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// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Tests exporting a certificate and key as a PKCS#12 blob and importing it
// again with a new password set.
const gCertDB = Cc[";1"].getService(
const PKCS12_FILE = "test_certDB_import/cert_from_windows.pfx";
const CERT_COMMON_NAME = "test_cert_from_windows";
const TEST_CERT_PASSWORD = "黒い";
function findCertByCommonName(commonName) {
for (let cert of gCertDB.getCerts()) {
if (cert.commonName == commonName) {
return cert;
return null;
function run_test() {
// Import the certificate and key so we have something to export.
let cert = findCertByCommonName(CERT_COMMON_NAME);
equal(cert, null, "cert should not be found before import");
let certFile = do_get_file(PKCS12_FILE);
ok(certFile, `${PKCS12_FILE} should exist`);
let errorCode = gCertDB.importPKCS12File(certFile, TEST_CERT_PASSWORD);
equal(errorCode, Ci.nsIX509CertDB.Success, "cert should be imported");
cert = findCertByCommonName(CERT_COMMON_NAME);
notEqual(cert, null, "cert should be found now");
// Export the certificate and key.
let output = do_get_tempdir();
ok(!output.exists(), "output shouldn't exist before exporting PKCS12 file");
errorCode = gCertDB.exportPKCS12File(output, [cert], TEST_CERT_PASSWORD);
equal(errorCode, Ci.nsIX509CertDB.Success, "cert should be exported");
ok(output.exists(), "output should exist after exporting PKCS12 file");
// We should be able to import the exported blob again using the new password.
errorCode = gCertDB.importPKCS12File(output, TEST_CERT_PASSWORD);
equal(errorCode, Ci.nsIX509CertDB.Success, "cert should be imported");
output.remove(false /* not a directory; recursive doesn't apply */);
// Ideally there would be some way to confirm that this actually did anything.
// Unfortunately, since deleting a certificate currently doesn't actually do
// anything until the platform is restarted, we can't confirm that we
// successfully re-imported the certificate.