Name Description Size 4414 16601 4243 This library provides a convenient derive macro for the standard library's [`core::fmt::Display`] trait. [`core::fmt::Display`]: ```toml [dependencies] displaydoc = "0.2" ``` *Compiler support: requires rustc 1.56+* <br> ## Example *Demonstration alongside the [`Error`][std::error::Error] derive macro from [`thiserror`](, to propagate source locations from [`io::Error`][std::io::Error] with the `#[source]` attribute:* ```rust use std::io; use displaydoc::Display; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Display, Error, Debug)] pub enum DataStoreError { /// data store disconnected Disconnect(#[source] io::Error), /// the data for key `{0}` is not available Redaction(String), /// invalid header (expected {expected:?}, found {found:?}) InvalidHeader { expected: String, found: String, }, /// unknown data store error Unknown, } let error = DataStoreError::Redaction("CLASSIFIED CONTENT".to_string()); assert!("the data for key `CLASSIFIED CONTENT` is not available" == &format!("{}", error)); ``` *Note that although [`io::Error`][std::io::Error] implements `Display`, we do not add it to the generated message for `DataStoreError::Disconnect`, since it is already made available via `#[source]`. See further context on avoiding duplication in error reports at the rust blog [here](* <br> ## Details - A `fmt::Display` impl is generated for your enum if you provide a docstring comment on each variant as shown above in the example. The `Display` derive macro supports a shorthand for interpolating fields from the error: - `/// {var}` ⟶ `write!("{}", self.var)` - `/// {0}` ⟶ `write!("{}", self.0)` - `/// {var:?}` ⟶ `write!("{:?}", self.var)` - `/// {0:?}` ⟶ `write!("{:?}", self.0)` - This also works with structs and [generic types][crate::Display#generic-type-parameters]: ```rust # use displaydoc::Display; /// oh no, an error: {0} #[derive(Display)] pub struct Error<E>(pub E); let error: Error<&str> = Error("muahaha i am an error"); assert!("oh no, an error: muahaha i am an error" == &format!("{}", error)); ``` - Two optional attributes can be added to your types next to the derive: - `#[ignore_extra_doc_attributes]` makes the macro ignore any doc comment attributes (or `///` lines) after the first. Multi-line comments using `///` are otherwise treated as an error, so use this attribute or consider switching to block doc comments (`/** */`). - `#[prefix_enum_doc_attributes]` combines the doc comment message on your enum itself with the messages for each variant, in the format “enum: variant”. When added to an enum, the doc comment on the enum becomes mandatory. When added to any other type, it has no effect. - In case you want to have an independent doc comment, the `#[displaydoc("...")` atrribute may be used on the variant or struct to override it. <br> ## FAQ 1. **Is this crate `no_std` compatible?** * Yes! This crate implements the [`core::fmt::Display`] trait, not the [`std::fmt::Display`] trait, so it should work in `std` and `no_std` environments. Just add `default-features = false`. 2. **Does this crate work with `Path` and `PathBuf` via the `Display` trait?** * Yuuup. This crate uses @dtolnay's [autoref specialization technique]( to add a special trait for types to get the display impl. It then specializes for `Path` and `PathBuf`, and when either of these types are found, it calls `self.display()` to get a `std::path::Display<'_>` type which can be used with the `Display` format specifier! 7749