebugPubTypes.html): The `.debug_pubtypes`
//! section.
//! * [`DebugRanges`](./struct.DebugRanges.html): The `.debug_ranges` section.
//! * [`DebugRngLists`](./struct.DebugRngLists.html): The `.debug_rnglists` section.
//! * [`DebugStr`](./struct.DebugStr.html): The `.debug_str` section.
//! * [`DebugStrOffsets`](./struct.DebugStrOffsets.html): The `.debug_str_offsets` section.
//! * [`DebugTypes`](./struct.DebugTypes.html): The `.debug_types` section.
//! * [`DebugCuIndex`](./struct.DebugCuIndex.html): The `.debug_cu_index` section.
//! * [`DebugTuIndex`](./struct.DebugTuIndex.html): The `.debug_tu_index` section.
//! * [`EhFrame`](./struct.EhFrame.html): The `.eh_frame` section.
//! * [`EhFrameHdr`](./struct.EhFrameHdr.html): The `.eh_frame_hdr` section.
//! * Each section type exposes methods for accessing the debugging data encoded
//! in that section. For example, the [`DebugInfo`](./struct.DebugInfo.html)
//! struct has the [`units`](./struct.DebugInfo.html#method.units) method for
//! iterating over the compilation units defined within it.
//! * Offsets into a section are strongly typed: an offset into `.debug_info` is
//! the [`DebugInfoOffset`](./struct.DebugInfoOffset.html) type. It cannot be
//! used to index into the [`DebugLine`](./struct.DebugLine.html) type because
//! `DebugLine` represents the `.debug_line` section. There are similar types
//! for offsets relative to a compilation unit rather than a section.
//! ## Using with `FallibleIterator`
//! The standard library's `Iterator` trait and related APIs do not play well
//! with iterators where the `next` operation is fallible. One can make the
//! `Iterator`'s associated `Item` type be a `Result<T, E>`, however the
//! provided methods cannot gracefully handle the case when an `Err` is
//! returned.
//! This situation led to the
//! [`fallible-iterator`]( crate's
//! existence. You can read more of the rationale for its existence in its
//! docs. The crate provides the helpers you have come to expect (eg `map`,
//! `filter`, etc) for iterators that can fail.
//! `gimli`'s many lazy parsing iterators are a perfect match for the
//! `fallible-iterator` crate's `FallibleIterator` trait because parsing is not
//! done eagerly. Parse errors later in the input might only be discovered after
//! having iterated through many items.
//! To use `gimli` iterators with `FallibleIterator`, import the crate and trait
//! into your code:
//! ```
//! # #[cfg(feature = "fallible-iterator")]
//! # fn foo() {
//! // Use the `FallibleIterator` trait so its methods are in scope!
//! use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
//! use gimli::{DebugAranges, EndianSlice, LittleEndian};
//! fn find_sum_of_address_range_lengths(aranges: DebugAranges<EndianSlice<LittleEndian>>)
//! -> gimli::Result<u64>
//! {
//! // `DebugAranges::headers` returns a `FallibleIterator`!
//! aranges.headers()
//! // `flat_map` is provided by `FallibleIterator`!
//! .flat_map(|header| Ok(header.entries()))
//! // `map` is provided by `FallibleIterator`!
//! .map(|arange| Ok(arange.length()))
//! // `fold` is provided by `FallibleIterator`!
//! .fold(0, |sum, len| Ok(sum + len))
//! }
//! # }
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
use core::fmt::{self, Debug};
use core::result;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::{error, io};
use crate::common::{Register, SectionId};
use crate::constants;
mod util;
pub use util::*;
mod addr;
pub use self::addr::*;
mod cfi;
pub use self::cfi::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod dwarf;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::dwarf::*;
mod endian_slice;
pub use self::endian_slice::*;
#[cfg(feature = "endian-reader")]
mod endian_reader;
#[cfg(feature = "endian-reader")]
pub use self::endian_reader::*;
mod reader;
pub use self::reader::*;
mod relocate;
pub use self::relocate::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod abbrev;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::abbrev::*;
mod aranges;
pub use self::aranges::*;
mod index;
pub use self::index::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod line;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::line::*;
mod lists;
mod loclists;
pub use self::loclists::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod lookup;
mod op;
pub use self::op::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod pubnames;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::pubnames::*;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod pubtypes;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::pubtypes::*;
mod rnglists;
pub use self::rnglists::*;
mod str;
pub use self::str::*;
/// An offset into the current compilation or type unit.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct UnitOffset<T = usize>(pub T);
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod unit;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::unit::*;
mod value;
pub use self::value::*;
/// Indicates that storage should be allocated on heap.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StoreOnHeap;
/// `EndianBuf` has been renamed to `EndianSlice`. For ease of upgrading across
/// `gimli` versions, we export this type alias.
#[deprecated(note = "EndianBuf has been renamed to EndianSlice, use that instead.")]
pub type EndianBuf<'input, Endian> = EndianSlice<'input, Endian>;
/// An error that occurred when parsing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
/// An I/O error occurred while reading.
/// Found a PC relative pointer, but the section base is undefined.
/// Found a `.text` relative pointer, but the `.text` base is undefined.
/// Found a data relative pointer, but the data base is undefined.
/// Found a function relative pointer in a context that does not have a
/// function base.
/// Cannot parse a pointer with a `DW_EH_PE_omit` encoding.
/// An error parsing an unsigned LEB128 value.
/// An error parsing a signed LEB128 value.
/// An abbreviation declared that its tag is zero, but zero is reserved for
/// null records.
/// An attribute specification declared that its form is zero, but zero is
/// reserved for null records.
/// The abbreviation's has-children byte was not one of
/// `DW_CHILDREN_{yes,no}`.
/// The specified length is impossible.
/// Found an unknown `DW_FORM_*` type.
/// Expected a zero, found something else.
/// Found an abbreviation code that has already been used.
/// Found a duplicate arange.
/// Found an unknown reserved length value.
/// Found an unknown DWARF version.
/// Found a record with an unknown abbreviation code.
/// Hit the end of input before it was expected.
/// Read a null entry before it was expected.
/// Found an unknown standard opcode.
/// Found an unknown extended opcode.
/// Found an unknown location-lists format.
/// Found an unknown range-lists format.
/// The specified address size is not supported.
/// The specified offset size is not supported.
/// The specified field size is not supported.
/// The minimum instruction length must not be zero.
/// The maximum operations per instruction must not be zero.
/// The line range must not be zero.
/// The opcode base must not be zero.
/// Found an invalid UTF-8 string.
/// Expected to find the CIE ID, but found something else.
/// Expected to find a pointer to a CIE, but found the CIE ID instead.
/// Expected to find a pointer to an FDE, but found a CIE instead.
/// Invalid branch target for a DW_OP_bra or DW_OP_skip.
/// DW_OP_push_object_address used but no address passed in.
/// Not enough items on the stack when evaluating an expression.
/// Too many iterations to compute the expression.
/// An unrecognized operation was found while parsing a DWARF
/// expression.
/// An unsupported operation was found while evaluating a DWARF expression.
/// The expression had a piece followed by an expression
/// terminator without a piece.
/// An expression-terminating operation was followed by something
/// other than the end of the expression or a piece operation.
/// Division or modulus by zero when evaluating an expression.
/// An expression operation used mismatching types.
/// An expression operation required an integral type but saw a
/// floating point type.
/// An expression operation used types that are not supported.
/// The shift value in an expression must be a non-negative integer.
/// An unknown DW_CFA_* instruction.
/// The end of an address range was before the beginning.
/// Encountered a call frame instruction in a context in which it is not
/// valid.
/// When evaluating call frame instructions, found a `DW_CFA_restore_state`
/// stack pop instruction, but the stack was empty, and had nothing to pop.
/// Do not have unwind info for the given address.
/// An offset value was larger than the maximum supported value.
/// The given pointer encoding is either unknown or invalid.
/// Did not find an entry at the given offset.
/// The given offset is out of bounds.
/// Found an unknown CFI augmentation.
/// We do not support the given pointer encoding yet.
/// Registers larger than `u16` are not supported.
/// The CFI program defined more register rules than we have storage for.
/// Attempted to push onto the CFI or evaluation stack, but it was already
/// at full capacity.
/// The `.eh_frame_hdr` binary search table claims to be variable-length encoded,
/// which makes binary search impossible.
/// The `DW_UT_*` value for this unit is not supported yet.
/// Ranges using AddressIndex are not supported yet.
/// Nonzero segment selector sizes aren't supported yet.
/// A compilation unit or type unit is missing its top level DIE.
/// A DIE attribute used an unsupported form.
/// Missing DW_LNCT_path in file entry format.
/// Expected an attribute value to be a string form.
/// `DW_FORM_implicit_const` used in an invalid context.
/// Invalid section count in `.dwp` index.
/// Invalid slot count in `.dwp` index.
/// Invalid hash row in `.dwp` index.
/// Unknown section type in `.dwp` index.
/// Unknown section type in version 2 `.dwp` index.
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "{}", self.description())
impl Error {
/// A short description of the error.
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
Error::Io => "An I/O error occurred while reading.",
Error::PcRelativePointerButSectionBaseIsUndefined => {
"Found a PC relative pointer, but the section base is undefined."
Error::TextRelativePointerButTextBaseIsUndefined => {
"Found a `.text` relative pointer, but the `.text` base is undefined."
Error::DataRelativePointerButDataBaseIsUndefined => {
"Found a data relative pointer, but the data base is undefined."
Error::FuncRelativePointerInBadContext => {
"Found a function relative pointer in a context that does not have a function base."
Error::CannotParseOmitPointerEncoding => {
"Cannot parse a pointer with a `DW_EH_PE_omit` encoding."
Error::BadUnsignedLeb128 => "An error parsing an unsigned LEB128 value",
Error::BadSignedLeb128 => "An error parsing a signed LEB128 value",
Error::AbbreviationTagZero => {
"An abbreviation declared that its tag is zero,
but zero is reserved for null records"
Error::AttributeFormZero => {
"An attribute specification declared that its form is zero,
but zero is reserved for null records"
Error::BadHasChildren => {
"The abbreviation's has-children byte was not one of
Error::BadLength => "The specified length is impossible",
Error::UnknownForm(_) => "Found an unknown `DW_FORM_*` type",
Error::ExpectedZero => "Expected a zero, found something else",
Error::DuplicateAbbreviationCode => {
"Found an abbreviation code that has already been used"
Error::DuplicateArange => "Found a duplicate arange",
Error::UnknownReservedLength => "Found an unknown reserved length value",
Error::UnknownVersion(_) => "Found an unknown DWARF version",
Error::UnknownAbbreviation(_) => "Found a record with an unknown abbreviation code",
Error::UnexpectedEof(_) => "Hit the end of input before it was expected",
Error::UnexpectedNull => "Read a null entry before it was expected.",
Error::UnknownStandardOpcode(_) => "Found an unknown standard opcode",
Error::UnknownExtendedOpcode(_) => "Found an unknown extended opcode",
Error::UnknownLocListsEntry(_) => "Found an unknown location lists entry",
Error::UnknownRangeListsEntry(_) => "Found an unknown range lists entry",
Error::UnsupportedAddressSize(_) => "The specified address size is not supported",
Error::UnsupportedOffsetSize(_) => "The specified offset size is not supported",
Error::UnsupportedFieldSize(_) => "The specified field size is not supported",
Error::MinimumInstructionLengthZero => {
"The minimum instruction length must not be zero."
Error::MaximumOperationsPerInstructionZero => {
"The maximum operations per instruction must not be zero."
Error::LineRangeZero => "The line range must not be zero.",
Error::OpcodeBaseZero => "The opcode base must not be zero.",
Error::BadUtf8 => "Found an invalid UTF-8 string.",
Error::NotCieId => "Expected to find the CIE ID, but found something else.",
Error::NotCiePointer => "Expected to find a CIE pointer, but found the CIE ID instead.",
Error::NotFdePointer => {
"Expected to find an FDE pointer, but found a CIE pointer instead."
Error::BadBranchTarget(_) => "Invalid branch target in DWARF expression",
Error::InvalidPushObjectAddress => {
"DW_OP_push_object_address used but no object address given"
Error::NotEnoughStackItems => "Not enough items on stack when evaluating expression",
Error::TooManyIterations => "Too many iterations to evaluate DWARF expression",
Error::InvalidExpression(_) => "Invalid opcode in DWARF expression",
Error::UnsupportedEvaluation => "Unsupported operation when evaluating expression",
Error::InvalidPiece => {
"DWARF expression has piece followed by non-piece expression at end"
Error::InvalidExpressionTerminator(_) => "Expected DW_OP_piece or DW_OP_bit_piece",
Error::DivisionByZero => "Division or modulus by zero when evaluating expression",
Error::TypeMismatch => "Type mismatch when evaluating expression",
Error::IntegralTypeRequired => "Integral type expected when evaluating expression",
Error::UnsupportedTypeOperation => {
"An expression operation used types that are not supported"
Error::InvalidShiftExpression => {
"The shift value in an expression must be a non-negative integer."
Error::UnknownCallFrameInstruction(_) => "An unknown DW_CFA_* instructiion",
Error::InvalidAddressRange => {
"The end of an address range must not be before the beginning."
Error::CfiInstructionInInvalidContext => {
"Encountered a call frame instruction in a context in which it is not valid."
Error::PopWithEmptyStack => {
"When evaluating call frame instructions, found a `DW_CFA_restore_state` stack pop \
instruction, but the stack was empty, and had nothing to pop."
Error::NoUnwindInfoForAddress => "Do not have unwind info for the given address.",
Error::UnsupportedOffset => {
"An offset value was larger than the maximum supported value."
Error::UnknownPointerEncoding(_) => {
"The given pointer encoding is either unknown or invalid."
Error::NoEntryAtGivenOffset => "Did not find an entry at the given offset.",
Error::OffsetOutOfBounds => "The given offset is out of bounds.",
Error::UnknownAugmentation => "Found an unknown CFI augmentation.",
Error::UnsupportedPointerEncoding => {
"We do not support the given pointer encoding yet."
Error::UnsupportedRegister(_) => "Registers larger than `u16` are not supported.",
Error::TooManyRegisterRules => {
"The CFI program defined more register rules than we have storage for."
Error::StackFull => {
"Attempted to push onto the CFI stack, but it was already at full capacity."
Error::VariableLengthSearchTable => {
"The `.eh_frame_hdr` binary search table claims to be variable-length encoded, \
which makes binary search impossible."
Error::UnsupportedUnitType => "The `DW_UT_*` value for this unit is not supported yet",
Error::UnsupportedAddressIndex => "Ranges involving AddressIndex are not supported yet",
Error::UnsupportedSegmentSize => "Nonzero segment size not supported yet",
Error::MissingUnitDie => {
"A compilation unit or type unit is missing its top level DIE."
Error::UnsupportedAttributeForm => "A DIE attribute used an unsupported form.",
Error::MissingFileEntryFormatPath => "Missing DW_LNCT_path in file entry format.",
Error::ExpectedStringAttributeValue => {
"Expected an attribute value to be a string form."
Error::InvalidImplicitConst => "DW_FORM_implicit_const used in an invalid context.",
Error::InvalidIndexSectionCount => "Invalid section count in `.dwp` index.",
Error::InvalidIndexSlotCount => "Invalid slot count in `.dwp` index.",
Error::InvalidIndexRow => "Invalid hash row in `.dwp` index.",
Error::UnknownIndexSection(_) => "Unknown section type in `.dwp` index.",
Error::UnknownIndexSectionV2(_) => "Unknown section type in version 2 `.dwp` index.",
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl error::Error for Error {}
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl From<io::Error> for Error {
fn from(_: io::Error) -> Self {
/// The result of a parse.
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
/// A convenience trait for loading DWARF sections from object files. To be
/// used like:
/// ```
/// use gimli::{DebugInfo, EndianSlice, LittleEndian, Reader, Section};
/// let buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
/// let reader = EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
/// let loader = |name| -> Result<_, ()> { Ok(reader) };
/// let debug_info: DebugInfo<_> = Section::load(loader).unwrap();
/// ```
pub trait Section<R>: From<R> {
/// Returns the section id for this type.
fn id() -> SectionId;
/// Returns the ELF section name for this type.
fn section_name() -> &'static str {
/// Returns the ELF section name (if any) for this type when used in a dwo
/// file.
fn dwo_section_name() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the XCOFF section name (if any) for this type when used in a XCOFF
/// file.
fn xcoff_section_name() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Try to load the section using the given loader function.
fn load<F, E>(f: F) -> core::result::Result<Self, E>
F: FnOnce(SectionId) -> core::result::Result<R, E>,
/// Returns the `Reader` for this section.
fn reader(&self) -> &R
R: Reader;
/// Returns the subrange of the section that is the contribution of
/// a unit in a `.dwp` file.
fn dwp_range(&self, offset: u32, size: u32) -> Result<Self>
R: Reader,
let mut data = self.reader().clone();
/// Returns the `Reader` for this section.
fn lookup_offset_id(&self, id: ReaderOffsetId) -> Option<(SectionId, R::Offset)>
R: Reader,
.map(|offset| (Self::id(), offset))
impl Register {
pub(crate) fn from_u64(x: u64) -> Result<Register> {
let y = x as u16;
if u64::from(y) == x {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::common::Format;
use crate::endianity::LittleEndian;
use test_assembler::{Endian, Section};
fn test_parse_initial_length_32_ok() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L32(0x7856_3412);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_initial_length() {
Ok((length, format)) => {
assert_eq!(input.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(format, Format::Dwarf32);
assert_eq!(0x7856_3412, length);
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_initial_length_64_ok() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little)
// Actual length
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
match input.read_initial_length() {
Ok((length, format)) => {
assert_eq!(input.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(format, Format::Dwarf64);
assert_eq!(0xffde_bc9a_7856_3412, length);
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
match input.read_initial_length() {
Err(Error::UnsupportedOffset) => {}
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_initial_length_unknown_reserved_value() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L32(0xffff_fffe);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_initial_length() {
Err(Error::UnknownReservedLength) => {}
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_initial_length_incomplete() {
let buf = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff]; // Need at least 4 bytes.
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_initial_length() {
Err(Error::UnexpectedEof(_)) => {}
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_initial_length_64_incomplete() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little)
// Actual length is not long enough.
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_initial_length() {
Err(Error::UnexpectedEof(_)) => {}
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_offset_32() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L32(0x0123_4567);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_offset(Format::Dwarf32) {
Ok(val) => {
assert_eq!(input.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(val, 0x0123_4567);
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
fn test_parse_offset_64_small() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L64(0x0123_4567);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_offset(Format::Dwarf64) {
Ok(val) => {
assert_eq!(input.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(val, 0x0123_4567);
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_parse_offset_64_large() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L64(0x0123_4567_89ab_cdef);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_offset(Format::Dwarf64) {
Ok(val) => {
assert_eq!(input.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(val, 0x0123_4567_89ab_cdef);
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
fn test_parse_offset_64_large() {
let section = Section::with_endian(Endian::Little).L64(0x0123_4567_89ab_cdef);
let buf = section.get_contents().unwrap();
let input = &mut EndianSlice::new(&buf, LittleEndian);
match input.read_offset(Format::Dwarf64) {
Err(Error::UnsupportedOffset) => {}
otherwise => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", otherwise),