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/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:1
let $0 = instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func (export "load_at_zero") (result i32) (i32.load (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "store_at_zero") ( (i32.const 0) (i32.const 2)))
(func (export "load_at_page_size") (result i32) (i32.load (i32.const 0x10000)))
(func (export "store_at_page_size") ( (i32.const 0x10000) (i32.const 3)))
(func (export "grow") (param $$sz i32) (result i32) (memory.grow (local.get $$sz)))
(func (export "size") (result i32) (memory.size))
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:14
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `size`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:15
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `store_at_zero`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:16
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `load_at_zero`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:17
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `store_at_page_size`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:18
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `load_at_page_size`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:19
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:20
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `size`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:21
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_zero`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:22
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `store_at_zero`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:23
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_zero`, []), [value("i32", 2)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:24
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `store_at_page_size`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:25
assert_trap(() => invoke($0, `load_at_page_size`, []), `out of bounds memory access`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:26
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `grow`, [4]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:27
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `size`, []), [value("i32", 5)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:28
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_zero`, []), [value("i32", 2)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:29
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `store_at_zero`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:30
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_zero`, []), [value("i32", 2)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:31
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_page_size`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:32
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `store_at_page_size`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:33
assert_return(() => invoke($0, `load_at_page_size`, []), [value("i32", 3)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:36
let $1 = instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func (export "grow") (param i32) (result i32) (memory.grow (local.get 0)))
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:41
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [0]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:42
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:43
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [0]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:44
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [2]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:45
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [800]), [value("i32", 3)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:46
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [65536]), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:47
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [64736]), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:48
assert_return(() => invoke($1, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 803)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:50
let $2 = instantiate(`(module
(memory 0 10)
(func (export "grow") (param i32) (result i32) (memory.grow (local.get 0)))
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:55
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [0]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:56
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:57
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:58
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [2]), [value("i32", 2)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:59
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [6]), [value("i32", 4)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:60
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [0]), [value("i32", 10)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:61
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:62
assert_return(() => invoke($2, `grow`, [65536]), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:66
let $3 = instantiate(`(module
(memory 1)
(func (export "grow") (param i32) (result i32)
(memory.grow (local.get 0))
(func (export "check-memory-zero") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
(local.set 2 (i32.const 1))
(local.set 2 (i32.load8_u (local.get 0)))
(br_if 1 ( (local.get 2) (i32.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (i32.ge_u (local.get 0) (local.get 1)))
(local.set 0 (i32.add (local.get 0) (i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (i32.le_u (local.get 0) (local.get 1)))
(local.get 2)
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:87
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [0, 65535]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:88
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:89
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [65536, 131071]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:90
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 2)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:91
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [131072, 196607]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:92
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 3)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:93
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [196608, 262143]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:94
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 4)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:95
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [262144, 327679]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:96
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `grow`, [1]), [value("i32", 5)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:97
assert_return(() => invoke($3, `check-memory-zero`, [327680, 393215]), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:101
let $4 = instantiate(`(module
(memory 1)
(func (export "as-br-value") (result i32)
(block (result i32) (br 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0))))
(func (export "as-br_if-cond")
(block (br_if 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0))))
(func (export "as-br_if-value") (result i32)
(block (result i32)
(drop (br_if 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1))) (i32.const 7)
(func (export "as-br_if-value-cond") (result i32)
(block (result i32)
(drop (br_if 0 (i32.const 6) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))) (i32.const 7)
(func (export "as-br_table-index")
(block (br_table 0 0 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0))))
(func (export "as-br_table-value") (result i32)
(block (result i32)
(br_table 0 0 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 7)
(func (export "as-br_table-value-index") (result i32)
(block (result i32)
(br_table 0 0 (i32.const 6) (memory.grow (i32.const 0))) (i32.const 7)
(func (export "as-return-value") (result i32)
(return (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-if-cond") (result i32)
(if (result i32) (memory.grow (i32.const 0))
(then (i32.const 0)) (else (i32.const 1))
(func (export "as-if-then") (result i32)
(if (result i32) (i32.const 1)
(then (memory.grow (i32.const 0))) (else (i32.const 0))
(func (export "as-if-else") (result i32)
(if (result i32) (i32.const 0)
(then (i32.const 0)) (else (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-select-first") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(select (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (local.get 0) (local.get 1))
(func (export "as-select-second") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(select (local.get 0) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (local.get 1))
(func (export "as-select-cond") (result i32)
(select (i32.const 0) (i32.const 1) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func $$f (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32) (i32.const -1))
(func (export "as-call-first") (result i32)
(call $$f (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 2) (i32.const 3))
(func (export "as-call-mid") (result i32)
(call $$f (i32.const 1) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 3))
(func (export "as-call-last") (result i32)
(call $$f (i32.const 1) (i32.const 2) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(type $$sig (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(table funcref (elem $$f))
(func (export "as-call_indirect-first") (result i32)
(call_indirect (type $$sig)
(memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 2) (i32.const 3) (i32.const 0)
(func (export "as-call_indirect-mid") (result i32)
(call_indirect (type $$sig)
(i32.const 1) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 3) (i32.const 0)
(func (export "as-call_indirect-last") (result i32)
(call_indirect (type $$sig)
(i32.const 1) (i32.const 2) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 0)
(func (export "as-call_indirect-index") (result i32)
(call_indirect (type $$sig)
(i32.const 1) (i32.const 2) (i32.const 3) (memory.grow (i32.const 0))
(func (export "as-local.set-value") (local i32)
(local.set 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-local.tee-value") (result i32) (local i32)
(local.tee 0 (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(global $$g (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(func (export "as-global.set-value") (local i32)
(global.set $$g (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-load-address") (result i32)
(i32.load (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-loadN-address") (result i32)
(i32.load8_s (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-store-address")
( (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 7))
(func (export "as-store-value")
( (i32.const 2) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-storeN-address")
(i32.store8 (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 7))
(func (export "as-storeN-value")
(i32.store16 (i32.const 2) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-unary-operand") (result i32)
(i32.clz (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-binary-left") (result i32)
(i32.add (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 10))
(func (export "as-binary-right") (result i32)
(i32.sub (i32.const 10) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-test-operand") (result i32)
(i32.eqz (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-compare-left") (result i32)
(i32.le_s (memory.grow (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 10))
(func (export "as-compare-right") (result i32)
( (i32.const 10) (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
(func (export "as-memory.grow-size") (result i32)
(memory.grow (memory.grow (i32.const 0)))
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:259
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br-value`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:261
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_if-cond`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:262
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_if-value`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:263
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_if-value-cond`, []), [value("i32", 6)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:265
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_table-index`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:266
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_table-value`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:267
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-br_table-value-index`, []), [value("i32", 6)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:269
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-return-value`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:271
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-if-cond`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:272
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-if-then`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:273
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-if-else`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:275
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-select-first`, [0, 1]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:276
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-select-second`, [0, 0]), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:277
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-select-cond`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:279
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call-first`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:280
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call-mid`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:281
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call-last`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:283
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call_indirect-first`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:284
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call_indirect-mid`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:285
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-call_indirect-last`, []), [value("i32", -1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:286
assert_trap(() => invoke($4, `as-call_indirect-index`, []), `undefined element`);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:288
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-local.set-value`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:289
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-local.tee-value`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:290
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-global.set-value`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:292
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-load-address`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:293
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-loadN-address`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:294
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-store-address`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:295
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-store-value`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:296
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-storeN-address`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:297
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-storeN-value`, []), []);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:299
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-unary-operand`, []), [value("i32", 31)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:301
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-binary-left`, []), [value("i32", 11)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:302
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-binary-right`, []), [value("i32", 9)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:304
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-test-operand`, []), [value("i32", 0)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:306
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-compare-left`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:307
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-compare-right`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:309
assert_return(() => invoke($4, `as-memory.grow-size`, []), [value("i32", 1)]);
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:312
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func $$type-size-empty-vs-i32 (result i32)
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:321
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func $$type-size-empty-vs-i32-in-block (result i32)
(i32.const 0)
(block (result i32) (memory.grow))
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:331
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func $$type-size-empty-vs-i32-in-loop (result i32)
(i32.const 0)
(loop (result i32) (memory.grow))
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:341
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 0)
(func $$type-size-empty-vs-i32-in-then (result i32)
(i32.const 0) (i32.const 0)
(if (result i32) (then (memory.grow)))
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:352
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 1)
(func $$type-size-f32-vs-i32 (result i32)
(memory.grow (f32.const 0))
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:362
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 1)
(func $$type-result-i32-vs-empty
(memory.grow (i32.const 0))
`type mismatch`,
// ./test/core/memory_grow.wast:371
() => instantiate(`(module
(memory 1)
(func $$type-result-i32-vs-f32 (result f32)
(memory.grow (i32.const 0))
`type mismatch`,