Name Description Size
beltzner.jpg 9995
beltzner.jpg^headers^ 50
empty.html 375
file_1331680.js eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script 748
file_1502055.sjs 498
file_1503201.sjs 178
file_chromecommon.js eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script 372
file_documentcookie_maxage_chromescript.js eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script 986
file_domain_hierarchy_inner.html 398
file_domain_hierarchy_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_domain_hierarchy_inner_inner.html 413
file_domain_hierarchy_inner_inner.html^headers^ 102
file_domain_hierarchy_inner_inner_inner.html 295
file_domain_hierarchy_inner_inner_inner.html^headers^ 23
file_domain_inner.html 388
file_domain_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_domain_inner_inner.html 288
file_domain_inner_inner.html^headers^ 102
file_iframe_allow_same_origin.html 171
file_iframe_allow_scripts.html 83
file_image_inner.html 395
file_image_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_image_inner_inner.html 759
file_image_inner_inner.html^headers^ 102
file_lnk.lnk 1531
file_loadflags_inner.html 509
file_loadflags_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs Redirect handler specifically for the needs of: Bug 1194052 - Append Principal to RedirectChain within LoadInfo before the channel is succesfully openend 3714
file_localhost_inner.html 391
file_localhost_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_loopback_inner.html 390
file_loopback_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_pdfjs_test.pdf 131980
file_pdfjs_test.pdf^headers^ 53
file_subdomain_inner.html 394
file_subdomain_inner.html^headers^ 100
file_testcommon.js Receives MessageEvents to this window. 2169
file_testloadflags.js Receives MessageEvents to this window. 3348
file_testloadflags_chromescript.js eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script 3074
iframe_1502055.html 690
image1.png 821
image1.png^headers^ 45
image2.png 821
image2.png^headers^ 47
method.sjs 317
mochitest.toml 4613
origin_header.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 391
origin_header_form_post.html 507
origin_header_form_post_xorigin.html 513
partial_content.sjs Debug and Error wrapper functions for dump(). 6183
redirect.sjs 168
redirect_idn.html 0
redirect_idn.html^headers^ 169
redirect_to.sjs 175
rel_preconnect.sjs 459
reset_cookie_xhr.sjs 385
set_cookie_xhr.sjs 362
signed_web_packaged_app.sjs 3678
subResources.sjs 1591
sw_1502055.js empty 12
test_1331680.html Cookies set in content processes update immediately. 2792
test_1331680_iframe.html Cookies set from iframe in content process 2619
test_1331680_xhr.html Cookie changes from XHR requests are observed in content processes. 2660
test_1396395.html 1398
test_1421324.html Cookie changes from XHR requests are observed in content processes. 2662
test_1425031.html Cookies set in content processes update immediately. 2664
test_1502055.html Clear-Site-Data + 304 header. 1445
test_1503201.html A WWW-Authenticate response header with an invalid realm doesn't crash the browser 739
test_accept_header.html Accept header 2587
test_accept_header.sjs 1971
test_anchor_query_encoding.html Testing <a>.href (windows-1251) 1412
test_android_content_uri.html Test for content:// URI 890
test_arraybufferinputstream.html ArrayBuffer stream test 2211
test_arraybufferinputstream_large.html ArrayBuffer stream with large ArrayBuffer test 1426
test_different_domain_in_hierarchy.html Test cookie requests from within a window hierarchy of different base domains 531
test_differentdomain.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 486
test_documentcookies_maxage.html Test for document.cookie max-age pref 4818
test_fetch_lnk.html Downloading .lnk through HTTP should always download the file without parsing it 707
test_idn_redirect.html Test for URI Manipulation 995
test_image.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 484
test_import_json_module.mjs 62
test_loadflags.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 724
test_loadinfo_redirectchain.html Bug 1194052 - Append Principal to RedirectChain within LoadInfo before the channel is succesfully openend 11140
test_origin_header.html Bug 446344 - Test Origin Header 13967
test_partially_cached_content.html Test for Bug 497003: support sending OnDataAvailable() to other threads 3433
test_pdf.html PDFjs: Load a PDF in an iframe. 986
test_redirect_ref.html Bug 1234575 - Test redirect ref 696
test_rel_preconnect.html Test for link rel=preconnect 1797
test_same_base_domain.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 492
test_same_base_domain_2.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 495
test_same_base_domain_3.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 489
test_same_base_domain_4.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 492
test_same_base_domain_5.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 502
test_same_base_domain_6.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 832
test_samedomain.html Test for Cross domain access to properties 485
test_uri_scheme.html Test for URI Manipulation 1188
test_url_perf.html Networking performance test: url parsing 1869
test_viewsource_unlinkable.html Test for view-source linkability 630
test_xhr_method_case.html Test for XHR Method casing 1427
test1.css 2
test1.css^headers^ 45
test2.css 2
test2.css^headers^ 47
web_packaged_app.sjs 1420