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// This file contains all the tests for int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed intrinsic. It depends
// on the CommonTestSetup.js script which contains the common functionality
// that is required for testing all the intrinsics.
const COMMON_TEST_SETUP_SCRIPT = "./CommonTestSetup.js"
// All tests for this intrinsic as a string
let {int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed} = instance.exports;
const VALID = {input: 0, rows: ROWS_B_MULTIPLIER, cols: COLUMNS_B_MULTIPLIER, output: ARRAY_ALIGNMENT << 5};
function testInvalidSize() {
let invalidSize;
// row: 0
invalidSize = 0;
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, invalidSize, VALID.cols, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /unreachable/);
// row: Not an integral multiple of ROWS_B_MULTIPLIER
invalidSize = ROWS_B_MULTIPLIER + 1;
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, invalidSize, VALID.cols, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /unreachable/);
// col: 0
invalidSize = 0;
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, VALID.rows, invalidSize, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /unreachable/);
// col: Not an integral multiple of COLUMNS_B_MULTIPLIER
invalidSize = COLUMNS_B_MULTIPLIER + 1;
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, VALID.rows, invalidSize, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /unreachable/);
function testInvalidAlignment() {
let invalidAlignment = ARRAY_ALIGNMENT + 1;
// input: Not an integral multiple of ARRAY_ALIGNMENT
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(invalidAlignment, VALID.rows, VALID.cols, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// output: Not an integral multiple of ARRAY_ALIGNMENT
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, VALID.rows, VALID.cols, invalidAlignment), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
function testOutOfBounds() {
let outOfBound = PageSizeInBytes - ARRAY_ALIGNMENT;
// input: Out of Bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(outOfBound, VALID.rows, VALID.cols, VALID.output), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
// output: Out of Bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, VALID.rows, VALID.cols, outOfBound), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/);
function testSuccessfulCall() {
// We just test that with valid arguments the intrinsic executes without any error
int8_prepare_b_from_quantized_transposed(VALID.input, VALID.rows, VALID.cols, VALID.output);
// Run all the tests
import(COMMON_TEST_SETUP_SCRIPT).then((importedModule) => {
importedModule.runTest(importedModule.COMMON_TEST_SETUP_AS_STRING + ALL_TESTS_AS_STRING);