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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test watch/unwatchTargets throw when provided with invalid types.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,invalid api usage test";
add_task(async function () {
info("Setup the test page with workers of all types");
const tab = await addTab(TEST_URL);
info("Create a target list for a tab target");
const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab);
const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand;
const onAvailable = function () {};
await Assert.rejects(
targetCommand.watchTargets({ types: [null], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.watchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"watchTargets should throw for null type"
await Assert.rejects(
targetCommand.watchTargets({ types: [undefined], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.watchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"watchTargets should throw for undefined type"
await Assert.rejects(
targetCommand.watchTargets({ types: ["NOT_A_TARGET"], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.watchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"watchTargets should throw for unknown type"
await Assert.rejects(
types: [targetCommand.TYPES.FRAME, "NOT_A_TARGET"],
/TargetCommand.watchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"watchTargets should throw for unknown type mixed with a correct type"
() => targetCommand.unwatchTargets({ types: [null], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.unwatchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"unwatchTargets should throw for null type"
() => targetCommand.unwatchTargets({ types: [undefined], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.unwatchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"unwatchTargets should throw for undefined type"
() =>
targetCommand.unwatchTargets({ types: ["NOT_A_TARGET"], onAvailable }),
/TargetCommand.unwatchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"unwatchTargets should throw for unknown type"
() =>
types: [targetCommand.TYPES.CONSOLE_MESSAGE, "NOT_A_TARGET"],
/TargetCommand.unwatchTargets invoked with an unknown type/,
"unwatchTargets should throw for unknown type mixed with a correct type"
await commands.destroy();