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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
class InspectorCommand {
constructor({ commands }) {
this.commands = commands;
#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesQueuedDomRulesDeclarations = [];
* Return the list of all current target's inspector fronts
* @return {Promise<Array<InspectorFront>>}
async getAllInspectorFronts() {
return this.commands.targetCommand.getAllFronts(
* Search the document for the given string and return all the results.
* @param {Object} walkerFront
* @param {String} query
* The string to search for.
* @param {Object} options
* {Boolean} options.reverse - search backwards
* @returns {Array} The list of search results
async walkerSearch(walkerFront, query, options = {}) {
const result = await, options);
return result.list.items();
* Incrementally search the top-level document and sub frames for a given string.
* Only one result is sent back at a time. Calling the
* method again with the same query will send the next result.
* If a new query which does not match the current one all is reset and new search
* is kicked off.
* @param {String} query
* The string / selector searched for
* @param {Object} options
* {Boolean} reverse - determines if the search is done backwards
* @returns {Object} res
* {String} res.type
* {String} res.query - The string / selector searched for
* {Object} res.node - the current node
* {Number} res.resultsIndex - The index of the current node
* {Number} res.resultsLength - The total number of results found.
async findNextNode(query, { reverse } = {}) {
const inspectors = await this.getAllInspectorFronts();
const nodes = await Promise.all({ walker }) =>
this.walkerSearch(walker, query, { reverse })
const results = nodes.flat();
// If the search query changes
if (this._searchQuery !== query) {
this._searchQuery = query;
this._currentIndex = -1;
if (!results.length) {
return null;
this._currentIndex = reverse
? this._currentIndex - 1
: this._currentIndex + 1;
if (this._currentIndex >= results.length) {
this._currentIndex = 0;
if (this._currentIndex < 0) {
this._currentIndex = results.length - 1;
return {
node: results[this._currentIndex],
resultsIndex: this._currentIndex,
resultsLength: results.length,
* Returns a list of matching results for CSS selector autocompletion.
* @param {String} query
* The selector query being completed
* @param {String} firstPart
* The exact token being completed out of the query
* @param {String} state
* One of "pseudo", "id", "tag", "class", "null"
* @return {Array<string>} suggestions
* The list of suggested CSS selectors
async getSuggestionsForQuery(query, firstPart, state) {
// Get all inspectors where we want suggestions from.
const inspectors = await this.getAllInspectorFronts();
const mergedSuggestions = [];
// Get all of the suggestions.
await Promise.all( ({ walker }) => {
const { suggestions } = await walker.getSuggestionsForQuery(
for (const [suggestion, count, type] of suggestions) {
// Merge any already existing suggestion with the new one, by incrementing the count
// which is the second element of the array.
const existing = mergedSuggestions.find(
([s, , t]) => s == suggestion && t == type
if (existing) {
existing[1] += count;
} else {
mergedSuggestions.push([suggestion, count, type]);
// Descending sort the list by count, i.e. second element of the arrays
return sortSuggestions(mergedSuggestions);
* Find a nodeFront from an array of selectors. The last item of the array is the selector
* for the element in its owner document, and the previous items are selectors to iframes
* that lead to the frame where the searched node lives in.
* For example, with the following markup
* <html>
* <iframe id="level-1" src="…">
* <iframe id="level-2" src="…">
* <h1>Waldo</h1>
* </iframe>
* </iframe>
* If you want to retrieve the `<h1>` nodeFront, `selectors` would be:
* [
* "#level-1",
* "#level-2",
* "h1",
* ]
* @param {Array} selectors
* An array of CSS selectors to find the target accessible object.
* Several selectors can be needed if the element is nested in frames
* and not directly in the root document.
* @param {Integer} timeoutInMs
* The maximum number of ms the function should run (defaults to 5000).
* If it exceeds this, the returned promise will resolve with `null`.
* @return {Promise<NodeFront|null>} a promise that resolves when the node front is found
* for selection using inspector tools. It resolves with the deepest frame document
* that could be retrieved when the "final" nodeFront couldn't be found in the page.
* It resolves with `null` when the function runs for more than timeoutInMs.
async findNodeFrontFromSelectors(nodeSelectors, timeoutInMs = 5000) {
if (
!nodeSelectors ||
!Array.isArray(nodeSelectors) ||
nodeSelectors.length === 0
) {
"findNodeFrontFromSelectors expect a non-empty array but got",
return null;
const { walker } = await this.commands.targetCommand.targetFront.getFront(
const querySelectors = async nodeFront => {
const selector = nodeSelectors.shift();
if (!selector) {
return nodeFront;
nodeFront = await nodeFront.walkerFront.querySelector(
// It's possible the containing iframe isn't available by the time
// walkerFront.querySelector is called, which causes the re-selected node to be
// unavailable. There also isn't a way for us to know when all iframes on the page
// have been created after a reload. Because of this, we should should bail here.
if (!nodeFront) {
return null;
if (nodeSelectors.length) {
if (!nodeFront.isShadowHost) {
await this.#waitForFrameLoad(nodeFront);
const { nodes } = await walker.children(nodeFront);
// If there are remaining selectors to process, they will target a document or a
// document-fragment under the current node. Whether the element is a frame or
// a web component, it can only contain one document/document-fragment, so just
// select the first one available.
nodeFront = nodes.find(node => {
const { nodeType } = node;
return (
nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
// The iframe selector might have matched an element which is not an
// iframe in the new page (or an iframe with no document?). In this
// case, bail out and fallback to the root body element.
if (!nodeFront) {
return null;
const childrenNodeFront = await querySelectors(nodeFront);
return childrenNodeFront || nodeFront;
const rootNodeFront = await walker.getRootNode();
// Since this is only used for re-setting a selection after a page reloads, we can
// put a timeout, in case there's an iframe that would take too much time to load,
// and prevent the markup view to be populated.
const onTimeout = new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, timeoutInMs)).then(
() => null
const onQuerySelectors = querySelectors(rootNodeFront);
return Promise.race([onTimeout, onQuerySelectors]);
* Wait for the given NodeFront child document to be loaded.
* @param {NodeFront} A nodeFront representing a frame
async #waitForFrameLoad(nodeFront) {
const domLoadingPromises = [];
// if the flag isn't true, we don't know for sure if the iframe will be remote
// or not; when the nodeFront was created, the iframe might still have been loading
// and in such case, its associated window can be an initial document.
// Luckily, once EFT is enabled everywhere we can remove this call and only wait
// for the associated target.
if (!nodeFront.useChildTargetToFetchChildren) {
const { onResource: onDomInteractiveResource } =
await this.commands.resourceCommand.waitForNextResource(
// We might be in a case where the children document is already loaded (i.e. we
// would already have received the dom-interactive resource), so it's important
// to _not_ ignore existing resource.
predicate: resource => == "dom-interactive" &&
resource.targetFront !== nodeFront.targetFront &&
resource.targetFront.browsingContextID ==
const newTargetResolveValue = Symbol();
onDomInteractiveResource.then(() => newTargetResolveValue)
// Here we wait for any promise to resolve first. `waitForFrameLoad` might throw
// (if the iframe does end up being remote), so we don't want to use `Promise.race`.
const loadResult = await Promise.any(domLoadingPromises);
// The Node may have `useChildTargetToFetchChildren` set to false because the
// child document was still loading when fetching its form. But it may happen that
// the Node ends up being a remote iframe.
// When this happen we will try to call `waitForFrameLoad` which will throw, but
// we will be notified about the new target.
// This is the special edge case we are trying to handle here.
// We want WalkerFront.children to consider this as an iframe with a dedicated target.
if (loadResult == newTargetResolveValue) {
nodeFront._form.useChildTargetToFetchChildren = true;
* Get the full array of selectors from the topmost document, going through
* iframes.
* For example, given the following markup:
* <html>
* <body>
* <iframe src="...">
* <html>
* <body>
* <h1 id="sub-document-title">Title of sub document</h1>
* </body>
* </html>
* </iframe>
* </body>
* </html>
* If this function is called with the NodeFront for the h1#sub-document-title element,
* it will return something like: ["body > iframe", "#sub-document-title"]
* @param {NodeFront} nodeFront: The nodefront to get the selectors for
* @returns {Promise<Array<String>>} A promise that resolves with an array of selectors (strings)
async getNodeFrontSelectorsFromTopDocument(nodeFront) {
const selectors = [];
let currentNode = nodeFront;
while (currentNode) {
// Get the selector for the node inside its document
const selector = await currentNode.getUniqueSelector();
// Retrieve the node's document/shadowRoot nodeFront so we can get its parent
// (so if we're in an iframe, we'll get the <iframe> node front, and if we're in a
// shadow dom document, we'll get the host).
const rootNode = currentNode.getOwnerRootNodeFront();
currentNode = rootNode?.parentOrHost();
return selectors;
#updateTargetBrowsersCache = async () => {
this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesTargetBrowsersPromise = getTargetBrowsers();
* Get compatibility issues for given domRule declarations
* @param {Array<Object>} domRuleDeclarations
* @param {string} domRuleDeclarations[].name: Declaration name
* @param {string} domRuleDeclarations[].value: Declaration value
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>}
async getCSSDeclarationBlockIssues(domRuleDeclarations) {
const resultIndex =
// We're getting the target browsers from RemoteSettings, which can take some time.
// We cache the target browsers to avoid bad performance.
if (!this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesTargetBrowsersPromise) {
// Update the target browsers cache when the pref in which we store the compat
// panel settings is updated.
// This can be a hot path if the rules view has a lot of rules displayed.
// Here we wait before sending the RDP request so we can collect all the domRule declarations
// of "concurrent" calls, and only send a single RDP request.
if (!this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesPendingTimeoutPromise) {
// Wait before sending the RDP request so all "concurrent" calls can be handle
// in a single RDP request.
this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesPendingTimeoutPromise = new Promise(
resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesPendingTimeoutPromise = null;
this.#batchedGetCSSDeclarationBlockIssues().then(data =>
}, 50);
const results = await this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesPendingTimeoutPromise;
return results?.[resultIndex] || [];
* Get compatibility issues for all queued domRules declarations
* @returns {Promise<Array<Array<Object>>>}
#batchedGetCSSDeclarationBlockIssues = async () => {
const declarations = Array.from(
this.#cssDeclarationBlockIssuesQueuedDomRulesDeclarations = [];
const { targetFront } = this.commands.targetCommand;
try {
// The server method isn't dependent on the target (it computes the values from the
// declarations we send, which are just property names and values), so we can always
// use the top-level target front.
const inspectorFront = await targetFront.getFront("inspector");
const [compatibilityFront, targetBrowsers] = await Promise.all([
const data = await compatibilityFront.getCSSDeclarationBlockIssues(
return data;
} catch (e) {
if (this.destroyed || targetFront.isDestroyed()) {
return [];
throw e;
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
// This is a fork of the server sort:
function sortSuggestions(suggestions) {
const sorted = suggestions.sort((a, b) => {
// Computed a sortable string with first the inverted count, then the name
let sortA = 10000 - a[1] + a[0];
let sortB = 10000 - b[1] + b[0];
// Prefixing ids, classes and tags, to group results
const firstA = a[0].substring(0, 1);
const firstB = b[0].substring(0, 1);
const getSortKeyPrefix = firstLetter => {
if (firstLetter === "#") {
return "2";
if (firstLetter === ".") {
return "1";
return "0";
sortA = getSortKeyPrefix(firstA) + sortA;
sortB = getSortKeyPrefix(firstB) + sortB;
// String compare
return sortA.localeCompare(sortB);
return sorted.slice(0, 25);
module.exports = InspectorCommand;