Name Description Size
async-01.svg 835
async-02.html Inline async module script without external deps onload blocking 1030
async-03.html Inline async script without external deps onload blocking 998
composed.window.svg 992
defer-01.svg 720
defer-02.html Inline defer module script without external deps onload blocking 1109
defer.js 98
ellipse-hittest.html elementFromPoint(...) on <ellipse>s with continuous strokes 3191
focus-events.svg 1342
focus-tabindex-default-value.svg 983 344
module-01.svg 714
module-02.html Inline module script without external deps onload blocking 1012
rect-hittest-001.html elementFromPoint(...) on <rect>s 1299
rect-hittest-002.html elementFromPoint(...) on <rect>s with simple strokes 4376
svg-pointer-events-bbox.html pointer-events: bounding-box 4790
svg-root-border-radius.html SVG root with border-radius hit test 855
svg-small-big-path.html Hit-test on a path whose x/y ranges have different magnitude 1195
tabindex-focus-flag.svg 4784