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Test Info:

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test the TargetCommand's when detaching the top target
// Do this with the "remote tab" codepath, which will avoid
// destroying the DevToolsClient when the target is destroyed.
// Otherwise, with "local tab", the client is closed and everything is destroy
// on both client and server side.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html,test-page";
add_task(async function () {
info(" ### Test detaching the top target");
// Create a TargetCommand for a given test tab
const tab = await addTab(TEST_URL);
info("Create a first commands, which will destroy its top target");
const commands = await CommandsFactory.forRemoteTab(
const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand;
// We have to start listening in order to ensure having a targetFront available
await targetCommand.startListening();
info("Call any target front method, to ensure it works fine");
await targetCommand.targetFront.focus();
// Simulate a toolbox closing by the cleanup of TargetCommand.
// This will stop watching for all target types and destroy all target actors/fronts.
await targetCommand.stopListening();
"Now create a second commands after destroy, to see if we can spawn a new, functional target"
const secondCommands = await CommandsFactory.forRemoteTab(
client: commands.client,
const secondTargetCommand = secondCommands.targetCommand;
// We have to start listening in order to ensure having a targetFront available
await secondTargetCommand.startListening();
info("Call any target front method, to ensure it works fine");
await secondTargetCommand.targetFront.focus();
info("Close the two commands");
await commands.destroy();
await secondCommands.destroy();