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import copy
import json
import os
import ssl
import sys
import subprocess
import urllib
import html5lib
import py
import pytest
from wptserver import WPTServer
HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
WPT_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(HERE, '..', '..'))
HARNESS = os.path.join(HERE, 'harness.html')
TEST_TYPES = ('functional', 'unit')
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WPT_ROOT, "tools")))
import localpaths
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WPT_ROOT, "tools", "webdriver")))
import webdriver
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--binary", action="store", default=None, help="path to browser binary")
parser.addoption("--headless", action="store_true", default=False, help="run browser in headless mode")
def pytest_collect_file(file_path, path, parent):
if file_path.suffix.lower() != '.html':
# Tests are organized in directories by type
test_type = os.path.relpath(str(file_path), HERE)
if os.path.sep not in test_type or ".." in test_type:
# HTML files in this directory are not tests
test_type = test_type.split(os.path.sep)[1]
# Handle the deprecation of Node construction in pytest6
if hasattr(HTMLItem, "from_parent"):
return HTMLItem.from_parent(parent, filename=str(file_path), test_type=test_type)
return HTMLItem(parent, str(file_path), test_type)
def pytest_configure(config):
config.proc = subprocess.Popen(["geckodriver"])
capabilities = {"alwaysMatch": {"acceptInsecureCerts": True, "moz:firefoxOptions": {}}}
if config.getoption("--binary"):
capabilities["alwaysMatch"]["moz:firefoxOptions"]["binary"] = config.getoption("--binary")
if config.getoption("--headless"):
capabilities["alwaysMatch"]["moz:firefoxOptions"]["args"] = ["--headless"]
config.driver = webdriver.Session("localhost", 4444,
# Although the name of the `_create_unverified_context` method suggests
# that it is not intended for external consumption, the standard library's
# documentation explicitly endorses its use:
# > To revert to the previous, unverified, behavior
# > ssl._create_unverified_context() can be passed to the context
# > parameter.
config.ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
config.server = WPTServer(WPT_ROOT)
def resolve_uri(context, uri):
if uri.startswith('/'):
base = WPT_ROOT
path = uri[1:]
base = os.path.dirname(context)
path = uri
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, path))
def _summarize(actual):
def _scrub_stack(test_obj):
copy = dict(test_obj)
del copy['stack']
return copy
def _expand_status(status_obj):
for key, value in [item for item in status_obj.items()]:
# In "status" and "test" objects, the "status" value enum
# definitions are interspersed with properties for unrelated
# metadata. The following condition is a best-effort attempt to
# ignore non-enum properties.
if key != key.upper() or not isinstance(value, int):
del status_obj[key]
if status_obj['status'] == value:
status_obj[u'status_string'] = key
del status_obj['status']
return status_obj
def _summarize_test(test_obj):
del test_obj['index']
assert 'phase' in test_obj
assert 'phases' in test_obj
assert 'COMPLETE' in test_obj['phases']
assert test_obj['phase'] == test_obj['phases']['COMPLETE']
del test_obj['phases']
del test_obj['phase']
return _expand_status(_scrub_stack(test_obj))
def _summarize_status(status_obj):
return _expand_status(_scrub_stack(status_obj))
summarized = {}
summarized[u'summarized_status'] = _summarize_status(actual['status'])
summarized[u'summarized_tests'] = [
_summarize_test(test) for test in actual['tests']]
summarized[u'summarized_tests'].sort(key=lambda test_obj: test_obj.get('name'))
summarized[u'summarized_asserts'] = [
{"assert_name": assert_item["assert_name"],
"test": assert_item["test"]["name"] if assert_item["test"] else None,
"args": assert_item["args"],
"status": assert_item["status"]} for assert_item in actual["asserts"]]
summarized[u'type'] = actual['type']
return summarized
class HTMLItem(pytest.Item, pytest.Collector):
def __init__(self, parent, filename, test_type):
self.url = parent.session.config.server.url(filename)
self.type = test_type
# Some tests are reliant on the WPT servers substitution functionality,
# so tests must be retrieved from the server rather than read from the
# file system directly.
handle = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url,
markup =
if test_type not in TEST_TYPES:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized test type: "%s"' % test_type)
parsed = html5lib.parse(markup, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
name = None
self.expected = None
for element in parsed.iter():
if not name and element.tag == 'title':
name = element.text
if element.tag == 'script':
if element.attrib.get('id') == 'expected':
self.expected = json.loads(element.text)
except ValueError:
print("Failed parsing JSON in %s" % filename)
if not name:
raise ValueError('No name found in %s add a <title> element' % filename)
elif self.type == 'functional':
if not self.expected:
raise ValueError('Functional tests must specify expected report data')
elif self.type == 'unit' and self.expected:
raise ValueError('Unit tests must not specify expected report data')
# Ensure that distinct items have distinct fspath attributes.
# This is necessary because pytest has an internal cache keyed on it,
# and only the first test with any given fspath will be run.
# This cannot use super(HTMLItem, self).__init__(..) because only the
# Collector constructor takes the fspath argument.
pytest.Item.__init__(self, name, parent)
pytest.Collector.__init__(self, name, parent, fspath=py.path.local(filename))
def reportinfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, self.url
def repr_failure(self, excinfo):
return pytest.Collector.repr_failure(self, excinfo)
def runtest(self):
if self.type == 'unit':
elif self.type == 'functional':
raise NotImplementedError
def _run_unit_test(self):
driver = self.session.config.driver
server = self.session.config.server
driver.url = server.url(HARNESS)
actual = driver.execute_async_script(
'runTest("%s", "foo", arguments[0])' % self.url
summarized = _summarize(copy.deepcopy(actual))
print(json.dumps(summarized, indent=2))
assert summarized[u'summarized_status'][u'status_string'] == u'OK', summarized[u'summarized_status'][u'message']
for test in summarized[u'summarized_tests']:
msg = "%s\n%s" % (test[u'name'], test[u'message'])
assert test[u'status_string'] == u'PASS', msg
def _run_functional_test(self):
driver = self.session.config.driver
server = self.session.config.server
driver.url = server.url(HARNESS)
test_url = self.url
actual = driver.execute_async_script('runTest("%s", "foo", arguments[0])' % test_url)
print(json.dumps(actual, indent=2))
summarized = _summarize(copy.deepcopy(actual))
print(json.dumps(summarized, indent=2))
# Test object ordering is not guaranteed. This weak assertion verifies
# that the indices are unique and sequential
indices = [test_obj.get('index') for test_obj in actual['tests']]
self.expected[u'summarized_tests'].sort(key=lambda test_obj: test_obj.get('name'))
# Make asserts opt-in for now
if "summarized_asserts" not in self.expected:
del summarized["summarized_asserts"]
# We can't be sure of the order of asserts even within the same test
# although we could also check for the failing assert being the final
# one
for obj in [summarized, self.expected]:
key=lambda x: (x["test"] or "", x["status"], x["assert_name"], tuple(x["args"])))
assert summarized == self.expected
def _assert_sequence(nums):
if nums and len(nums) > 0:
assert nums == list(range(1, nums[-1] + 1))