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const N = 8;
function testTableFill(tbl_type, val_type, obj) {
assertEq(obj.length, N);
let ins
= wasmEvalText(
(table 8 ${tbl_type}) ;; table 0
(table $t 10 ${tbl_type}) ;; table 1
;; fill/get for table 0, referenced implicitly
(func (export "fill0") (param $i i32) (param $r ${val_type}) (param $n i32)
(table.fill (local.get $i) (local.get $r) (local.get $n))
(func (export "get0") (param $i i32) (result ${tbl_type})
(table.get (local.get $i))
;; fill/get for table 1, referenced explicitly
(func (export "fill1") (param $i i32) (param $r ${val_type}) (param $n i32)
(table.fill $t (local.get $i) (local.get $r) (local.get $n))
(func (export "get1") (param $i i32) (result ${tbl_type})
(table.get $t (local.get $i))
// An initial test to ascertain that tables 0 and 1 are independent
// Fill in table 0, then check it.
assertEq(ins.exports.fill0(2, obj[6], 5), undefined)
assertEq(ins.exports.fill0(1, obj[7], 3), undefined);
function check_table0() {
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(0), null);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(1), obj[7]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(2), obj[7]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(3), obj[7]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(4), obj[6]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(5), obj[6]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(6), obj[6]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get0(7), null);
// Check that table 0 has the expected content.
// Check that messing with table 0 above hasn't changed table 1.
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(i), null);
// Now a bunch of tests involving only table 1.
// Partly outside the table
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(8, obj[5], 3),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(7), null);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(8), null);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(9), null);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(2, obj[0], 3), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(1), null);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(2), obj[0]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(3), obj[0]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(4), obj[0]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(5), null);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(4, obj[1], 2), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(3), obj[0]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(4), obj[1]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(5), obj[1]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(6), null);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(4, obj[2], 0), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(3), obj[0]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(4), obj[1]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(5), obj[1]);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(8, obj[3], 2), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(7), null);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(8), obj[3]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(9), obj[3]);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(9, null, 1), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(8), obj[3]);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(9), null);
// Within the table
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(10, obj[4], 0), undefined);
assertEq(ins.exports.get1(9), null);
// Boundary tests on table 1: at the edge of the table.
// Length-zero fill1 at the edge of the table must succeed
assertEq(ins.exports.fill1(10, null, 0), undefined);
// Length-one fill1 at the edge of the table fails
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(10, null, 1),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// Length-more-than-one fill1 at the edge of the table fails
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(10, null, 2),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// Boundary tests on table 1: beyond the edge of the table:
// Length-zero fill1 beyond the edge of the table fails
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(11, null, 0),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// Length-one fill1 beyond the edge of the table fails
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(11, null, 1),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// Length-more-than-one fill1 beyond the edge of the table fails
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill1(11, null, 2),
WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// Following all the above tests on table 1, check table 0 hasn't changed.
var objs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
objs[i] = {n:i};
testTableFill('externref', 'externref', objs);
var funcs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
funcs[i] = wasmEvalText(`(module (func (export "x") (result i32) (i32.const ${i})))`).exports.x;
testTableFill('funcref', 'funcref', funcs);
// Type errors. Required sig is: (i32, externref, i32) -> void
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $expected-3-args-got-0
(table.fill $t)
WebAssembly.CompileError, /(popping value from empty stack)|(nothing on stack)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $expected-3-args-got-1
(table.fill $t (i32.const 0))
WebAssembly.CompileError, /(popping value from empty stack)|(nothing on stack)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $expected-3-args-got-2
(table.fill $t (ref.null extern) (i32.const 0))
WebAssembly.CompileError, /(popping value from empty stack)|(nothing on stack)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $argty-1-wrong
(table.fill $t (i32.const 0) (ref.null extern) (f64.const 0))
/(type mismatch: expression has type f64 but expected i32)|(type mismatch: expected i32, found f64)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $argty-2-wrong
(table.fill $t (i32.const 0) (f32.const 0) (i32.const 0))
/(type mismatch: expression has type f32 but expected externref)|(type mismatch: expected externref, found f32)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $argty-3-wrong
(table.fill $t (i64.const 0) (ref.null extern) (i32.const 0))
/(type mismatch: expression has type i64 but expected i32)|(type mismatch: expected i32, found i64)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table $t 10 externref)
(func $retty-wrong (result i32)
(table.fill $t (i32.const 0) (ref.null extern) (i32.const 0))
/(popping value from empty stack)|(nothing on stack)/);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(
(table 8 funcref)
(func (param $v externref)
(table.fill (i32.const 0) (local.get $v) (i32.const 0)))
/(expression has type externref but expected funcref)|(type mismatch: expected funcref, found externref)/);