Name Description Size
APZCBasicTester.h Defines a test fixture used for testing a single APZC. 3954
APZCTreeManagerTester.h Defines a test fixture used for testing multiple APZCs interacting in an APZCTreeManager. 8704
APZTestAccess.cpp static 897
APZTestAccess.h 1298
APZTestCommon.cpp 747
APZTestCommon.h Defines a set of mock classes and utility functions/classes for writing APZ gtests. 41580
InputUtils.h Defines a set of utility functions for generating input events to an APZC/APZCTM during APZ gtests. 6741
MockHitTester.cpp 2965
MockHitTester.h 1596 1154
TestAxisLock.cpp 30899
TestBasic.cpp 33574
TestEventRegions.cpp 8269
TestEventResult.cpp aIsFirstPaint= 20481
TestFlingAcceleration.cpp 10207
TestGestureDetector.cpp 45203
TestHitTesting.cpp The layer tree looks like this: 0 |----|--+--|----| 1 2 4 5 | /|\ 3 6 8 9 | 7 Layers 1,2 have the same APZC Layers 4,6,8 have the same APZC Layer 7 has an APZC Layer 9 has an APZC 14493
TestInputQueue.cpp 3974
TestOverscroll.cpp Sample animations until we recover from overscroll. @param aExpectedScrollOffset the expected reported scroll offset throughout the animation 103669
TestPanning.cpp aSimulateMomentum= 22214
TestPinching.cpp 26717
TestPointerEventsConsumable.cpp 18794
TestRecentEventsBuffer.cpp 2311
TestScrollbarDragging.cpp 3968
TestScrollHandoff.cpp 36746
TestSnapping.cpp 12773
TestSnappingOnMomentum.cpp 4311
TestTransformNotifications.cpp 19645
TestTreeManager.cpp 22057
TestWRScrollData.cpp static 10579
TestWRScrollData.h Create a WebRenderLayerScrollData tree described by |aTreeShape|. |aTreeShape| is expected to be a string where each character is either 'x' to indicate a node in the tree, or a '(' or ')' to indicate the start/end of a subtree. Example "x(x(x(xx)x))" would yield: x | x / \ x x / \ x x The caller may optionally provide visible rects and/or transforms for the nodes. If provided, the array should contain one element for each node, in the same order as in |aTreeShape|. 2274