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#!/usr/bin/env python
from unittest import mock
import mozunit
import pytest
from mozperftest.environment import METRICS
from mozperftest.metrics.utils import metric_fields
from import BT_DATA, EXAMPLE_TEST, get_running_env, temp_file
from mozperftest.utils import silence
def setup_env(options):
mach_cmd, metadata, env = get_running_env(**options)
runs = []
def _run_process(*args, **kw):
runs.append((args, kw))
mach_cmd.run_process = _run_process
metrics = env.layers[METRICS]
env.set_arg("tests", [EXAMPLE_TEST])
metadata.add_result({"results": str(BT_DATA), "name": "browsertime"})
return metrics, metadata, env
@pytest.mark.parametrize("no_filter", [True, False])
@mock.patch("mozperftest.test.BrowsertimeRunner", new=mock.MagicMock())
def test_notebookupload_with_filter(notebook, no_filter):
options = {
"notebook-metrics": [],
"notebook-prefix": "",
"notebook": True,
"notebook-analysis": ["scatterplot"],
"notebook-analyze-strings": no_filter,
metrics, metadata, env = setup_env(options)
with temp_file() as output:
env.set_arg("output", output)
with metrics as m, silence():
if no_filter:
args, kwargs = notebook.call_args_list[0]
assert type(kwargs["data"][0]["data"][0]["value"]) is str
for call in notebook.call_args_list:
args, kwargs = call
for a in args:
for data_dict in a:
for data in data_dict["data"]:
assert type(data["value"]) in (int, float)
[["scatterplot"], start_local_server=True)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stats", [False, True])
@mock.patch("mozperftest.test.BrowsertimeRunner", new=mock.MagicMock())
def test_compare_to_success(notebook, stats):
options = {
"notebook-metrics": [metric_fields("firstPaint")],
"notebook-prefix": "",
"notebook-analysis": [],
"notebook": True,
"notebook-compare-to": [str(BT_DATA.parent)],
"notebook-stats": stats,
metrics, metadata, env = setup_env(options)
with temp_file() as output:
env.set_arg("output", output)
with metrics as m, silence():
args, kwargs = notebook.call_args_list[0]
if not stats:
assert len(kwargs["data"]) == 2
assert kwargs["data"][0]["name"] == "browsertime- newest run"
assert kwargs["data"][1]["name"] == "browsertime-results"
assert any("statistics" in element["subtest"] for element in kwargs["data"])
[["compare"], start_local_server=True)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filepath", ["invalidPath", str(BT_DATA)])
@mock.patch("mozperftest.test.BrowsertimeRunner", new=mock.MagicMock())
def test_compare_to_invalid_parameter(notebook, filepath):
options = {
"notebook-metrics": [metric_fields("firstPaint")],
"notebook-prefix": "",
"notebook-analysis": [],
"notebook": True,
"notebook-compare-to": [filepath],
metrics, metadata, env = setup_env(options)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as einfo:
with temp_file() as output:
env.set_arg("output", output)
with metrics as m, silence():
if filepath == "invalidPath":
assert "does not exist" in str(einfo.value)
assert "not a directory" in str(einfo.value)
if __name__ == "__main__":