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load(libdir + "wasm-binary.js");
const v2vSig = {args:[], ret:VoidCode};
const v2vSigSection = sigSection([v2vSig]);
// 'ref.func' parses, validates and returns a non-null value
(elem declare func $run)
(func $run (result i32)
ref.func $run
(export "run" (func $run))
`, 0);
// function returning reference to itself
let {f1} = wasmEvalText(`
(elem declare func $f1)
(func $f1 (result funcref) ref.func $f1)
(export "f1" (func $f1))
assertEq(f1(), f1);
// function returning reference to a different function
let {f1, f2} = wasmEvalText(`
(elem declare func $f1)
(func $f1)
(func $f2 (result funcref) ref.func $f1)
(export "f1" (func $f1))
(export "f2" (func $f2))
assertEq(f2(), f1);
// function returning reference to function in a different module
let i1 = wasmEvalText(`
(elem declare func $f1)
(func $f1)
(export "f1" (func $f1))
let i2 = wasmEvalText(`
(import "" "f1" (func $f1))
(elem declare func $f1)
(func $f2 (result funcref) ref.func $f1)
(export "f1" (func $f1))
(export "f2" (func $f2))
`, {"": i1.exports});
let f1 = i1.exports.f1;
let f2 = i2.exports.f2;
assertEq(f2(), f1);
// function index must be valid
assertErrorMessage(() => {
(func (result funcref) ref.func 10)
}, WebAssembly.CompileError, /(function index out of range)|(function index out of bounds)/);
function validFuncRefText(forwardDeclare, tbl_type) {
return wasmEvalText(`
(table 1 ${tbl_type})
(func $test (result funcref) ref.func $referenced)
(func $referenced)
// referenced function must be forward declared somehow
assertErrorMessage(() => validFuncRefText('', 'funcref'), WebAssembly.CompileError, /(function index is not declared in a section before the code section)|(undeclared function reference)/);
// referenced function can be forward declared via segments
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(elem 0 (i32.const 0) func $referenced)', 'funcref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(elem func $referenced)', 'funcref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(elem declare func $referenced)', 'funcref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
// also when the segment is passive or active 'funcref'
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(elem 0 (i32.const 0) funcref (ref.func $referenced))', 'funcref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(elem funcref (ref.func $referenced))', 'funcref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
// reference function can be forward declared via globals
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(global funcref (ref.func $referenced))', 'externref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
// reference function can be forward declared via export
assertEq(validFuncRefText('(export "referenced" (func $referenced))', 'externref') instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, true);
// reference function cannot be forward declared via start
assertErrorMessage(() => validFuncRefText('(start $referenced)', 'externref'), WebAssembly.CompileError, /(function index is not declared in a section before the code section)|(undeclared function reference)/);
// Tests not expressible in the text format.
// element segment with elemexpr can carry non-reference type, but this must be
// rejected.
assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(
moduleWithSections([generalElemSection([{ flag: PassiveElemExpr,
typeCode: I32Code,
elems: [] }])])),
/bad type/);
// Test case for bug 1596026: when taking the ref.func of an imported function,
// the value obtained should not be the JS function. This would assert (even in
// a release build), so the test is merely that the code runs.
var ins = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`
(import "m" "f" (func $f (param i32) (result i32)))
(elem declare func $f)
(table 1 funcref)
(func (export "f")
(table.set 0 (i32.const 0) (ref.func $f))))`)),
{m:{f:(x) => 37+x}});
// Verification that we can handle encoding errors for passive element segments
// properly.
function checkPassiveElemSegment(mangle, err) {
let bin = moduleWithSections(
[v2vSigSection, declSection([0]), // One function
tableSection(1), // One table
{ name: elemId, // One passive segment
body: (function () {
let body = [];
body.push(1); // 1 element segment
body.push(0x1 | 0x4); // Flags: Passive and uses element expression
body.push(mangle == "type" ? BadType : AnyFuncCode); // always anyfunc
body.push(1); // Element count
body.push(mangle == "ref.func" ? BadType : RefFuncCode); // always ref.func
body.push(0); // func index
body.push(EndCode + (mangle == "end" ? 1 : 0));
return body;
})() },
bodySection( // Empty function
if (err) {
assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(bin),
} else {
new WebAssembly.Module(bin);
checkPassiveElemSegment("type", /bad type/);
checkPassiveElemSegment("ref.func", /unrecognized opcode/);
checkPassiveElemSegment("end", /unrecognized opcode/);
// Passive element segments can contain literal null values.
let txt =
(table (export "t") 10 funcref)
(elem (i32.const 1) $m)
(elem (i32.const 3) $m)
(elem (i32.const 6) $m)
(elem (i32.const 8) $m)
(elem funcref (ref.func $f) (ref.null func) (ref.func $g) (ref.null func) (ref.func $h))
(func $m)
(func $f)
(func $g)
(func $h)
(func (export "doit") (param $idx i32)
(table.init 4 (local.get $idx) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 5))))`;
let ins = wasmEvalText(txt);
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(0), "function");
assertEq(ins.exports.t.get(1), null);
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(2), "function");
assertEq(ins.exports.t.get(0) == ins.exports.t.get(2), false);
assertEq(ins.exports.t.get(3), null);
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(4), "function");
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(5), "function");
assertEq(ins.exports.t.get(6), null);
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(7), "function");
assertEq(ins.exports.t.get(8), null);
assertEq(typeof ins.exports.t.get(9), "function");
// Test ref.func in global initializer expressions
for (let mutable of [true, false]) {
for (let imported of [true, false]) {
for (let exported of [true, false]) {
let globalType = mutable ? `(mut funcref)` : `funcref`;
let imports = {};
if (imported) {
imports = wasmEvalText(`
(global $g (export "g") ${globalType} (ref.func $f))
(func $f (export "f") (result i32) i32.const 42)
let exports = wasmEvalText(`
(global $g ${exported ? `(export "g")` : ``} ${imported ? `(import "" "g")` : ``} ${globalType} ${imported ? `` : `(ref.func $f)`})
${exported ? `` : `(func (export "get_g") (result funcref) global.get $g)`}
(func $f (export "f") (result i32) i32.const 42)
`, { "": imports }).exports;
let targetFunc = imported ? imports.f : exports.f;
let globalVal = exported ? exports.g.value : exports.get_g();
assertEq(targetFunc(), 42);
assertEq(globalVal(), 42);
assertEq(targetFunc, globalVal);
if (imported && exported) {
assertEq(imports.g, exports.g);
// Test invalid ref.func indices
function testCodeRefFuncIndex(index) {
assertErrorMessage(() => {
new WebAssembly.Module(moduleWithSections(
declSection([0]), // One function
/(function index out of range)|(function index out of bounds)/);
function testGlobalRefFuncIndex(index) {
assertErrorMessage(() => {
new WebAssembly.Module(moduleWithSections(
valType: AnyFuncCode,
flags: 0,
initExpr: [RefFuncCode, ...varU32(index), EndCode],
/(function index out of range)|(function index out of bounds)/);