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<filter id="flood-with-red">
<!-- Turn the black rect into a yellow rect. -->
<feFlood x="20" y="20" width="100" height="100" flood-color="#ffff00"/>
<!-- Turn the yellow rect into a red rect. -->
<feComponentTransfer x="0" y="0" width="120" height="120">
<feFuncR type="identity"/>
<feFuncG type="table" tableValues="0 0"/>
<feFuncB type="table" tableValues="0 0"/>
<feFuncA type="identity"/>
<filter id="blur-and-hue-rotate">
<!-- Blur the red rect. -->
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="3" x="10" y="10" width="120" height="120"/>
<!-- Turn the red rect into a green rect. -->
<feColorMatrix type="hueRotate" values="90"/>
<rect x="20" y="20" width="100" height="100" filter="url(#flood-with-red) url(#blur-and-hue-rotate)"/>