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Test Info: Warnings

  • This test gets skipped with pattern: win11_2009 && bits == 32 OR os == 'win' && os_version == '11.26100' && processor == 'x86' OR win11_2009 && asan OR os == 'linux' && asan OR display == 'wayland' && os_version == '22.04' OR http3 OR http2
  • Manifest: gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/mochitest.toml
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Various hit-testing tests that spawn in new windows - Part 2</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<script type="application/javascript">
var prefs = [
// Turn off displayport expiry so that we don't miss failures where the
// displayport is set and then expires before we get around to doing the
// hit-test inside the activated scrollframe.
["apz.displayport_expiry_ms", 0],
// Always layerize the scrollbar track, so as to get consistent results
// across platforms. Eventually we should probably get rid of this and make
// the tests more robust in terms of testing all the different cross-platform
// variations.
["layout.scrollbars.always-layerize-track", true],
// We need this pref to allow the synthetic mouse events to propagate to APZ,
// and to allow the MozMouseHittest event in particular to be dispatched to
// APZ as a MouseInput so the hit result is recorded.
["", true],
// Turns on APZTestData logging which we use to obtain the hit test results.
["apz.test.logging_enabled", true],
// Prefs to ensure we can produce a precise amount of scrolling via
// synthesized touch-drag gestures.
["apz.touch_start_tolerance", "0.0"],
["apz.fling_min_velocity_threshold", "10000"],
var subtests = [
{"file": "helper_hittest_deep_scene_stack.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_pointerevents_svg.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_clippath.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_hoisted_scrollinfo.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_hidden_inactive_scrollframe.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1715187.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1715369.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_fixed.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_fixed-2.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_fixed-3.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_fixed_bg.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_fixed_item_over_oop_iframe.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1730606-1.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1730606-2.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1730606-3.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1730606-4.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1257288.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_bug1119497.html", "prefs": prefs},
{"file": "helper_hittest_obscuration.html", "prefs": prefs},
// Note: iframe_perspective.html and iframe_perspective-3.html
// have been moved to test_group_hittest-3 due to bug 1829021.
{"file": "helper_hittest_iframe_perspective-2.html", "prefs": prefs},
// This test should be at the end, because it's prone to timeout.
{"file": "helper_hittest_spam.html", "prefs": prefs},
if (isApzEnabled()) {
window.onload = function() {
.then(SimpleTest.finish, SimpleTest.finishWithFailure);