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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "ImportMap.h"
#include "js/Array.h" // IsArrayObject
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/JSON.h" // JS_ParseJSON
#include "LoadedScript.h"
#include "ModuleLoaderBase.h" // ScriptLoaderInterface
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsIScriptElement.h"
#include "nsIScriptError.h"
#include "nsJSUtils.h" // nsAutoJSString
#include "nsNetUtil.h" // NS_NewURI
#include "ScriptLoadRequest.h"
using JS::SourceText;
using mozilla::Err;
using mozilla::LazyLogModule;
using mozilla::MakeUnique;
using mozilla::UniquePtr;
using mozilla::WrapNotNull;
namespace JS::loader {
LazyLogModule ImportMap::gImportMapLog("ImportMap");
#undef LOG
#define LOG(args) \
MOZ_LOG(ImportMap::gImportMapLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args)
#define LOG_ENABLED() \
MOZ_LOG_TEST(ImportMap::gImportMapLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug)
void ReportWarningHelper::Report(const char* aMessageName,
const nsTArray<nsString>& aParams) const {
mLoader->ReportWarningToConsole(mRequest, aMessageName, aParams);
static ResolveResult ResolveURLLikeModuleSpecifier(const nsAString& aSpecifier,
nsIURI* aBaseURL) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
nsresult rv;
// Step 1. If specifier starts with "/", "./", or "../", then:
if (StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, u"/"_ns) ||
StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, u"./"_ns) ||
StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, u"../"_ns)) {
// Step 1.1. Let url be the result of parsing specifier with baseURL as the
// base URL.
rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aSpecifier, nullptr, aBaseURL);
// Step 1.2. If url is failure, then return null.
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return Err(ResolveError::Failure);
// Step 1.3. Return url.
return WrapNotNull(uri);
// Step 2. Let url be the result of parsing specifier (with no base URL).
rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aSpecifier);
// Step 3. If url is failure, then return null.
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return Err(ResolveError::FailureMayBeBare);
// Step 4. Return url.
return WrapNotNull(uri);
static void NormalizeSpecifierKey(const nsAString& aSpecifierKey,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
const ReportWarningHelper& aWarning,
nsAString& aRetVal) {
// Step 1. If specifierKey is the empty string, then:
if (aSpecifierKey.IsEmpty()) {
// Step 1.1. Report a warning to the console that specifier keys cannot be
// the empty string.
// Step 1.2. Return null.
aRetVal = EmptyString();
// Step 2. Let url be the result of resolving a URL-like module specifier,
// given specifierKey and baseURL.
auto parseResult = ResolveURLLikeModuleSpecifier(aSpecifierKey, aBaseURL);
// Step 3. If url is not null, then return the serialization of url.
if (parseResult.isOk()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> url = parseResult.unwrap();
aRetVal = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(url->GetSpecOrDefault());
// Step 4. Return specifierKey.
aRetVal = aSpecifierKey;
static UniquePtr<SpecifierMap> SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(
JSContext* aCx, JS::HandleObject aOriginalMap, nsIURI* aBaseURL,
const ReportWarningHelper& aWarning) {
// Step 1. Let normalized be an empty ordered map.
UniquePtr<SpecifierMap> normalized = MakeUnique<SpecifierMap>();
JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> specifierKeys(aCx, JS::IdVector(aCx));
if (!JS_Enumerate(aCx, aOriginalMap, &specifierKeys)) {
return nullptr;
// Step 2. For each specifierKey → value of originalMap,
for (size_t i = 0; i < specifierKeys.length(); i++) {
const JS::RootedId specifierId(aCx, specifierKeys[i]);
nsAutoJSString specifierKey;
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(specifierKey.init(aCx, specifierId), nullptr);
// Step 2.1. Let normalizedSpecifierKey be the result of normalizing a
// specifier key given specifierKey and baseURL.
nsString normalizedSpecifierKey;
NormalizeSpecifierKey(specifierKey, aBaseURL, aWarning,
// Step 2.2. If normalizedSpecifierKey is null, then continue.
if (normalizedSpecifierKey.IsEmpty()) {
JS::RootedValue idVal(aCx);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(JS_GetPropertyById(aCx, aOriginalMap, specifierId, &idVal),
// Step 2.3. If value is not a string, then:
if (!idVal.isString()) {
// Step 2.3.1. The user agent may report a warning to the console
// indicating that addresses need to be strings.
// Step 2.3.2. Set normalized[normalizedSpecifierKey] to null.
normalized->insert_or_assign(normalizedSpecifierKey, nullptr);
// Step 2.3.3. Continue.
nsAutoJSString value;
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value.init(aCx, idVal), nullptr);
// Step 2.4. Let addressURL be the result of resolving a URL-like module
// specifier given value and baseURL.
auto parseResult = ResolveURLLikeModuleSpecifier(value, aBaseURL);
// Step 2.5. If addressURL is null, then:
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
// Step 2.5.1. The user agent may report a warning to the console
// indicating that the address was invalid.
AutoTArray<nsString, 1> params;
aWarning.Report("ImportMapInvalidAddress", params);
// Step 2.5.2. Set normalized[normalizedSpecifierKey] to null.
normalized->insert_or_assign(normalizedSpecifierKey, nullptr);
// Step 2.5.3. Continue.
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> addressURL = parseResult.unwrap();
nsCString address = addressURL->GetSpecOrDefault();
// Step 2.6. If specifierKey ends with U+002F (/), and the serialization
// of addressURL does not end with U+002F (/), then:
if (StringEndsWith(specifierKey, u"/"_ns) &&
!StringEndsWith(address, "/"_ns)) {
// Step 2.6.1. The user agent may report a warning to the console
// indicating that an invalid address was given for the specifier key
// specifierKey; since specifierKey ends with a slash, the address needs
// to as well.
AutoTArray<nsString, 2> params;
aWarning.Report("ImportMapAddressNotEndsWithSlash", params);
// Step 2.6.2. Set normalized[normalizedSpecifierKey] to null.
normalized->insert_or_assign(normalizedSpecifierKey, nullptr);
// Step 2.6.3. Continue.
LOG(("ImportMap::SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap {%s, %s}",
// Step 2.7. Set normalized[normalizedSpecifierKey] to addressURL.
normalized->insert_or_assign(normalizedSpecifierKey, addressURL);
// Step 3: Return the result of sorting normalized, with an entry a being
// less than an entry b if b’s key is code unit less than a’s key.
// Impl note: The sorting is done when inserting the entry.
return normalized;
// Check if it's a map defined in
// If it is, *aIsMap will be set to true.
static bool IsMapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::HandleValue aMapVal, bool* aIsMap) {
*aIsMap = false;
if (!aMapVal.isObject()) {
return true;
bool isArray;
if (!IsArrayObject(aCx, aMapVal, &isArray)) {
return false;
*aIsMap = !isArray;
return true;
static UniquePtr<ScopeMap> SortAndNormalizeScopes(
JSContext* aCx, JS::HandleObject aOriginalMap, nsIURI* aBaseURL,
const ReportWarningHelper& aWarning) {
JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> scopeKeys(aCx, JS::IdVector(aCx));
if (!JS_Enumerate(aCx, aOriginalMap, &scopeKeys)) {
return nullptr;
// Step 1. Let normalized be an empty map.
UniquePtr<ScopeMap> normalized = MakeUnique<ScopeMap>();
// Step 2. For each scopePrefix → potentialSpecifierMap of originalMap,
for (size_t i = 0; i < scopeKeys.length(); i++) {
const JS::RootedId scopeKey(aCx, scopeKeys[i]);
nsAutoJSString scopePrefix;
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(scopePrefix.init(aCx, scopeKey), nullptr);
// Step 2.1. If potentialSpecifierMap is not an ordered map, then throw a
// TypeError indicating that the value of the scope with prefix scopePrefix
// needs to be a JSON object.
JS::RootedValue mapVal(aCx);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(JS_GetPropertyById(aCx, aOriginalMap, scopeKey, &mapVal),
bool isMap;
if (!IsMapObject(aCx, mapVal, &isMap)) {
return nullptr;
if (!isMap) {
const char16_t* scope = scopePrefix.get();
JS_ReportErrorNumberUC(aCx, js::GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
// Step 2.2. Let scopePrefixURL be the result of URL parsing scopePrefix
// with baseURL.
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> scopePrefixURL;
nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(scopePrefixURL), scopePrefix,
nullptr, aBaseURL);
// Step 2.3. If scopePrefixURL is failure, then:
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
// Step 2.3.1. The user agent may report a warning to the console that
// the scope prefix URL was not parseable.
AutoTArray<nsString, 1> params;
aWarning.Report("ImportMapScopePrefixNotParseable", params);
// Step 2.3.2. Continue.
// Step 2.4. Let normalizedScopePrefix be the serialization of
// scopePrefixURL.
nsCString normalizedScopePrefix = scopePrefixURL->GetSpecOrDefault();
// Step 2.5. Set normalized[normalizedScopePrefix] to the result of sorting
// and normalizing a specifier map given potentialSpecifierMap and baseURL.
JS::RootedObject potentialSpecifierMap(aCx, &mapVal.toObject());
UniquePtr<SpecifierMap> specifierMap = SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(
aCx, potentialSpecifierMap, aBaseURL, aWarning);
if (!specifierMap) {
return nullptr;
// Step 3. Return the result of sorting in descending order normalized, with
// an entry a being less than an entry b if a's key is code unit less than b's
// key.
// Impl note: The sorting is done when inserting the entry.
return normalized;
// static
UniquePtr<ImportMap> ImportMap::ParseString(
JSContext* aCx, SourceText<char16_t>& aInput, nsIURI* aBaseURL,
const ReportWarningHelper& aWarning) {
// Step 1. Let parsed be the result of parsing JSON into Infra values given
// input.
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> parsedVal(aCx);
if (!JS_ParseJSON(aCx, aInput.get(), aInput.length(), &parsedVal)) {
NS_WARNING("Parsing Import map string failed");
// If JS_ParseJSON fails we check if it throws a SyntaxError.
// If so we update the error message from JSON parser to make it more clear
// that the parsing of import map has failed.
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> exn(aCx);
if (!JS_GetPendingException(aCx, &exn)) {
return nullptr;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(aCx, &exn.toObject());
JSErrorReport* err = JS_ErrorFromException(aCx, obj);
if (err->exnType == JSEXN_SYNTAXERR) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(aCx, js::GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
// Step 2. If parsed is not an ordered map, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that the top-level value needs to be a JSON object.
bool isMap;
if (!IsMapObject(aCx, parsedVal, &isMap)) {
return nullptr;
if (!isMap) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(aCx, js::GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
JS::RootedObject parsedObj(aCx, &parsedVal.toObject());
JS::RootedValue importsVal(aCx);
if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, parsedObj, "imports", &importsVal)) {
return nullptr;
// Step 3. Let sortedAndNormalizedImports be an empty ordered map.
// Impl note: If parsed["imports"] doesn't exist, we will allocate
// sortedAndNormalizedImports to an empty map in Step 8 below.
UniquePtr<SpecifierMap> sortedAndNormalizedImports = nullptr;
// Step 4. If parsed["imports"] exists, then:
if (!importsVal.isUndefined()) {
// Step 4.1. If parsed["imports"] is not an ordered map, then throw a
// TypeError indicating that the "imports" top-level key needs to be a JSON
// object.
bool isMap;
if (!IsMapObject(aCx, importsVal, &isMap)) {
return nullptr;
if (!isMap) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(aCx, js::GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
// Step 4.2. Set sortedAndNormalizedImports to the result of sorting and
// normalizing a module specifier map given parsed["imports"] and baseURL.
JS::RootedObject importsObj(aCx, &importsVal.toObject());
sortedAndNormalizedImports =
SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(aCx, importsObj, aBaseURL, aWarning);
if (!sortedAndNormalizedImports) {
return nullptr;
JS::RootedValue scopesVal(aCx);
if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, parsedObj, "scopes", &scopesVal)) {
return nullptr;
// Step 5. Let sortedAndNormalizedScopes be an empty ordered map.
// Impl note: If parsed["scopes"] doesn't exist, we will allocate
// sortedAndNormalizedScopes to an empty map in Step 8 below.
UniquePtr<ScopeMap> sortedAndNormalizedScopes = nullptr;
// Step 6. If parsed["scopes"] exists, then:
if (!scopesVal.isUndefined()) {
// Step 6.1. If parsed["scopes"] is not an ordered map, then throw a
// TypeError indicating that the "scopes" top-level key needs to be a JSON
// object.
bool isMap;
if (!IsMapObject(aCx, scopesVal, &isMap)) {
return nullptr;
if (!isMap) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(aCx, js::GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
// Step 6.2. Set sortedAndNormalizedScopes to the result of sorting and
// normalizing scopes given parsed["scopes"] and baseURL.
JS::RootedObject scopesObj(aCx, &scopesVal.toObject());
sortedAndNormalizedScopes =
SortAndNormalizeScopes(aCx, scopesObj, aBaseURL, aWarning);
if (!sortedAndNormalizedScopes) {
return nullptr;
// Step 7. If parsed’s keys contains any items besides "imports" or
// "scopes", then the user agent should report a warning to the console
// indicating that an invalid top-level key was present in the import map.
JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> keys(aCx, JS::IdVector(aCx));
if (!JS_Enumerate(aCx, parsedObj, &keys)) {
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) {
const JS::RootedId key(aCx, keys[i]);
nsAutoJSString val;
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(val.init(aCx, key), nullptr);
if (val.EqualsLiteral("imports") || val.EqualsLiteral("scopes")) {
AutoTArray<nsString, 1> params;
aWarning.Report("ImportMapInvalidTopLevelKey", params);
// Impl note: Create empty maps for sortedAndNormalizedImports and
// sortedAndNormalizedImports if they aren't allocated.
if (!sortedAndNormalizedImports) {
sortedAndNormalizedImports = MakeUnique<SpecifierMap>();
if (!sortedAndNormalizedScopes) {
sortedAndNormalizedScopes = MakeUnique<ScopeMap>();
// Step 8. Return an import map whose imports are
// sortedAndNormalizedImports and whose scopes scopes are
// sortedAndNormalizedScopes.
return MakeUnique<ImportMap>(std::move(sortedAndNormalizedImports),
static bool IsSpecialScheme(nsIURI* aURI) {
nsAutoCString scheme;
return scheme.EqualsLiteral("ftp") || scheme.EqualsLiteral("file") ||
scheme.EqualsLiteral("http") || scheme.EqualsLiteral("https") ||
scheme.EqualsLiteral("ws") || scheme.EqualsLiteral("wss");
static mozilla::Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>, ResolveError> ResolveImportsMatch(
nsString& aNormalizedSpecifier, nsIURI* aAsURL,
const SpecifierMap* aSpecifierMap) {
// Step 1. For each specifierKey → resolutionResult of specifierMap,
for (auto&& [specifierKey, resolutionResult] : *aSpecifierMap) {
nsAutoString specifier{aNormalizedSpecifier};
nsCString asURL = aAsURL ? aAsURL->GetSpecOrDefault() : EmptyCString();
// Step 1.1. If specifierKey is normalizedSpecifier, then:
if (specifierKey.Equals(aNormalizedSpecifier)) {
// Step 1.1.1. If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError
// indicating that resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null entry.
// This will terminate the entire resolve a module specifier algorithm,
// without any further fallbacks.
if (!resolutionResult) {
("ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatch normalizedSpecifier: %s, "
"specifierKey: %s, but resolution is null.",
return Err(ResolveError::BlockedByNullEntry);
// Step 1.1.2. Assert: resolutionResult is a URL.
// Step 1.1.3. Return resolutionResult.
return resolutionResult;
// Step 1.2. If all of the following are true:
// specifierKey ends with U+002F (/),
// specifierKey is a code unit prefix of normalizedSpecifier, and
// either asURL is null, or asURL is special
if (StringEndsWith(specifierKey, u"/"_ns) &&
StringBeginsWith(aNormalizedSpecifier, specifierKey) &&
(!aAsURL || IsSpecialScheme(aAsURL))) {
// Step 1.2.1. If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError
// indicating that resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null entry.
// This will terminate the entire resolve a module specifier algorithm,
// without any further fallbacks.
if (!resolutionResult) {
("ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatch normalizedSpecifier: %s, "
"specifierKey: %s, but resolution is null.",
return Err(ResolveError::BlockedByNullEntry);
// Step 1.2.2. Assert: resolutionResult is a URL.
// Step 1.2.3. Let afterPrefix be the portion of normalizedSpecifier after
// the initial specifierKey prefix.
nsAutoString afterPrefix(
Substring(aNormalizedSpecifier, specifierKey.Length()));
// Step 1.2.4. Assert: resolutionResult, serialized, ends with U+002F (/),
// as enforced during parsing
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEndsWith(resolutionResult->GetSpecOrDefault(), "/"_ns));
// Step 1.2.5. Let url be the result of URL parsing afterPrefix with
// resolutionResult.
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> url;
nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(url), afterPrefix, nullptr,
// Step 1.2.6. If url is failure, then throw a TypeError indicating that
// resolution of normalizedSpecifier was blocked since the afterPrefix
// portion could not be URL-parsed relative to the resolutionResult mapped
// to by the specifierKey prefix.
// This will terminate the entire resolve a module specifier algorithm,
// without any further fallbacks.
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
("ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatch normalizedSpecifier: %s, "
"specifierKey: %s, resolutionResult: %s, afterPrefix: %s, "
"but URL is not parsable.",
return Err(ResolveError::BlockedByAfterPrefix);
// Step 1.2.7. Assert: url is a URL.
// Step 1.2.8. If the serialization of resolutionResult is not a code unit
// prefix of the serialization of url, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that resolution of normalizedSpecifier was blocked due to it
// backtracking above its prefix specifierKey.
// This will terminate the entire resolve a module specifier algorithm,
// without any further fallbacks.
if (!StringBeginsWith(url->GetSpecOrDefault(),
resolutionResult->GetSpecOrDefault())) {
("ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatch normalizedSpecifier: %s, "
"specifierKey: %s, "
"url %s does not start with resolutionResult %s.",
return Err(ResolveError::BlockedByBacktrackingPrefix);
// Step 1.2.9. Return url.
return std::move(url);
// Step 2. Return null.
return nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>(nullptr);
// static
ResolveResult ImportMap::ResolveModuleSpecifier(ImportMap* aImportMap,
ScriptLoaderInterface* aLoader,
LoadedScript* aScript,
const nsAString& aSpecifier) {
LOG(("ImportMap::ResolveModuleSpecifier specifier: %s",
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> baseURL;
if (aScript && !aScript->IsEventScript()) {
baseURL = aScript->BaseURL();
} else {
baseURL = aLoader->GetBaseURI();
// Step 7. Let asURL be the result of resolving a URL-like module specifier
// given specifier and baseURL.
// Impl note: Step 6 is done below if aImportMap exists.
auto parseResult = ResolveURLLikeModuleSpecifier(aSpecifier, baseURL);
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> asURL;
if (parseResult.isOk()) {
asURL = parseResult.unwrap();
if (aImportMap) {
// Step 6. Let baseURLString be baseURL, serialized.
nsCString baseURLString = baseURL->GetSpecOrDefault();
// Step 8. Let normalizedSpecifier be the serialization of asURL, if asURL
// is non-null; otherwise, specifier.
nsAutoString normalizedSpecifier =
asURL ? NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(asURL->GetSpecOrDefault())
: nsAutoString{aSpecifier};
// Step 9. For each scopePrefix → scopeImports of importMap’s scopes,
for (auto&& [scopePrefix, scopeImports] : *aImportMap->mScopes) {
// Step 9.1. If scopePrefix is baseURLString, or if scopePrefix ends with
// U+002F (/) and scopePrefix is a code unit prefix of baseURLString,
// then:
if (scopePrefix.Equals(baseURLString) ||
(StringEndsWith(scopePrefix, "/"_ns) &&
StringBeginsWith(baseURLString, scopePrefix))) {
// Step 9.1.1. Let scopeImportsMatch be the result of resolving an
// imports match given normalizedSpecifier, asURL, and scopeImports.
auto result =
ResolveImportsMatch(normalizedSpecifier, asURL, scopeImports.get());
if (result.isErr()) {
return result.propagateErr();
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> scopeImportsMatch = result.unwrap();
// Step 9.1.2. If scopeImportsMatch is not null, then return
// scopeImportsMatch.
if (scopeImportsMatch) {
"ImportMap::ResolveModuleSpecifier returns scopeImportsMatch: %s",
return WrapNotNull(scopeImportsMatch);
// Step 10. Let topLevelImportsMatch be the result of resolving an imports
// match given normalizedSpecifier, asURL, and importMap’s imports.
auto result = ResolveImportsMatch(normalizedSpecifier, asURL,
if (result.isErr()) {
return result.propagateErr();
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> topLevelImportsMatch = result.unwrap();
// Step 11. If topLevelImportsMatch is not null, then return
// topLevelImportsMatch.
if (topLevelImportsMatch) {
LOG(("ImportMap::ResolveModuleSpecifier returns topLevelImportsMatch: %s",
return WrapNotNull(topLevelImportsMatch);
// Step 12. At this point, the specifier was able to be turned in to a URL,
// but it wasn’t remapped to anything by importMap. If asURL is not null, then
// return asURL.
if (asURL) {
LOG(("ImportMap::ResolveModuleSpecifier returns asURL: %s",
return WrapNotNull(asURL);
// Step 13. Throw a TypeError indicating that specifier was a bare specifier,
// but was not remapped to anything by importMap.
if (parseResult.unwrapErr() != ResolveError::FailureMayBeBare) {
// We may have failed to parse a non-bare specifier for another reason.
return Err(ResolveError::Failure);
return Err(ResolveError::InvalidBareSpecifier);
#undef LOG
} // namespace JS::loader