Name Description Size Evaluating C expressions from tokens. Numerical operators are supported. All numerical values are treated as `i64` or `f64`. Type casting is not supported. `i64` are converted to `f64` when used in conjunction with a `f64`. Right shifts are always arithmetic shifts. The `sizeof` operator is not supported. String concatenation is supported, but width prefixes are ignored; all strings are treated as narrow strings. Use the `IdentifierParser` to substitute identifiers found in expressions. 20275 A C expression parser and evaluator. This crate provides methods for parsing and evaluating simple C expressions. In general, the crate can handle most arithmetic expressions that would appear in macros or the definition of constants, as well as string and character constants. The main entry point for is [`token::parse`], which parses a byte string and returns its evaluated value. 4487 Parsing C literals from byte slices. This will parse a representation of a C literal into a Rust type. # characters Character literals are stored into the `CChar` type, which can hold values that are not valid Unicode code points. ASCII characters are represented as `char`, literal bytes with the high byte set are converted into the raw representation. Escape sequences are supported. If hex and octal escapes map to an ASCII character, that is used, otherwise, the raw encoding is used, including for values over 255. Unicode escapes are checked for validity and mapped to `char`. Character sequences are not supported. Width prefixes are ignored. # strings Strings are interpreted as byte vectors. Escape sequences are supported. If hex and octal escapes map onto multi-byte characters, they are truncated to one 8-bit character. Unicode escapes are converted into their UTF-8 encoding. Width prefixes are ignored. # integers Integers are read into `i64`. Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal are all supported. If the literal value is between `i64::MAX` and `u64::MAX`, it is bit-cast to `i64`. Values over `u64::MAX` cannot be parsed. Width and sign suffixes are ignored. Sign prefixes are not supported. # real numbers Reals are read into `f64`. Width suffixes are ignored. Sign prefixes are not supported in the significand. Hexadecimal floating points are not supported. 11191 Representation of a C token This is designed to map onto a libclang CXToken. 1185