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// Copyright 2021 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/endian.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/invoke.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/container_memory.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
// We can only add poisoning if we can detect consteval executions.
namespace absl {
namespace cord_internal {
// The overhead of a vtable is too much for Cord, so we roll our own subclasses
// using only a single byte to differentiate classes from each other - the "tag"
// byte. Define the subclasses first so we can provide downcasting helper
// functions in the base class.
struct CordRep;
struct CordRepConcat;
struct CordRepExternal;
struct CordRepFlat;
struct CordRepSubstring;
struct CordRepCrc;
class CordRepBtree;
class CordzInfo;
// Default feature enable states for cord ring buffers
enum CordFeatureDefaults { kCordShallowSubcordsDefault = false };
extern std::atomic<bool> shallow_subcords_enabled;
inline void enable_shallow_subcords(bool enable) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
enum Constants {
// The inlined size to use with absl::InlinedVector.
// Note: The InlinedVectors in this file (and in cord.h) do not need to use
// the same value for their inlined size. The fact that they do is historical.
// It may be desirable for each to use a different inlined size optimized for
// that InlinedVector's usage.
// TODO(jgm): Benchmark to see if there's a more optimal value than 47 for
// the inlined vector size (47 exists for backward compatibility).
kInlinedVectorSize = 47,
// Prefer copying blocks of at most this size, otherwise reference count.
kMaxBytesToCopy = 511
// Emits a fatal error "Unexpected node type: xyz" and aborts the program.
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void LogFatalNodeType(CordRep* rep);
// Fast implementation of memmove for up to 15 bytes. This implementation is
// safe for overlapping regions. If nullify_tail is true, the destination is
// padded with '\0' up to 15 bytes.
template <bool nullify_tail = false>
inline void SmallMemmove(char* dst, const char* src, size_t n) {
if (n >= 8) {
assert(n <= 15);
uint64_t buf1;
uint64_t buf2;
memcpy(&buf1, src, 8);
memcpy(&buf2, src + n - 8, 8);
if (nullify_tail) {
memset(dst + 7, 0, 8);
memcpy(dst, &buf1, 8);
memcpy(dst + n - 8, &buf2, 8);
} else if (n >= 4) {
uint32_t buf1;
uint32_t buf2;
memcpy(&buf1, src, 4);
memcpy(&buf2, src + n - 4, 4);
if (nullify_tail) {
memset(dst + 4, 0, 4);
memset(dst + 7, 0, 8);
memcpy(dst, &buf1, 4);
memcpy(dst + n - 4, &buf2, 4);
} else {
if (n != 0) {
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[n / 2] = src[n / 2];
dst[n - 1] = src[n - 1];
if (nullify_tail) {
memset(dst + 7, 0, 8);
memset(dst + n, 0, 8);
// Compact class for tracking the reference count and state flags for CordRep
// instances. Data is stored in an atomic int32_t for compactness and speed.
class RefcountAndFlags {
constexpr RefcountAndFlags() : count_{kRefIncrement} {}
struct Immortal {};
explicit constexpr RefcountAndFlags(Immortal) : count_(kImmortalFlag) {}
// Increments the reference count. Imposes no memory ordering.
inline void Increment() {
count_.fetch_add(kRefIncrement, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Asserts that the current refcount is greater than 0. If the refcount is
// greater than 1, decrements the reference count.
// Returns false if there are no references outstanding; true otherwise.
// Inserts barriers to ensure that state written before this method returns
// false will be visible to a thread that just observed this method returning
// false. Always returns false when the immortal bit is set.
inline bool Decrement() {
int32_t refcount = count_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
assert(refcount > 0 || refcount & kImmortalFlag);
return refcount != kRefIncrement &&
count_.fetch_sub(kRefIncrement, std::memory_order_acq_rel) !=
// Same as Decrement but expect that refcount is greater than 1.
inline bool DecrementExpectHighRefcount() {
int32_t refcount =
count_.fetch_sub(kRefIncrement, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
assert(refcount > 0 || refcount & kImmortalFlag);
return refcount != kRefIncrement;
// Returns the current reference count using acquire semantics.
inline size_t Get() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(count_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) >>
// Returns whether the atomic integer is 1.
// If the reference count is used in the conventional way, a
// reference count of 1 implies that the current thread owns the
// reference and no other thread shares it.
// This call performs the test for a reference count of one, and
// performs the memory barrier needed for the owning thread
// to act on the object, knowing that it has exclusive access to the
// object. Always returns false when the immortal bit is set.
inline bool IsOne() {
return count_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == kRefIncrement;
bool IsImmortal() const {
return (count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & kImmortalFlag) != 0;
// We reserve the bottom bit for flag.
// kImmortalBit indicates that this entity should never be collected; it is
// used for the StringConstant constructor to avoid collecting immutable
// constant cords.
enum Flags {
kNumFlags = 1,
kImmortalFlag = 0x1,
kRefIncrement = (1 << kNumFlags),
std::atomic<int32_t> count_;
// Various representations that we allow
enum CordRepKind {
UNUSED_0 = 0,
CRC = 2,
BTREE = 3,
UNUSED_4 = 4,
// We have different tags for different sized flat arrays,
// starting with FLAT, and limited to MAX_FLAT_TAG. The below values map to an
// allocated range of 32 bytes to 256 KB. The current granularity is:
// - 8 byte granularity for flat sizes in [32 - 512]
// - 64 byte granularity for flat sizes in (512 - 8KiB]
// - 4KiB byte granularity for flat sizes in (8KiB, 256 KiB]
// If a new tag is needed in the future, then 'FLAT' and 'MAX_FLAT_TAG' should
// be adjusted as well as the Tag <---> Size mapping logic so that FLAT still
// represents the minimum flat allocation size. (32 bytes as of now).
FLAT = 6,
// There are various locations where we want to check if some rep is a 'plain'
// data edge, i.e. an external or flat rep. By having FLAT == EXTERNAL + 1, we
// can perform this check in a single branch as 'tag >= EXTERNAL'
// Note that we can leave this optimization to the compiler. The compiler will
// DTRT when it sees a condition like `tag == EXTERNAL || tag >= FLAT`.
static_assert(FLAT == EXTERNAL + 1, "EXTERNAL and FLAT not consecutive");
struct CordRep {
// Result from an `extract edge` operation. Contains the (possibly changed)
// tree node as well as the extracted edge, or {tree, nullptr} if no edge
// could be extracted.
// On success, the returned `tree` value is null if `extracted` was the only
// data edge inside the tree, a data edge if there were only two data edges in
// the tree, or the (possibly new / smaller) remaining tree with the extracted
// data edge removed.
struct ExtractResult {
CordRep* tree;
CordRep* extracted;
CordRep() = default;
constexpr CordRep(RefcountAndFlags::Immortal immortal, size_t l)
: length(l), refcount(immortal), tag(EXTERNAL), storage{} {}
// The following three fields have to be less than 32 bytes since
// that is the smallest supported flat node size. Some code optimizations rely
// on the specific layout of these fields. Notably: the non-trivial field
// `refcount` being preceded by `length`, and being tailed by POD data
// members only.
// # LINT.IfChange
size_t length;
RefcountAndFlags refcount;
// If tag < FLAT, it represents CordRepKind and indicates the type of node.
// Otherwise, the node type is CordRepFlat and the tag is the encoded size.
uint8_t tag;
// `storage` provides two main purposes:
// - the starting point for FlatCordRep.Data() [flexible-array-member]
// - 3 bytes of additional storage for use by derived classes.
// The latter is used by CordrepConcat and CordRepBtree. CordRepConcat stores
// a 'depth' value in storage[0], and the (future) CordRepBtree class stores
// `height`, `begin` and `end` in the 3 entries. Otherwise we would need to
// allocate room for these in the derived class, as not all compilers reuse
// padding space from the base class (clang and gcc do, MSVC does not, etc)
uint8_t storage[3];
// # LINT.ThenChange(cord_rep_btree.h:copy_raw)
// Returns true if this instance's tag matches the requested type.
constexpr bool IsSubstring() const { return tag == SUBSTRING; }
constexpr bool IsCrc() const { return tag == CRC; }
constexpr bool IsExternal() const { return tag == EXTERNAL; }
constexpr bool IsFlat() const { return tag >= FLAT; }
constexpr bool IsBtree() const { return tag == BTREE; }
inline CordRepSubstring* substring();
inline const CordRepSubstring* substring() const;
inline CordRepCrc* crc();
inline const CordRepCrc* crc() const;
inline CordRepExternal* external();
inline const CordRepExternal* external() const;
inline CordRepFlat* flat();
inline const CordRepFlat* flat() const;
inline CordRepBtree* btree();
inline const CordRepBtree* btree() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Memory management
// Destroys the provided `rep`.
static void Destroy(CordRep* rep);
// Increments the reference count of `rep`.
// Requires `rep` to be a non-null pointer value.
static inline CordRep* Ref(CordRep* rep);
// Decrements the reference count of `rep`. Destroys rep if count reaches
// zero. Requires `rep` to be a non-null pointer value.
static inline void Unref(CordRep* rep);
struct CordRepSubstring : public CordRep {
size_t start; // Starting offset of substring in child
CordRep* child;
// Creates a substring on `child`, adopting a reference on `child`.
// Requires `child` to be either a flat or external node, and `pos` and `n` to
// form a non-empty partial sub range of `'child`, i.e.:
// `n > 0 && n < length && n + pos <= length`
static inline CordRepSubstring* Create(CordRep* child, size_t pos, size_t n);
// Creates a substring of `rep`. Does not adopt a reference on `rep`.
// Requires `IsDataEdge(rep) && n > 0 && pos + n <= rep->length`.
// If `n == rep->length` then this method returns `CordRep::Ref(rep)`
// If `rep` is a substring of a flat or external node, then this method will
// return a new substring of that flat or external node with `pos` adjusted
// with the original `start` position.
static inline CordRep* Substring(CordRep* rep, size_t pos, size_t n);
// Type for function pointer that will invoke the releaser function and also
// delete the `CordRepExternalImpl` corresponding to the passed in
// `CordRepExternal`.
using ExternalReleaserInvoker = void (*)(CordRepExternal*);
// External CordReps are allocated together with a type erased releaser. The
// releaser is stored in the memory directly following the CordRepExternal.
struct CordRepExternal : public CordRep {
CordRepExternal() = default;
explicit constexpr CordRepExternal(absl::string_view str)
: CordRep(RefcountAndFlags::Immortal{}, str.size()),
releaser_invoker(nullptr) {}
const char* base;
// Pointer to function that knows how to call and destroy the releaser.
ExternalReleaserInvoker releaser_invoker;
// Deletes (releases) the external rep.
// Requires rep != nullptr and rep->IsExternal()
static void Delete(CordRep* rep);
struct Rank1 {};
struct Rank0 : Rank1 {};
template <typename Releaser, typename = ::absl::base_internal::invoke_result_t<
Releaser, absl::string_view>>
void InvokeReleaser(Rank0, Releaser&& releaser, absl::string_view data) {
::absl::base_internal::invoke(std::forward<Releaser>(releaser), data);
template <typename Releaser,
typename = ::absl::base_internal::invoke_result_t<Releaser>>
void InvokeReleaser(Rank1, Releaser&& releaser, absl::string_view) {
// We use CompressedTuple so that we can benefit from EBCO.
template <typename Releaser>
struct CordRepExternalImpl
: public CordRepExternal,
public ::absl::container_internal::CompressedTuple<Releaser> {
// The extra int arg is so that we can avoid interfering with copy/move
// constructors while still benefitting from perfect forwarding.
template <typename T>
CordRepExternalImpl(T&& releaser, int)
: CordRepExternalImpl::CompressedTuple(std::forward<T>(releaser)) {
this->releaser_invoker = &Release;
~CordRepExternalImpl() {
InvokeReleaser(Rank0{}, std::move(this->template get<0>()),
absl::string_view(base, length));
static void Release(CordRepExternal* rep) {
delete static_cast<CordRepExternalImpl*>(rep);
inline CordRepSubstring* CordRepSubstring::Create(CordRep* child, size_t pos,
size_t n) {
assert(child != nullptr);
assert(n > 0);
assert(n < child->length);
assert(pos < child->length);
assert(n <= child->length - pos);
// TODO(b/217376272): Harden internal logic.
// Move to strategical places inside the Cord logic and make this an assert.
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!(child->IsExternal() || child->IsFlat()))) {
CordRepSubstring* rep = new CordRepSubstring();
rep->length = n;
rep->tag = SUBSTRING;
rep->start = pos;
rep->child = child;
return rep;
inline CordRep* CordRepSubstring::Substring(CordRep* rep, size_t pos,
size_t n) {
assert(rep != nullptr);
assert(n != 0);
assert(pos < rep->length);
assert(n <= rep->length - pos);
if (n == rep->length) return CordRep::Ref(rep);
if (rep->IsSubstring()) {
pos += rep->substring()->start;
rep = rep->substring()->child;
CordRepSubstring* substr = new CordRepSubstring();
substr->length = n;
substr->tag = SUBSTRING;
substr->start = pos;
substr->child = CordRep::Ref(rep);
return substr;
inline void CordRepExternal::Delete(CordRep* rep) {
assert(rep != nullptr && rep->IsExternal());
auto* rep_external = static_cast<CordRepExternal*>(rep);
assert(rep_external->releaser_invoker != nullptr);
template <typename Str>
struct ConstInitExternalStorage {
ABSL_CONST_INIT static CordRepExternal value;
template <typename Str>
enum {
kMaxInline = 15,
constexpr char GetOrNull(absl::string_view data, size_t pos) {
return pos < data.size() ? data[pos] : '\0';
// We store cordz_info as 64 bit pointer value in little endian format. This
// guarantees that the least significant byte of cordz_info matches the first
// byte of the inline data representation in `data`, which holds the inlined
// size or the 'is_tree' bit.
using cordz_info_t = int64_t;
// Assert that the `cordz_info` pointer value perfectly overlaps the last half
// of `data` and can hold a pointer value.
static_assert(sizeof(cordz_info_t) * 2 == kMaxInline + 1, "");
static_assert(sizeof(cordz_info_t) >= sizeof(intptr_t), "");
// LittleEndianByte() creates a little endian representation of 'value', i.e.:
// a little endian value where the first byte in the host's representation
// holds 'value`, with all other bytes being 0.
static constexpr cordz_info_t LittleEndianByte(unsigned char value) {
#if defined(ABSL_IS_BIG_ENDIAN)
return static_cast<cordz_info_t>(value) << ((sizeof(cordz_info_t) - 1) * 8);
return value;
class InlineData {
// DefaultInitType forces the use of the default initialization constructor.
enum DefaultInitType { kDefaultInit };
// kNullCordzInfo holds the little endian representation of intptr_t(1)
// This is the 'null' / initial value of 'cordz_info'. The null value
// is specifically big endian 1 as with 64-bit pointers, the last
// byte of cordz_info overlaps with the last byte holding the tag.
static constexpr cordz_info_t kNullCordzInfo = LittleEndianByte(1);
// kTagOffset contains the offset of the control byte / tag. This constant is
// intended mostly for debugging purposes: do not remove this constant as it
// is actively inspected and used by gdb pretty printing code.
static constexpr size_t kTagOffset = 0;
// Implement `~InlineData()` conditionally: we only need this destructor to
// unpoison poisoned instances under *SAN, and it will only compile correctly
// if the current compiler supports `absl::is_constant_evaluated()`.
~InlineData() noexcept { unpoison(); }
constexpr InlineData() noexcept { poison_this(); }
explicit InlineData(DefaultInitType) noexcept : rep_(kDefaultInit) {
explicit InlineData(CordRep* rep) noexcept : rep_(rep) {
ABSL_ASSERT(rep != nullptr);
// Explicit constexpr constructor to create a constexpr InlineData
// value. Creates an inlined SSO value if `rep` is null, otherwise
// creates a tree instance value.
constexpr InlineData(absl::string_view sv, CordRep* rep) noexcept
: rep_(rep ? Rep(rep) : Rep(sv)) {
constexpr InlineData(const InlineData& rhs) noexcept;
InlineData& operator=(const InlineData& rhs) noexcept;
friend bool operator==(const InlineData& lhs, const InlineData& rhs) {
const Rep l = lhs.rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy();
const Rep r = rhs.rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy();
return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(l)) == 0;
return memcmp(&lhs, &rhs, sizeof(lhs)) == 0;
friend bool operator!=(const InlineData& lhs, const InlineData& rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
// Poisons the unused inlined SSO data if the current instance
// is inlined, else un-poisons the entire instance.
constexpr void poison();
// Un-poisons this instance.
constexpr void unpoison();
// Poisons the current instance. This is used on default initialization.
constexpr void poison_this();
// Returns true if the current instance is empty.
// The 'empty value' is an inlined data value of zero length.
bool is_empty() const { return rep_.tag() == 0; }
// Returns true if the current instance holds a tree value.
bool is_tree() const { return (rep_.tag() & 1) != 0; }
// Returns true if the current instance holds a cordz_info value.
// Requires the current instance to hold a tree value.
bool is_profiled() const {
return rep_.cordz_info() != kNullCordzInfo;
// Returns true if either of the provided instances hold a cordz_info value.
// This method is more efficient than the equivalent `data1.is_profiled() ||
// data2.is_profiled()`. Requires both arguments to hold a tree.
static bool is_either_profiled(const InlineData& data1,
const InlineData& data2) {
assert(data1.is_tree() && data2.is_tree());
return (data1.rep_.cordz_info() | data2.rep_.cordz_info()) !=
// Returns the cordz_info sampling instance for this instance, or nullptr
// if the current instance is not sampled and does not have CordzInfo data.
// Requires the current instance to hold a tree value.
CordzInfo* cordz_info() const {
intptr_t info = static_cast<intptr_t>(absl::little_endian::ToHost64(
assert(info & 1);
return reinterpret_cast<CordzInfo*>(info - 1);
// Sets the current cordz_info sampling instance for this instance, or nullptr
// if the current instance is not sampled and does not have CordzInfo data.
// Requires the current instance to hold a tree value.
void set_cordz_info(CordzInfo* cordz_info) {
uintptr_t info = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(cordz_info) | 1;
// Resets the current cordz_info to null / empty.
void clear_cordz_info() {
// Returns a read only pointer to the character data inside this instance.
// Requires the current instance to hold inline data.
const char* as_chars() const {
return rep_.as_chars();
// Returns a mutable pointer to the character data inside this instance.
// Should be used for 'write only' operations setting an inlined value.
// Applications can set the value of inlined data either before or after
// setting the inlined size, i.e., both of the below are valid:
// // Set inlined data and inline size
// memcpy(data_.as_chars(), data, size);
// data_.set_inline_size(size);
// // Set inlined size and inline data
// data_.set_inline_size(size);
// memcpy(data_.as_chars(), data, size);
// It's an error to read from the returned pointer without a preceding write
// if the current instance does not hold inline data, i.e.: is_tree() == true.
char* as_chars() { return rep_.as_chars(); }
// Returns the tree value of this value.
// Requires the current instance to hold a tree value.
CordRep* as_tree() const {
return rep_.tree();
void set_inline_data(const char* data, size_t n) {
ABSL_ASSERT(n <= kMaxInline);
rep_.set_tag(static_cast<int8_t>(n << 1));
SmallMemmove<true>(rep_.as_chars(), data, n);
void copy_max_inline_to(char* dst) const {
memcpy(dst, rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy().as_chars(), kMaxInline);
// Initialize this instance to holding the tree value `rep`,
// initializing the cordz_info to null, i.e.: 'not profiled'.
void make_tree(CordRep* rep) {
// Set the tree value of this instance to 'rep`.
// Requires the current instance to already hold a tree value.
// Does not affect the value of cordz_info.
void set_tree(CordRep* rep) {
// Returns the size of the inlined character data inside this instance.
// Requires the current instance to hold inline data.
size_t inline_size() const { return rep_.inline_size(); }
// Sets the size of the inlined character data inside this instance.
// Requires `size` to be <= kMaxInline.
// See the documentation on 'as_chars()' for more information and examples.
void set_inline_size(size_t size) {
// Compares 'this' inlined data with rhs. The comparison is a straightforward
// lexicographic comparison. `Compare()` returns values as follows:
// -1 'this' InlineData instance is smaller
// 0 the InlineData instances are equal
// 1 'this' InlineData instance larger
int Compare(const InlineData& rhs) const {
return Compare(rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy(), rhs.rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy());
struct Rep {
// See cordz_info_t for forced alignment and size of `cordz_info` details.
struct AsTree {
explicit constexpr AsTree(absl::cord_internal::CordRep* tree)
: rep(tree) {}
cordz_info_t cordz_info = kNullCordzInfo;
absl::cord_internal::CordRep* rep;
explicit Rep(DefaultInitType) {}
constexpr Rep() : data{0} {}
constexpr Rep(const Rep&) = default;
constexpr Rep& operator=(const Rep&) = default;
explicit constexpr Rep(CordRep* rep) : as_tree(rep) {}
explicit constexpr Rep(absl::string_view chars)
: data{static_cast<char>((chars.size() << 1)),
GetOrNull(chars, 0),
GetOrNull(chars, 1),
GetOrNull(chars, 2),
GetOrNull(chars, 3),
GetOrNull(chars, 4),
GetOrNull(chars, 5),
GetOrNull(chars, 6),
GetOrNull(chars, 7),
GetOrNull(chars, 8),
GetOrNull(chars, 9),
GetOrNull(chars, 10),
GetOrNull(chars, 11),
GetOrNull(chars, 12),
GetOrNull(chars, 13),
GetOrNull(chars, 14)} {}
// Disable sanitizer as we must always be able to read `tag`.
int8_t tag() const { return reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(this)[0]; }
void set_tag(int8_t rhs) { reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(this)[0] = rhs; }
char* as_chars() { return data + 1; }
const char* as_chars() const { return data + 1; }
bool is_tree() const { return (tag() & 1) != 0; }
size_t inline_size() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(tag()) >> 1;
void set_inline_size(size_t size) {
ABSL_ASSERT(size <= kMaxInline);
set_tag(static_cast<int8_t>(size << 1));
CordRep* tree() const { return as_tree.rep; }
void set_tree(CordRep* rhs) { as_tree.rep = rhs; }
cordz_info_t cordz_info() const { return as_tree.cordz_info; }
void set_cordz_info(cordz_info_t rhs) { as_tree.cordz_info = rhs; }
void make_tree(CordRep* tree) {
as_tree.rep = tree;
as_tree.cordz_info = kNullCordzInfo;
constexpr Rep SanitizerSafeCopy() const {
if (!absl::is_constant_evaluated()) {
Rep res;
if (is_tree()) {
res = *this;
} else {
memcpy(res.as_chars(), as_chars(), inline_size());
return res;
} else {
return *this;
constexpr const Rep& SanitizerSafeCopy() const { return *this; }
// If the data has length <= kMaxInline, we store it in `data`, and
// store the size in the first char of `data` shifted left + 1.
// Else we store it in a tree and store a pointer to that tree in
// `as_tree.rep` with a tagged pointer to make `tag() & 1` non zero.
union {
char data[kMaxInline + 1];
AsTree as_tree;
// Private implementation of `Compare()`
static inline int Compare(const Rep& lhs, const Rep& rhs) {
uint64_t x, y;
memcpy(&x, lhs.as_chars(), sizeof(x));
memcpy(&y, rhs.as_chars(), sizeof(y));
if (x == y) {
memcpy(&x, lhs.as_chars() + 7, sizeof(x));
memcpy(&y, rhs.as_chars() + 7, sizeof(y));
if (x == y) {
if (lhs.inline_size() == rhs.inline_size()) return 0;
return lhs.inline_size() < rhs.inline_size() ? -1 : 1;
x = absl::big_endian::FromHost64(x);
y = absl::big_endian::FromHost64(y);
return x < y ? -1 : 1;
Rep rep_;
static_assert(sizeof(InlineData) == kMaxInline + 1, "");
constexpr InlineData::InlineData(const InlineData& rhs) noexcept
: rep_(rhs.rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy()) {
inline InlineData& InlineData::operator=(const InlineData& rhs) noexcept {
rep_ = rhs.rep_.SanitizerSafeCopy();
return *this;
constexpr void InlineData::poison_this() {
if (!absl::is_constant_evaluated()) {
constexpr void InlineData::unpoison() {
if (!absl::is_constant_evaluated()) {
constexpr void InlineData::poison() {
if (!absl::is_constant_evaluated()) {
if (is_tree()) {
} else if (const size_t size = inline_size()) {
if (size < kMaxInline) {
const char* end = rep_.as_chars() + size;
container_internal::SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion(end, kMaxInline - size);
} else {
constexpr InlineData::InlineData(const InlineData&) noexcept = default;
inline InlineData& InlineData::operator=(const InlineData&) noexcept = default;
constexpr void InlineData::poison_this() {}
constexpr void InlineData::unpoison() {}
constexpr void InlineData::poison() {}
inline CordRepSubstring* CordRep::substring() {
return static_cast<CordRepSubstring*>(this);
inline const CordRepSubstring* CordRep::substring() const {
return static_cast<const CordRepSubstring*>(this);
inline CordRepExternal* CordRep::external() {
return static_cast<CordRepExternal*>(this);
inline const CordRepExternal* CordRep::external() const {
return static_cast<const CordRepExternal*>(this);
inline CordRep* CordRep::Ref(CordRep* rep) {
// ABSL_ASSUME is a workaround for
ABSL_ASSUME(rep != nullptr);
return rep;
inline void CordRep::Unref(CordRep* rep) {
assert(rep != nullptr);
// Expect refcount to be 0. Avoiding the cost of an atomic decrement should
// typically outweigh the cost of an extra branch checking for ref == 1.
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!rep->refcount.DecrementExpectHighRefcount())) {
} // namespace cord_internal
} // namespace absl