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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
extern crate libc;
use crate::errors;
use crate::statecallback::StateCallback;
use crate::transport::device_selector::{
DeviceBuildParameters, DeviceSelector, DeviceSelectorEvent,
use crate::transport::platform::iokit::{CFRunLoopEntryObserver, SendableRunLoop};
use crate::transport::platform::monitor::Monitor;
use core_foundation::runloop::*;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
use std::thread;
// A transaction will run the given closure in a new thread, thereby using a
// separate per-thread state machine for each HID. It will either complete or
// fail through user action, timeout, or be cancelled when overridden by a new
// transaction.
pub struct Transaction {
runloop: Option<SendableRunLoop>,
thread: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
device_selector: DeviceSelector,
impl Transaction {
pub fn new<F, T>(
timeout: u64,
callback: StateCallback<crate::Result<T>>,
status: Sender<crate::StatusUpdate>,
new_device_cb: F,
) -> crate::Result<Self>
F: Fn(
&dyn Fn() -> bool,
) + Sync
+ Send
+ 'static,
T: 'static,
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let timeout = (timeout as f64) / 1000.0;
let device_selector = DeviceSelector::run();
let selector_sender = device_selector.clone_sender();
let builder = thread::Builder::new();
let thread = builder
.spawn(move || {
// Add a runloop observer that will be notified when we enter the
// runloop and tx.send() the current runloop to the owning thread.
// We need to ensure the runloop was entered before unblocking
// Transaction::new(), so we can always properly cancel.
let context = &tx as *const _ as *mut c_void;
let obs = CFRunLoopEntryObserver::new(Transaction::observe, context);
// Create a new HID device monitor and start polling.
let mut monitor = Monitor::new(new_device_cb, selector_sender, status);
try_or!(monitor.start(), |_| callback
// This will block until completion, abortion, or timeout.
unsafe { CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, timeout, 0) };
// Close the monitor and its devices.
// Send an error, if the callback wasn't called already.
.map_err(|_| errors::AuthenticatorError::Platform)?;
// Block until we enter the CFRunLoop.
let runloop = rx
.map_err(|_| errors::AuthenticatorError::Platform)?;
Ok(Self {
runloop: Some(runloop),
thread: Some(thread),
extern "C" fn observe(_: CFRunLoopObserverRef, _: CFRunLoopActivity, context: *mut c_void) {
let tx: &Sender<SendableRunLoop> = unsafe { &*(context as *mut _) };
// Send the current runloop to the receiver to unblock it.
let _ = tx.send(SendableRunLoop::new(unsafe { CFRunLoopGetCurrent() }));
pub fn cancel(&mut self) {
// This must never be None. This won't block.
unsafe { CFRunLoopStop(*self.runloop.take().unwrap()) };
// This must never be None. Ignore return value.
let _ = self.thread.take().unwrap().join();