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use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::{fmt, mem, ptr, ops};
use super::{ffi, Error, MessageType, Signature, libc, to_c_str, c_str_to_slice, init_dbus};
use super::{BusName, Path, Interface, Member, ErrorName, Connection, SignalArgs};
use std::os::unix::io::{RawFd, AsRawFd};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::{c_void, c_char, c_int};
use super::arg::{Append, IterAppend, Get, Iter, Arg, RefArg, TypeMismatchError};
/// Errors that can happen when creating a MessageItem::Array.
pub enum ArrayError {
/// The array is empty.
/// The array is composed of different element types.
/// The supplied signature is not a valid array signature
fn new_dbus_message_iter() -> ffi::DBusMessageIter { unsafe { mem::zeroed() }}
/// An RAII wrapper around Fd to ensure that file descriptor is closed
/// when the scope ends.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct OwnedFd {
fd: RawFd
impl OwnedFd {
/// Create a new OwnedFd from a RawFd.
pub fn new(fd: RawFd) -> OwnedFd {
OwnedFd { fd: fd }
/// Convert an OwnedFD back into a RawFd.
pub fn into_fd(self) -> RawFd {
let s = self.fd;
impl Drop for OwnedFd {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { libc::close(self.fd); }
impl Clone for OwnedFd {
fn clone(&self) -> OwnedFd {
OwnedFd::new(unsafe { libc::dup(self.fd) } ) // FIXME: handle errors
impl AsRawFd for OwnedFd {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
/// An array of MessageItem where every MessageItem is of the same type.
pub struct MessageItemArray {
v: Vec<MessageItem>,
// signature includes the "a"!
sig: Signature<'static>,
impl MessageItemArray {
/// Creates a new array where every element has the supplied signature.
/// Signature is the full array signature, not the signature of the element.
pub fn new(v: Vec<MessageItem>, sig: Signature<'static>) -> Result<MessageItemArray, ArrayError> {
let a = MessageItemArray {v: v, sig: sig };
if a.sig.as_bytes()[0] != ffi::DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY as u8 { return Err(ArrayError::InvalidSignature) }
let esig = a.element_signature();
for i in &a.v {
let b = if let MessageItem::DictEntry(ref k, ref v) = *i {
let s = format!("{{{}{}}}", k.signature(), v.signature());
s.as_bytes() == esig.to_bytes()
} else {
i.signature().as_cstr() == esig
if !b { return Err(ArrayError::DifferentElementTypes) }
fn element_signature(&self) -> &CStr {
let z = &self.sig.as_cstr().to_bytes_with_nul()[1..];
unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(z) }
fn make_sig(m: &MessageItem) -> Signature<'static> {
if let MessageItem::DictEntry(ref k, ref v) = *m {
Signature::new(format!("a{{{}{}}}", k.signature(), v.signature())).unwrap()
} else {
Signature::new(format!("a{}", m.signature())).unwrap()
/// Signature of array (full array signature)
pub fn signature(&self) -> &Signature<'static> { &self.sig }
/// Consumes the MessageItemArray in order to allow you to modify the individual items of the array.
pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<MessageItem> { self.v }
impl ops::Deref for MessageItemArray {
type Target = [MessageItem];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.v }
/// MessageItem - used as parameters and return values from
/// method calls, or as data added to a signal (old, enum version).
/// Note that the newer generic design (see `arg` module) is both faster
/// and less error prone than MessageItem, and should be your first hand choice
/// whenever applicable.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Clone)]
pub enum MessageItem {
/// A D-Bus array requires all elements to be of the same type.
/// All elements must match the Signature.
/// A D-Bus struct allows for values of different types.
/// A D-Bus variant is a wrapper around another `MessageItem`, which
/// can be of any type.
/// A D-Bus dictionary entry. These are only allowed inside an array.
DictEntry(Box<MessageItem>, Box<MessageItem>),
/// A D-Bus objectpath requires its content to be a valid objectpath,
/// so this cannot be any string.
/// A D-Bus String is zero terminated, so no \0 s in the String, please.
/// (D-Bus strings are also - like Rust strings - required to be valid UTF-8.)
/// A D-Bus boolean type.
/// A D-Bus unsigned 8 bit type.
/// A D-Bus signed 16 bit type.
/// A D-Bus signed 32 bit type.
/// A D-Bus signed 64 bit type.
/// A D-Bus unsigned 16 bit type.
/// A D-Bus unsigned 32 bit type.
/// A D-Bus unsigned 64 bit type.
/// A D-Bus IEEE-754 double-precision floating point type.
/// D-Bus allows for sending file descriptors, which can be used to
/// set up SHM, unix pipes, or other communication channels.
fn iter_get_basic<T>(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter) -> T {
unsafe {
let mut c: T = mem::zeroed();
let p = &mut c as *mut _ as *mut c_void;
ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_basic(i, p);
fn iter_append_array(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, a: &[MessageItem], t: &CStr) {
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_open_container(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, t.as_ptr(), &mut subiter) } != 0);
for item in a.iter() {
// assert!(item.type_sig() == t);
item.iter_append(&mut subiter);
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_close_container(i, &mut subiter) } != 0);
fn iter_append_struct(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, a: &[MessageItem]) {
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
let res = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_open_container(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, ptr::null(), &mut subiter) };
assert!(res != 0);
for item in a.iter() {
item.iter_append(&mut subiter);
let res2 = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_close_container(i, &mut subiter) };
assert!(res2 != 0);
fn iter_append_variant(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, a: &MessageItem) {
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
let asig = a.signature();
let atype = asig.as_cstr();
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_open_container(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, atype.as_ptr(), &mut subiter) } != 0);
a.iter_append(&mut subiter);
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_close_container(i, &mut subiter) } != 0);
fn iter_append_dict(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, k: &MessageItem, v: &MessageItem) {
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_open_container(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, ptr::null(), &mut subiter) } != 0);
k.iter_append(&mut subiter);
v.iter_append(&mut subiter);
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_close_container(i, &mut subiter) } != 0);
impl MessageItem {
/// Get the D-Bus Signature for this MessageItem.
/// Note: Since dictionary entries have no valid signature, calling this function for a dict entry will cause a panic.
pub fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> {
use arg::Variant;
match *self {
MessageItem::Str(_) => <String as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Bool(_) => <bool as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Byte(_) => <u8 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Int16(_) => <i16 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Int32(_) => <i32 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Int64(_) => <i64 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::UInt16(_) => <u16 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::UInt32(_) => <u32 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::UInt64(_) => <u64 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Double(_) => <f64 as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::Array(ref a) => a.sig.clone(),
MessageItem::Struct(ref s) => Signature::new(format!("({})", s.iter().fold(String::new(), |s, i| s + &*i.signature()))).unwrap(),
MessageItem::Variant(_) => <Variant<u8> as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::DictEntry(_, _) => { panic!("Dict entries are only valid inside arrays, and therefore has no signature on their own") },
MessageItem::ObjectPath(_) => <Path as Arg>::signature(),
MessageItem::UnixFd(_) => <OwnedFd as Arg>::signature(),
/// Get the D-Bus ASCII type-code for this MessageItem.
#[deprecated(note="superseded by signature")]
pub fn type_sig(&self) -> super::TypeSig<'static> {
Cow::Owned(format!("{}", self.signature()))
/// Get the integer value for this MessageItem's type-code.
pub fn array_type(&self) -> i32 {
let s = match self {
&MessageItem::Str(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
&MessageItem::Bool(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
&MessageItem::Byte(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
&MessageItem::Int16(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT16,
&MessageItem::Int32(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT32,
&MessageItem::Int64(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT64,
&MessageItem::UInt16(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT16,
&MessageItem::UInt32(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT32,
&MessageItem::UInt64(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT64,
&MessageItem::Double(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE,
&MessageItem::Array(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
&MessageItem::Struct(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT,
&MessageItem::Variant(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT,
&MessageItem::DictEntry(_,_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY,
&MessageItem::ObjectPath(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
&MessageItem::UnixFd(_) => ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD,
s as i32
/// Creates a (String, Variant) dictionary from an iterator with Result passthrough (an Err will abort and return that Err)
pub fn from_dict<E, I: Iterator<Item=Result<(String, MessageItem),E>>>(i: I) -> Result<MessageItem, E> {
let mut v = Vec::new();
for r in i {
let (s, vv) = try!(r);
v.push((s.into(), Box::new(vv).into()).into());
Ok(MessageItem::Array(MessageItemArray::new(v, Signature::new("a{sv}").unwrap()).unwrap()))
/// Creates an MessageItem::Array from a list of MessageItems.
/// Note: This requires `v` to be non-empty. See also
/// `MessageItem::from(&[T])`, which can handle empty arrays as well.
pub fn new_array(v: Vec<MessageItem>) -> Result<MessageItem,ArrayError> {
if v.len() == 0 {
return Err(ArrayError::EmptyArray);
let s = MessageItemArray::make_sig(&v[0]);
Ok(MessageItem::Array(MessageItemArray::new(v, s)?))
fn new_array2<D, I>(i: I) -> MessageItem
where D: Into<MessageItem>, D: Default, I: Iterator<Item=D> {
let v: Vec<MessageItem> =|ii| ii.into()).collect();
let s = {
let d;
let t = if v.len() == 0 { d = D::default().into(); &d } else { &v[0] };
MessageItem::Array(MessageItemArray::new(v, s).unwrap())
fn new_array3<'b, D: 'b, I>(i: I) -> MessageItem
where D: Into<MessageItem> + Default + Clone, I: Iterator<Item=&'b D> {
MessageItem::new_array2(|ii| ii.clone()))
fn from_iter_single(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter) -> Option<MessageItem> {
let t = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(i) };
match t {
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INVALID => { None },
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_recurse(i, &mut subiter) };
let a = MessageItem::from_iter(&mut subiter);
if a.len() != 2 { panic!("D-Bus dict entry error"); }
let mut a = a.into_iter();
let key = Box::new(;
let value = Box::new(;
Some(MessageItem::DictEntry(key, value))
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_recurse(i, &mut subiter) };
let a = MessageItem::from_iter(&mut subiter);
if a.len() != 1 { panic!("D-Bus variant error"); }
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_recurse(i, &mut subiter) };
let c = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_signature(&mut subiter) };
let s = format!("a{}", c_str_to_slice(&(c as *const c_char)).unwrap());
unsafe { ffi::dbus_free(c as *mut c_void) };
let t = Signature::new(s).unwrap();
let a = MessageItem::from_iter(&mut subiter);
Some(MessageItem::Array(MessageItemArray { v: a, sig: t }))
let mut subiter = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_recurse(i, &mut subiter) };
Some(MessageItem::Struct(MessageItem::from_iter(&mut subiter)))
let mut c: *const c_char = ptr::null();
unsafe {
let p: *mut c_void = mem::transmute(&mut c);
ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_basic(i, p);
Some(MessageItem::Str(c_str_to_slice(&c).expect("D-Bus string error").to_string()))
let mut c: *const c_char = ptr::null();
unsafe {
let p: *mut c_void = mem::transmute(&mut c);
ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_basic(i, p);
let o = Path::new(c_str_to_slice(&c).expect("D-Bus object path error")).ok().expect("D-Bus object path error");
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD => Some(MessageItem::UnixFd(OwnedFd::new(iter_get_basic(i)))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN => Some(MessageItem::Bool(iter_get_basic::<u32>(i) != 0)),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_BYTE => Some(MessageItem::Byte(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT16 => Some(MessageItem::Int16(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT32 => Some(MessageItem::Int32(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_INT64 => Some(MessageItem::Int64(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT16 => Some(MessageItem::UInt16(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT32 => Some(MessageItem::UInt32(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_UINT64 => Some(MessageItem::UInt64(iter_get_basic(i))),
ffi::DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE => Some(MessageItem::Double(iter_get_basic(i))),
_ => { None /* Only the new msgarg module supports signatures */ }
fn from_iter(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter) -> Vec<MessageItem> {
let mut v = Vec::new();
while let Some(m) = Self::from_iter_single(i) {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_next(i) };
fn iter_append_basic<T>(&self, i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, v: T) {
let t = self.array_type() as c_int;
let p = &v as *const _ as *const c_void;
unsafe {
ffi::dbus_message_iter_append_basic(i, t, p);
fn iter_append(&self, i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter) {
match self {
&MessageItem::Str(ref s) => unsafe {
let c = to_c_str(s);
let p = mem::transmute(&c);
ffi::dbus_message_iter_append_basic(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_STRING, p);
&MessageItem::Bool(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, if b { 1u32 } else { 0u32 }),
&MessageItem::Byte(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::Int16(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::Int32(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::Int64(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::UInt16(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::UInt32(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::UInt64(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::UnixFd(ref b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b.as_raw_fd()),
&MessageItem::Double(b) => self.iter_append_basic(i, b),
&MessageItem::Array(ref a) => iter_append_array(i, &a.v, a.element_signature()),
&MessageItem::Struct(ref v) => iter_append_struct(i, &**v),
&MessageItem::Variant(ref b) => iter_append_variant(i, &**b),
&MessageItem::DictEntry(ref k, ref v) => iter_append_dict(i, &**k, &**v),
&MessageItem::ObjectPath(ref s) => unsafe {
let c: *const libc::c_char = s.as_ref().as_ptr();
let p = mem::transmute(&c);
ffi::dbus_message_iter_append_basic(i, ffi::DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, p);
fn copy_to_iter(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, v: &[MessageItem]) {
for item in v.iter() {
/// Conveniently get the inner value of a `MessageItem`
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use dbus::MessageItem;
/// let m: MessageItem = 5i64.into();
/// let s: i64 = m.inner().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(s, 5i64);
/// ```
pub fn inner<'a, T: FromMessageItem<'a>>(&'a self) -> Result<T, ()> {
// For use by the msgarg module
pub fn append_messageitem(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter, m: &MessageItem) {
// For use by the msgarg module
pub fn get_messageitem(i: &mut ffi::DBusMessageIter) -> Option<MessageItem> {
macro_rules! msgitem_convert {
($t: ty, $s: ident) => {
impl From<$t> for MessageItem { fn from(i: $t) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::$s(i) } }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for $t {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<$t,()> {
if let &MessageItem::$s(ref b) = i { Ok(*b) } else { Err(()) }
msgitem_convert!(u8, Byte);
msgitem_convert!(u64, UInt64);
msgitem_convert!(u32, UInt32);
msgitem_convert!(u16, UInt16);
msgitem_convert!(i16, Int16);
msgitem_convert!(i32, Int32);
msgitem_convert!(i64, Int64);
msgitem_convert!(f64, Double);
msgitem_convert!(bool, Bool);
/// Create a `MessageItem::Array`.
impl<'a, T> From<&'a [T]> for MessageItem
where T: Into<MessageItem> + Clone + Default {
fn from(i: &'a [T]) -> MessageItem {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for MessageItem { fn from(i: &str) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::Str(i.to_string()) } }
impl From<String> for MessageItem { fn from(i: String) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::Str(i) } }
impl From<Path<'static>> for MessageItem { fn from(i: Path<'static>) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::ObjectPath(i) } }
impl From<OwnedFd> for MessageItem { fn from(i: OwnedFd) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::UnixFd(i) } }
/// Create a `MessageItem::Variant`
impl From<Box<MessageItem>> for MessageItem {
fn from(i: Box<MessageItem>) -> MessageItem { MessageItem::Variant(i) }
/// Create a `MessageItem::DictEntry`
impl From<(MessageItem, MessageItem)> for MessageItem {
fn from(i: (MessageItem, MessageItem)) -> MessageItem {
MessageItem::DictEntry(Box::new(i.0), Box::new(i.1))
/// Helper trait for `MessageItem::inner()`
pub trait FromMessageItem<'a> :Sized {
/// Allows converting from a MessageItem into the type it contains.
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<Self, ()>;
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a str {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a str,()> {
match i {
&MessageItem::Str(ref b) => Ok(&b),
&MessageItem::ObjectPath(ref b) => Ok(&b),
_ => Err(()),
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a String {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a String,()> { if let &MessageItem::Str(ref b) = i { Ok(&b) } else { Err(()) } }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a Path<'static> {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a Path<'static>,()> { if let &MessageItem::ObjectPath(ref b) = i { Ok(&b) } else { Err(()) } }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a MessageItem {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a MessageItem,()> { if let &MessageItem::Variant(ref b) = i { Ok(&**b) } else { Err(()) } }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a Vec<MessageItem> {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a Vec<MessageItem>,()> {
match i {
&MessageItem::Array(ref b) => Ok(&b.v),
&MessageItem::Struct(ref b) => Ok(&b),
_ => Err(()),
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a [MessageItem] {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a [MessageItem],()> { i.inner::<&Vec<MessageItem>>().map(|s| &**s) }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for &'a OwnedFd {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<&'a OwnedFd,()> { if let &MessageItem::UnixFd(ref b) = i { Ok(b) } else { Err(()) } }
impl<'a> FromMessageItem<'a> for (&'a MessageItem, &'a MessageItem) {
fn from(i: &'a MessageItem) -> Result<(&'a MessageItem, &'a MessageItem),()> {
if let &MessageItem::DictEntry(ref k, ref v) = i { Ok((&**k, &**v)) } else { Err(()) }
/// A D-Bus message. A message contains some headers (e g sender and destination address)
/// and a list of MessageItems.
pub struct Message {
msg: *mut ffi::DBusMessage,
unsafe impl Send for Message {}
impl Message {
/// Creates a new method call message.
pub fn new_method_call<'d, 'p, 'i, 'm, D, P, I, M>(destination: D, path: P, iface: I, method: M) -> Result<Message, String>
where D: Into<BusName<'d>>, P: Into<Path<'p>>, I: Into<Interface<'i>>, M: Into<Member<'m>> {
let (d, p, i, m) = (destination.into(), path.into(), iface.into(), method.into());
let ptr = unsafe {
ffi::dbus_message_new_method_call(d.as_ref().as_ptr(), p.as_ref().as_ptr(), i.as_ref().as_ptr(), m.as_ref().as_ptr())
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { Err("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_method_call failed".into()) }
else { Ok(Message { msg: ptr}) }
/// Creates a new method call message.
pub fn method_call(destination: &BusName, path: &Path, iface: &Interface, name: &Member) -> Message {
let ptr = unsafe {
ffi::dbus_message_new_method_call(destination.as_ref().as_ptr(), path.as_ref().as_ptr(),
iface.as_ref().as_ptr(), name.as_ref().as_ptr())
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { panic!("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_signal failed") }
Message { msg: ptr}
/// Creates a new signal message.
pub fn new_signal<P, I, M>(path: P, iface: I, name: M) -> Result<Message, String>
where P: Into<Vec<u8>>, I: Into<Vec<u8>>, M: Into<Vec<u8>> {
let p = try!(Path::new(path));
let i = try!(Interface::new(iface));
let m = try!(Member::new(name));
let ptr = unsafe {
ffi::dbus_message_new_signal(p.as_ref().as_ptr(), i.as_ref().as_ptr(), m.as_ref().as_ptr())
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { Err("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_signal failed".into()) }
else { Ok(Message { msg: ptr}) }
/// Creates a new signal message.
pub fn signal(path: &Path, iface: &Interface, name: &Member) -> Message {
let ptr = unsafe {
ffi::dbus_message_new_signal(path.as_ref().as_ptr(), iface.as_ref().as_ptr(), name.as_ref().as_ptr())
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { panic!("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_signal failed") }
Message { msg: ptr}
/// Creates a method reply for this method call.
pub fn new_method_return(m: &Message) -> Option<Message> {
let ptr = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_new_method_return(m.msg) };
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { None } else { Some(Message { msg: ptr} ) }
/// Creates a method return (reply) for this method call.
pub fn method_return(&self) -> Message {
let ptr = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_new_method_return(self.msg) };
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { panic!("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_method_return failed") }
Message {msg: ptr}
/// The old way to create a new error reply
pub fn new_error(m: &Message, error_name: &str, error_message: &str) -> Option<Message> {
let (en, em) = (to_c_str(error_name), to_c_str(error_message));
let ptr = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_new_error(m.msg, en.as_ptr(), em.as_ptr()) };
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { None } else { Some(Message { msg: ptr} ) }
/// Creates a new error reply
pub fn error(&self, error_name: &ErrorName, error_message: &CStr) -> Message {
let ptr = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_new_error(self.msg, error_name.as_ref().as_ptr(), error_message.as_ptr()) };
if ptr == ptr::null_mut() { panic!("D-Bus error: dbus_message_new_error failed") }
Message { msg: ptr}
/// Get the MessageItems that make up the message.
/// Note: use `iter_init` or `get1`/`get2`/etc instead for faster access to the arguments.
/// This method is provided for backwards compatibility.
pub fn get_items(&self) -> Vec<MessageItem> {
let mut i = new_dbus_message_iter();
match unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_init(self.msg, &mut i) } {
0 => Vec::new(),
_ => MessageItem::from_iter(&mut i)
/// Get the D-Bus serial of a message, if one was specified.
pub fn get_serial(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_serial(self.msg) }
/// Get the serial of the message this message is a reply to, if present.
pub fn get_reply_serial(&self) -> Option<u32> {
let s = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_reply_serial(self.msg) };
if s == 0 { None } else { Some(s) }
/// Returns true if the message does not expect a reply.
pub fn get_no_reply(&self) -> bool { unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_no_reply(self.msg) != 0 } }
/// Set whether or not the message expects a reply.
/// Set to true if you send a method call and do not want a reply.
pub fn set_no_reply(&self, v: bool) {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_set_no_reply(self.msg, if v { 1 } else { 0 }) }
/// Returns true if the message can cause a service to be auto-started.
pub fn get_auto_start(&self) -> bool { unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_auto_start(self.msg) != 0 } }
/// Sets whether or not the message can cause a service to be auto-started.
/// Defaults to true.
pub fn set_auto_start(&self, v: bool) {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_set_auto_start(self.msg, if v { 1 } else { 0 }) }
/// Add one or more MessageItems to this Message.
/// Note: using `append1`, `append2` or `append3` might be faster, especially for large arrays.
/// This method is provided for backwards compatibility.
pub fn append_items(&mut self, v: &[MessageItem]) {
let mut i = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_init_append(self.msg, &mut i) };
MessageItem::copy_to_iter(&mut i, v);
/// Appends one MessageItem to a message.
/// Use in builder style: e g `m.method_return().append(7i32)`
/// Note: using `append1`, `append2` or `append3` might be faster, especially for large arrays.
/// This method is provided for backwards compatibility.
pub fn append<I: Into<MessageItem>>(self, v: I) -> Self {
let mut i = new_dbus_message_iter();
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_init_append(self.msg, &mut i) };
MessageItem::copy_to_iter(&mut i, &[v.into()]);
/// Appends one argument to this message.
/// Use in builder style: e g `m.method_return().append1(7i32)`
pub fn append1<A: Append>(mut self, a: A) -> Self {
let mut m = IterAppend::new(&mut self);
/// Appends two arguments to this message.
/// Use in builder style: e g `m.method_return().append2(7i32, 6u8)`
pub fn append2<A1: Append, A2: Append>(mut self, a1: A1, a2: A2) -> Self {
let mut m = IterAppend::new(&mut self);
m.append(a1); m.append(a2);
/// Appends three arguments to this message.
/// Use in builder style: e g `m.method_return().append3(7i32, 6u8, true)`
pub fn append3<A1: Append, A2: Append, A3: Append>(mut self, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) -> Self {
let mut m = IterAppend::new(&mut self);
m.append(a1); m.append(a2); m.append(a3);
/// Appends RefArgs to this message.
/// Use in builder style: e g `m.method_return().append_ref(&[7i32, 6u8, true])`
pub fn append_ref<A: RefArg>(mut self, r: &[A]) -> Self {
let mut m = IterAppend::new(&mut self);
for rr in r {
rr.append(&mut m);
/// Gets the first argument from the message, if that argument is of type G1.
/// Returns None if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn get1<'a, G1: Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> Option<G1> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
/// Gets the first two arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1 and G2.
/// Returns None if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn get2<'a, G1: Get<'a>, G2: Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> (Option<G1>, Option<G2>) {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
let g1 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, None); }
(g1, i.get())
/// Gets the first three arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2 and G3.
/// Returns None if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn get3<'a, G1: Get<'a>, G2: Get<'a>, G3: Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> (Option<G1>, Option<G2>, Option<G3>) {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
let g1 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, None, None) }
let g2 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, None) }
(g1, g2, i.get())
/// Gets the first four arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2, G3 and G4.
/// Returns None if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn get4<'a, G1: Get<'a>, G2: Get<'a>, G3: Get<'a>, G4: Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> (Option<G1>, Option<G2>, Option<G3>, Option<G4>) {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
let g1 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, None, None, None) }
let g2 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, None, None) }
let g3 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, g3, None) }
(g1, g2, g3, i.get())
/// Gets the first five arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2, G3 and G4.
/// Returns None if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
/// Note: If you need more than five arguments, use `iter_init` instead.
pub fn get5<'a, G1: Get<'a>, G2: Get<'a>, G3: Get<'a>, G4: Get<'a>, G5: Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> (Option<G1>, Option<G2>, Option<G3>, Option<G4>, Option<G5>) {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
let g1 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, None, None, None, None) }
let g2 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, None, None, None) }
let g3 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, g3, None, None) }
let g4 = i.get();
if ! { return (g1, g2, g3, g4, None) }
(g1, g2, g3, g4, i.get())
/// Gets the first argument from the message, if that argument is of type G1.
/// Returns a TypeMismatchError if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn read1<'a, G1: Arg + Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> Result<G1, TypeMismatchError> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
/// Gets the first two arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1 and G2.
/// Returns a TypeMismatchError if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn read2<'a, G1: Arg + Get<'a>, G2: Arg + Get<'a>>(&'a self) -> Result<(G1, G2), TypeMismatchError> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
Ok((try!(, try!(
/// Gets the first three arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2 and G3.
/// Returns a TypeMismatchError if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn read3<'a, G1: Arg + Get<'a>, G2: Arg + Get<'a>, G3: Arg + Get<'a>>(&'a self) ->
Result<(G1, G2, G3), TypeMismatchError> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
Ok((try!(, try!(, try!(
/// Gets the first four arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2, G3 and G4.
/// Returns a TypeMismatchError if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
pub fn read4<'a, G1: Arg + Get<'a>, G2: Arg + Get<'a>, G3: Arg + Get<'a>, G4: Arg + Get<'a>>(&'a self) ->
Result<(G1, G2, G3, G4), TypeMismatchError> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
Ok((try!(, try!(, try!(, try!(
/// Gets the first five arguments from the message, if those arguments are of type G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5.
/// Returns a TypeMismatchError if there are not enough arguments, or if types don't match.
/// Note: If you need more than five arguments, use `iter_init` instead.
pub fn read5<'a, G1: Arg + Get<'a>, G2: Arg + Get<'a>, G3: Arg + Get<'a>, G4: Arg + Get<'a>, G5: Arg + Get<'a>>(&'a self) ->
Result<(G1, G2, G3, G4, G5), TypeMismatchError> {
let mut i = Iter::new(&self);
Ok((try!(, try!(, try!(, try!(, try!(
/// Returns a struct for retreiving the arguments from a message. Supersedes get_items().
pub fn iter_init<'a>(&'a self) -> Iter<'a> { Iter::new(&self) }
/// Gets the MessageType of the Message.
pub fn msg_type(&self) -> MessageType {
unsafe { mem::transmute(ffi::dbus_message_get_type(self.msg)) }
fn msg_internal_str<'a>(&'a self, c: *const libc::c_char) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if c == ptr::null() { None }
else { Some( unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(c) }.to_bytes_with_nul()) }
/// Gets the name of the connection that originated this message.
pub fn sender<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<BusName<'a>> {
self.msg_internal_str(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_sender(self.msg) })
.map(|s| unsafe { BusName::from_slice_unchecked(s) })
/// Returns a tuple of (Message type, Path, Interface, Member) of the current message.
pub fn headers(&self) -> (MessageType, Option<String>, Option<String>, Option<String>) {
let p = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_path(self.msg) };
let i = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_interface(self.msg) };
let m = unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_member(self.msg) };
c_str_to_slice(&p).map(|s| s.to_string()),
c_str_to_slice(&i).map(|s| s.to_string()),
c_str_to_slice(&m).map(|s| s.to_string()))
/// Gets the object path this Message is being sent to.
pub fn path<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Path<'a>> {
self.msg_internal_str(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_path(self.msg) })
.map(|s| unsafe { Path::from_slice_unchecked(s) })
/// Gets the destination this Message is being sent to.
pub fn destination<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<BusName<'a>> {
self.msg_internal_str(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_destination(self.msg) })
.map(|s| unsafe { BusName::from_slice_unchecked(s) })
/// Sets the destination of this Message
/// If dest is none, that means broadcast to all relevant destinations.
pub fn set_destination(&mut self, dest: Option<BusName>) {
let c_dest = dest.as_ref().map(|d| d.as_cstr().as_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null());
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_set_destination(self.msg, c_dest) } != 0);
/// Gets the interface this Message is being sent to.
pub fn interface<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Interface<'a>> {
self.msg_internal_str(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_interface(self.msg) })
.map(|s| unsafe { Interface::from_slice_unchecked(s) })
/// Gets the interface member being called.
pub fn member<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Member<'a>> {
self.msg_internal_str(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_get_member(self.msg) })
.map(|s| unsafe { Member::from_slice_unchecked(s) })
/// When the remote end returns an error, the message itself is
/// correct but its contents is an error. This method will
/// transform such an error to a D-Bus Error or otherwise return
/// the original message.
pub fn as_result(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Message, Error> {
self.set_error_from_msg().map(|_| self)
pub (super) fn set_error_from_msg(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut e = Error::empty();
if unsafe { ffi::dbus_set_error_from_message(e.get_mut(), self.msg) } != 0 { Err(e) }
else { Ok(()) }
pub (crate) fn ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::DBusMessage { self.msg }
pub (crate) fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut ffi::DBusMessage, add_ref: bool) -> Message {
if add_ref {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_ref(ptr) };
Message { msg: ptr }
impl Drop for Message {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
impl fmt::Debug for Message {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.headers())
/// A convenience struct that wraps connection, destination and path.
/// Useful if you want to make many method calls to the same destination path.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ConnPath<'a, C> {
/// Some way to access the connection, e g a &Connection or Rc<Connection>
pub conn: C,
/// Destination, i e what D-Bus service you're communicating with
pub dest: BusName<'a>,
/// Object path on the destination
pub path: Path<'a>,
/// Timeout in milliseconds for blocking method calls
pub timeout: i32,
impl<'a, C: ::std::ops::Deref<Target=Connection>> ConnPath<'a, C> {
/// Make a D-Bus method call, where you can append arguments inside the closure.
pub fn method_call_with_args<F: FnOnce(&mut Message)>(&self, i: &Interface, m: &Member, f: F) -> Result<Message, Error> {
let mut msg = Message::method_call(&self.dest, &self.path, i, m);
f(&mut msg);
self.conn.send_with_reply_and_block(msg, self.timeout)
/// Emit a D-Bus signal, where you can append arguments inside the closure.
pub fn signal_with_args<F: FnOnce(&mut Message)>(&self, i: &Interface, m: &Member, f: F) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut msg = Message::signal(&self.path, i, m);
f(&mut msg);
self.conn.send(msg).map_err(|_| Error::new_custom("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed", "Sending signal failed"))
/// Emit a D-Bus signal, where the arguments are in a struct.
pub fn emit<S: SignalArgs>(&self, signal: &S) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let msg = signal.to_emit_message(&self.path);
self.conn.send(msg).map_err(|_| Error::new_custom("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed", "Sending signal failed"))
// For purpose of testing the library only.
pub (crate) fn message_set_serial(m: &mut Message, s: u32) {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_set_serial(m.msg, s) };
mod test {
extern crate tempdir;
use super::super::{Connection, Message, MessageType, BusType, MessageItem, OwnedFd, libc, Path, BusName};
fn unix_fd() {
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut m = Message::new_method_call(&c.unique_name(), "/hello", "com.example.hello", "Hello").unwrap();
let tempdir = tempdir::TempDir::new("dbus-rs-test").unwrap();
let mut filename = tempdir.path().to_path_buf();
println!("Creating file {:?}", filename);
let mut file = OpenOptions::new().create(true).read(true).write(true).open(&filename).unwrap();
let ofd = OwnedFd::new(file.as_raw_fd());
println!("Sending {:?}", m.get_items());
loop { for n in c.incoming(1000) {
if n.msg_type() == MessageType::MethodCall {
let z: OwnedFd = n.read1().unwrap();
println!("Got {:?}", z);
let mut q: libc::c_char = 100;
assert_eq!(1, unsafe { libc::read(z.as_raw_fd(), &mut q as *mut _ as *mut libc::c_void, 1) });
assert_eq!(q, 'z' as libc::c_char);
} else {
println!("Got {:?}", n);
fn message_types() {
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut m = Message::new_method_call(&c.unique_name(), "/hello", "com.example.hello", "Hello").unwrap();
["Hello", "world"][..].into(),
format!("Hello world").into(),
MessageItem::new_array(vec!((123543u32.into(), true.into()).into())).unwrap()
let sending = format!("{:?}", m.get_items());
println!("Sending {}", sending);
loop { for n in c.incoming(1000) {
if n.msg_type() == MessageType::MethodCall {
let receiving = format!("{:?}", n.get_items());
println!("Receiving {}", receiving);
assert_eq!(sending, receiving);
} else {
println!("Got {:?}", n);
fn dict_of_dicts() {
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
let officeactions: BTreeMap<&'static str, MessageItem> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut officethings = BTreeMap::new();
officethings.insert("pencil", 2u16.into());
officethings.insert("paper", 5u16.into());
let mut homethings = BTreeMap::new();
homethings.insert("apple", 11u16.into());
let mut homeifaces = BTreeMap::new();
homeifaces.insert("getThings", homethings);
let mut officeifaces = BTreeMap::new();
officeifaces.insert("getThings", officethings);
officeifaces.insert("getActions", officeactions);
let mut paths = BTreeMap::new();
paths.insert("/hello/office", officeifaces);
paths.insert("/hello/home", homeifaces);
println!("Original treemap: {:?}", paths);
let m = MessageItem::new_array(paths.iter().map(
|(path, ifaces)| (MessageItem::ObjectPath(Path::new(*path).unwrap()),
|(iface, props)| (iface.to_string().into(),
|(name, value)| Ok((name.to_string(), value.clone()))
println!("As MessageItem: {:?}", m);
assert_eq!(&*m.signature(), "a{oa{sa{sv}}}");
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut msg = Message::new_method_call(&c.unique_name(), "/hello", "org.freedesktop.DBusObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects").unwrap();
let sending = format!("{:?}", msg.get_items());
println!("Sending {}", sending);
loop { for n in c.incoming(1000) {
if n.msg_type() == MessageType::MethodCall {
let receiving = format!("{:?}", n.get_items());
println!("Receiving {}", receiving);
assert_eq!(sending, receiving);
} else {
println!("Got {:?}", n);
} }
fn issue24() {
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut m = Message::new_method_call("org.test.rust", "/", "org.test.rust", "Test").unwrap();
let a = MessageItem::from("test".to_string());
let b = MessageItem::from("test".to_string());
let foo = MessageItem::Struct(vec!(a, b));
let bar = foo.clone();
let args = [MessageItem::new_array(vec!(foo, bar)).unwrap()];
println!("{:?}", args);
fn set_valid_destination() {
let mut m = Message::new_method_call("org.test.rust", "/", "org.test.rust", "Test").unwrap();
let d = Some(BusName::new(":1.14").unwrap());