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"use strict";
var CC = Components.Constructor;
const ServerSocket = CC(
var obs = Services.obs;
// A server that waits for a connect. If a channel is suspended it should not
// try to connect to the server until it is is resumed or not try at all if it
// is cancelled as in this test.
function TestServer() {
this.listener = ServerSocket(-1, true, -1);
this.port = this.listener.port;
TestServer.prototype = {
onSocketAccepted() {
Assert.ok(false, "Socket should not have tried to connect!");
onStopListening() {},
stop() {
try {
} catch (ignore) {}
var requestListenerObserver = {
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]),
observe(subject, topic) {
if (
topic === "http-on-modify-request" &&
subject instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel
) {
var chan = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
obs.removeObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request");
// Timers are bad, but we need to wait to see that we are not trying to
// connect to the server. There are no other event since nothing should
// happen until we resume the channel.
let timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
() => {
var listener = {
onStartRequest: function test_onStartR() {},
onDataAvailable: function test_ODA() {
do_throw("Should not get any data!");
onStopRequest: function test_onStopR() {
// Add observer and start a channel. Observer is going to suspend the channel on
// "http-on-modify-request" even. If a channel is suspended so early it should
// not try to connect at all until it is resumed. In this case we are going to
// wait for some time and cancel the channel before resuming it.
add_test(function testNoConnectChannelCanceledEarly() {
let serv = new TestServer();
obs.addObserver(requestListenerObserver, "http-on-modify-request");
var chan = NetUtil.newChannel({
uri: "http://localhost:" + serv.port,
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
registerCleanupFunction(function () {