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# `read device` - [Devices API](../
The `read device` method of the devices API fetches available information regarding a
specific device.
## HTTP Request
`GET /api/devices/<device_token>`
## Response Payload
"token": "<String>",
"user_agent": "<String>",
"last_active": "<String>",
"name": "<String>"
- **token** is the unique identifier of the device.
- **user_agent** is the user agent of the request the device was registered with.
- **last_active** defines the point in time the device was last active. Expressed as ISO 8601 date and time format.
- **name** the name the device was assign based on its user agent.
## Example
`GET /api/devices/1d9f5d30-830f-11ea-8dcb-0021ccd76152`
"token": "1d9f5d30-830f-11ea-8dcb-0021ccd76152",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.113 Safari/537.36",
"last_active": 1587391153295,
"name": "Chrome 81.0.4044"