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Test Info:
onload="setTimeAndSnapshot(2, true)">
<script xlink:href="../smil-util.js" type="text/javascript"/>
Test an early end where two times could be chosen for the following
(As before but with a negative offset and with the second animation getting
overlapping intervals from a's begin times, with one such interval being
rejected since it overlaps an already-completed interval when it's
Details: At time t=1.75, we generate an interval starting at 1.35 for the
second animation. However, this overlaps that animation's already-complete
previous interval from 0.4s to 1.4s (which is "already complete" because
we're at t=1.75, past its end at 1.4s). So, the new interval is rejected.
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="green">
<animate attributeName="y" attributeType="XML" from="0" to="0" id="a"
begin="0s; 1.75s" dur="4s"/>
<animate attributeName="fill" attributeType="CSS"
begin="a.begin-0.4s; a.begin+0.4s" dur="1s"/>