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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "CacheObserver.h"
#include "CacheStorageService.h"
#include "CacheFileIOManager.h"
#include "LoadContextInfo.h"
#include "nsICacheStorage.h"
#include "nsIObserverService.h"
#include "mozilla/Services.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/net/NeckoCommon.h"
#include "prsystem.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "nsIUserIdleService.h"
namespace mozilla::net {
StaticRefPtr<CacheObserver> CacheObserver::sSelf;
static float const kDefaultHalfLifeHours = 24.0F; // 24 hours
float CacheObserver::sHalfLifeHours = kDefaultHalfLifeHours;
// The default value will be overwritten as soon as the correct smart size is
// calculated by CacheFileIOManager::UpdateSmartCacheSize(). It's limited to 1GB
// just for case the size is never calculated which might in theory happen if
// GetDiskSpaceAvailable() always fails.
Atomic<uint32_t, Relaxed> CacheObserver::sSmartDiskCacheCapacity(1024 * 1024);
Atomic<PRIntervalTime> CacheObserver::sShutdownDemandedTime(
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(CacheObserver, nsIObserver, nsISupportsWeakReference)
// static
nsresult CacheObserver::Init() {
if (IsNeckoChild()) {
return NS_OK;
if (sSelf) {
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
if (!obs) {
sSelf = new CacheObserver();
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "prefservice:after-app-defaults", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "profile-do-change", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "profile-before-change", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "xpcom-shutdown", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "last-pb-context-exited", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "memory-pressure", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", true);
obs->AddObserver(sSelf, OBSERVER_TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY, true);
return NS_OK;
// static
nsresult CacheObserver::Shutdown() {
if (!sSelf) {
sSelf = nullptr;
return NS_OK;
void CacheObserver::AttachToPreferences() {
"browser.cache.disk.parent_directory", NS_GET_IID(nsIFile),
sHalfLifeHours = std::max(
0.01F, std::min(1440.0F, mozilla::Preferences::GetFloat(
// static
uint32_t CacheObserver::MemoryCacheCapacity() {
if (StaticPrefs::browser_cache_memory_capacity() >= 0) {
return StaticPrefs::browser_cache_memory_capacity();
// Cache of the calculated memory capacity based on the system memory size in
// KB (C++11 guarantees local statics will be initialized once and in a
// thread-safe way.)
static int32_t sAutoMemoryCacheCapacity = ([] {
uint64_t bytes = PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize();
// If getting the physical memory failed, arbitrarily assume
// 32 MB of RAM. We use a low default to have a reasonable
// size on all the devices we support.
if (bytes == 0) {
bytes = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
// Conversion from unsigned int64_t to double doesn't work on all platforms.
// We need to truncate the value at INT64_MAX to make sure we don't
// overflow.
if (bytes > INT64_MAX) {
bytes = INT64_MAX;
uint64_t kbytes = bytes >> 10;
double kBytesD = double(kbytes);
double x = log(kBytesD) / log(2.0) - 14;
int32_t capacity = 0;
if (x > 0) {
// 0.1 is added here for rounding
capacity = (int32_t)(x * x / 3.0 + x + 2.0 / 3 + 0.1);
if (capacity > 32) {
capacity = 32;
capacity <<= 10;
return capacity;
return sAutoMemoryCacheCapacity;
// static
void CacheObserver::SetSmartDiskCacheCapacity(uint32_t aCapacity) {
sSmartDiskCacheCapacity = aCapacity;
// static
uint32_t CacheObserver::DiskCacheCapacity() {
return SmartCacheSizeEnabled() ? sSmartDiskCacheCapacity
: StaticPrefs::browser_cache_disk_capacity();
// static
void CacheObserver::ParentDirOverride(nsIFile** aDir) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aDir)) return;
*aDir = nullptr;
if (!sSelf) return;
if (!sSelf->mCacheParentDirectoryOverride) return;
// static
bool CacheObserver::EntryIsTooBig(int64_t aSize, bool aUsingDisk) {
// If custom limit is set, check it.
int64_t preferredLimit =
aUsingDisk ? MaxDiskEntrySize() : MaxMemoryEntrySize();
// do not convert to bytes when the limit is -1, which means no limit
if (preferredLimit > 0) {
preferredLimit <<= 10;
if (preferredLimit != -1 && aSize > preferredLimit) return true;
// Otherwise (or when in the custom limit), check limit based on the global
// limit. It's 1/8 of the respective capacity.
int64_t derivedLimit =
aUsingDisk ? DiskCacheCapacity() : MemoryCacheCapacity();
derivedLimit <<= (10 - 3);
return aSize > derivedLimit;
// static
bool CacheObserver::IsPastShutdownIOLag() {
#ifdef DEBUG
return false;
if (sShutdownDemandedTime == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT ||
MaxShutdownIOLag() == UINT32_MAX) {
return false;
static const PRIntervalTime kMaxShutdownIOLag =
if ((PR_IntervalNow() - sShutdownDemandedTime) > kMaxShutdownIOLag) {
return true;
return false;
CacheObserver::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
const char16_t* aData) {
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "prefservice:after-app-defaults")) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-do-change")) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-change-net-teardown") ||
!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-before-change") ||
!strcmp(aTopic, "xpcom-shutdown")) {
if (sShutdownDemandedTime == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {
sShutdownDemandedTime = PR_IntervalNow();
RefPtr<CacheStorageService> service = CacheStorageService::Self();
if (service) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "last-pb-context-exited")) {
RefPtr<CacheStorageService> service = CacheStorageService::Self();
if (service) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "memory-pressure")) {
RefPtr<CacheStorageService> service = CacheStorageService::Self();
if (service) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, "browser-delayed-startup-finished")) {
return NS_OK;
if (!strcmp(aTopic, OBSERVER_TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY)) {
return NS_OK;
MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Missing observer handler");
return NS_OK;
} // namespace mozilla::net