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const mainGlobal = this;
const debuggerGlobal = newGlobal({newCompartment: true});
function Memory({global}) {
this.dbg = new (debuggerGlobal.Debugger);
this.gDO = this.dbg.addDebuggee(global);
Memory.prototype = {
constructor: Memory,
attach() { return Promise.resolve('fake attach result'); },
detach() { return Promise.resolve('fake detach result'); },
startRecordingAllocations() {
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true;
return Promise.resolve('fake startRecordingAllocations result');
stopRecordingAllocations() {
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false;
return Promise.resolve('fake stopRecordingAllocations result');
getAllocations() {
return Promise.resolve({ allocations: this.dbg.memory.drainAllocationsLog() });
function ok(cond, msg) {
assertEq(!!cond, true, `ok(${JSON.stringify(cond)}, ${JSON.stringify(msg)})`);
const is = assertEq;
function startServerAndGetSelectedTabMemory() {
let memory = new Memory({ global: mainGlobal });
return Promise.resolve({ memory, client: 'fake client' });
function destroyServerAndFinish() {
return Promise.resolve('fake destroyServerAndFinish result');
function* body() {
let { memory, client } = yield startServerAndGetSelectedTabMemory();
yield memory.attach();
yield memory.startRecordingAllocations();
ok(true, "Can start recording allocations");
// Allocate some objects.
let alloc1, alloc2, alloc3;
/* eslint-disable max-nested-callbacks */
(function outer() {
(function middle() {
(function inner() {
alloc1 = {}; alloc1.line = Error().lineNumber;
alloc2 = []; alloc2.line = Error().lineNumber;
// eslint-disable-next-line new-parens
alloc3 = new function () {}; alloc3.line = Error().lineNumber;
/* eslint-enable max-nested-callbacks */
let response = yield memory.getAllocations();
yield memory.stopRecordingAllocations();
ok(true, "Can stop recording allocations");
// Filter out allocations by library and test code, and get only the
// allocations that occurred in our test case above.
function isTestAllocation(alloc) {
let frame = alloc.frame;
return frame
&& frame.functionDisplayName === "inner"
&& (frame.line === alloc1.line
|| frame.line === alloc2.line
|| frame.line === alloc3.line);
let testAllocations = response.allocations.filter(isTestAllocation);
ok(testAllocations.length >= 3,
"Should find our 3 test allocations (plus some allocations for the error "
+ "objects used to get line numbers)");
// For each of the test case's allocations, ensure that the parent frame
// indices are correct. Also test that we did get an allocation at each
// line we expected (rather than a bunch on the first line and none on the
// others, etc).
let expectedLines = new Set([alloc1.line, alloc2.line, alloc3.line]);
for (let alloc of testAllocations) {
let innerFrame = alloc.frame;
ok(innerFrame, "Should get the inner frame");
is(innerFrame.functionDisplayName, "inner");
let middleFrame = innerFrame.parent;
ok(middleFrame, "Should get the middle frame");
is(middleFrame.functionDisplayName, "middle");
let outerFrame = middleFrame.parent;
ok(outerFrame, "Should get the outer frame");
is(outerFrame.functionDisplayName, "outer");
// Not going to test the rest of the frames because they are Task.jsm
// and promise frames and it gets gross. Plus, I wouldn't want this test
// to start failing if they changed their implementations in a way that
// added or removed stack frames here.
is(expectedLines.size, 0,
"Should have found all the expected lines");
yield memory.detach();
const generator = body();
function loop({ value: promise, done }) {
if (done)
.catch(e => loop(generator.throw(e)))
.then(v => { loop(; })
.catch(e => { print(`Error: ${e}\nstack:\n${e.stack}`); });