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Test Info:

// This test checks that the interaction between NodeServer.execute defined in
// httpd.js and the node server that we're interacting with defined in
// moz-http2.js is working properly.
/* global my_defined_var */
"use strict";
add_task(async function test_execute() {
function f() {
return "bla";
let id = await NodeServer.fork();
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `"hello"`), "hello");
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `(() => "hello")()`), "hello");
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `my_defined_var = 1;`), 1);
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `(() => my_defined_var)()`), 1);
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `my_defined_var`), 1);
await NodeServer.execute(id, `not_defined_var`)
.then(() => {
ok(false, "should have thrown");
.catch(e => {
equal(e.message, "ReferenceError: not_defined_var is not defined");
`stack should be coming from moz-http2-child.js - ${e.stack}`
await NodeServer.execute("definitely_wrong_id", `"hello"`)
.then(() => {
ok(false, "should have thrown");
.catch(e => {
equal(e.message, "Error: could not find id");
`stack should be coming from moz-http2.js - ${e.stack}`
// Defines f in the context of the node server.
// The implementation of NodeServer.execute prepends `functionName =` to the
// body of the function we pass so it gets attached to the global context
// in the server.
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, f), undefined);
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `f()`), "bla");
class myClass {
static doStuff() {
return my_defined_var;
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, myClass), undefined);
equal(await NodeServer.execute(id, `myClass.doStuff()`), 1);
equal(await NodeServer.kill(id), undefined);
await NodeServer.execute(id, `f()`)
.then(() => ok(false, "should throw"))
.catch(e => equal(e.message, "Error: could not find id"));
id = await NodeServer.fork();
// Check that a child process dying during a call throws an error.
await NodeServer.execute(id, `process.exit()`)
.then(() => ok(false, "should throw"))
.catch(e =>
equal(e.message, "child process exit closing code: 0 signal: null")
id = await NodeServer.fork();
await NodeServer.execute(
`setTimeout(function() { sendBackResponse(undefined) }, 0); 2`
await new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(10, resolve));
await NodeServer.kill(id)
.then(() => ok(false, "should throw"))
.catch(e =>
`forked process without handler sent: {"error":"","errorStack":""}\n`