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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
async function getGeolocation() {
info("Requesting geolocation");
let resolve;
let promise = new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => {
resolve = _resolve;
() => {
ok(true, "geolocation succeeded");
() => {
ok(false, "geolocation failed");
return promise;
add_setup(async function () {
// Avoid the permission doorhanger and cache that would trigger instead
// of re-requesting location. Setting geo.timeout to 0 causes it to
// retry the system geolocation (incl. recreating the utility process)
// instead of reusing the MLS geolocation fallback it found the first time.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["geo.prompt.testing", true],
["geo.prompt.testing.allow", true],
["", false],
["geo.provider.testing", false],
["geo.timeout", 0],
add_task(async function testGeolocationProcessCrash() {
info("Start the Windows utility process");
await getGeolocation();
info("Crash the utility process");
await crashSomeUtilityActor("windowsUtils");
info("Restart the Windows utility process");
await getGeolocation();
info("Confirm the restarted process");
await checkUtilityExists("windowsUtils");
info("Kill the utility process");
await cleanUtilityProcessShutdown("windowsUtils", true);
info("Restart the Windows utility process again");
await getGeolocation();
info("Confirm the restarted process");
await checkUtilityExists("windowsUtils");
add_task(async function testCleanup() {
info("Clean up to avoid confusing future tests");
await cleanUtilityProcessShutdown("windowsUtils", true);