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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* A namespace class for static content security utilities. */
#ifndef nsContentSecurityUtils_h___
#define nsContentSecurityUtils_h___
#include <utility>
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
struct JSContext;
class nsIChannel;
class nsIHttpChannel;
class nsIPrincipal;
class NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16;
namespace mozilla::dom {
class Document;
class Element;
} // namespace mozilla::dom
using FilenameTypeAndDetails = std::pair<nsCString, mozilla::Maybe<nsCString>>;
class nsContentSecurityUtils {
// CSPs upgrade-insecure-requests directive applies to same origin top level
// navigations. Using the SOP would return false for the case when an https
// page triggers and http page to load, even though that http page would be
// upgraded to https later. Hence we have to use that custom function instead
// of simply calling aTriggeringPrincipal->Equals(aResultPrincipal).
static bool IsConsideredSameOriginForUIR(nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aResultPrincipal);
static bool IsEvalAllowed(JSContext* cx, bool aIsSystemPrincipal,
const nsAString& aScript);
static void NotifyEvalUsage(bool aIsSystemPrincipal,
const nsACString& aFileName, uint64_t aWindowID,
uint32_t aLineNumber, uint32_t aColumnNumber);
// Helper function for various checks:
// This function detects profiles with userChrome.js or extension signatures
// disabled. We can't/won't enforce strong security for people with those
// hacks. The function will cache its result.
static void DetectJsHacks();
// Helper function for detecting custom agent styles
static void DetectCssHacks();
// Helper function to query the HTTP Channel of a potential
// multi-part channel. Mostly used for querying response headers
static nsresult GetHttpChannelFromPotentialMultiPart(
nsIChannel* aChannel, nsIHttpChannel** aHttpChannel);
// Helper function which performs the following framing checks
// * CSP frame-ancestors
// * x-frame-options
// If any of the two disallows framing, the channel will be cancelled.
static void PerformCSPFrameAncestorAndXFOCheck(nsIChannel* aChannel);
// Helper function which just checks if the channel violates any:
// 1. CSP frame-ancestors properties
// 2. x-frame-options
static bool CheckCSPFrameAncestorAndXFO(nsIChannel* aChannel);
// Returns an empty nonce for elements without a nonce OR when a potential
// dangling markup attack was detected.
static nsString GetIsElementNonceableNonce(
const mozilla::dom::Element& aElement);
// Helper function to Check if a Download is allowed;
static long ClassifyDownload(nsIChannel* aChannel,
const nsAutoCString& aMimeTypeGuess);
// Public only for testing
static FilenameTypeAndDetails FilenameToFilenameType(
const nsACString& fileName, bool collectAdditionalExtensionData);
static char* SmartFormatCrashString(const char* str);
static char* SmartFormatCrashString(char* str);
static nsCString SmartFormatCrashString(const char* part1, const char* part2,
const char* format_string);
static nsCString SmartFormatCrashString(char* part1, char* part2,
const char* format_string);
#if defined(DEBUG)
static void AssertAboutPageHasCSP(mozilla::dom::Document* aDocument);
static void AssertChromePageHasCSP(mozilla::dom::Document* aDocument);
static bool ValidateScriptFilename(JSContext* cx, const char* aFilename);
// Helper Function to Post a message to the corresponding JS-Console
static void LogMessageToConsole(nsIHttpChannel* aChannel, const char* aMsg);
#endif /* nsContentSecurityUtils_h___ */